The nationwide press and internet campaign “Take care of your heart” is about to start

On March 7, the 11th edition of the press and internet campaign “Zadbaj o życia” starts. Its organizer is the Medical Media Solutions publishing house, and the main patronage is the Polish Society of Cardiology.

The project was created with the substantive support of many respected experts, organizations and foundations. The campaign “Zadbaj o świata” is an important medium through which we summarize the current state of affairs, successes and the most urgent problems, and indicate the best solutions that allow for better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiological diseases.

The cover of the title featured prof. Marian Zembala – Director of the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze. In his material, he presented the achievements of the Silesian Center regarding heart and lung transplantation. Additionally, he shared his own last year’s experience of suffering a stroke. “As a physician, but also as a patient, I would like to pay particular attention to risk factors that may or may not predict stroke. Most of them are a consequence of our lifestyle ”- emphasizes prof. Zembala.

In the introductory article, Prof. Piotr Ponikowski, president of the Polish Cardiac Society, shows the importance of comprehensive patient care. “We cannot imagine that today a patient with heart failure could be left on his own and did not receive comprehensive care. Therefore, in the KONS program, we assume close cooperation between family doctors, nurses, psychologists, hospitals and patients. ” – appeals prof. Ponikowski.

One of the important topics of the project is pulmonary arterial hypertension, which is a rare and extremely dangerous disease. Alicjasea, president of the board of the Polish Association of People with Pulmonary Hypertension and their Friends, points out – “The difficulty in treating pulmonary hypertension is that it is diagnosed late. When patients finally see a doctor, they are often misdiagnosed. Sometimes, it takes even 2-3 years from the onset of symptoms to an accurate diagnosis, and the disease progresses, reducing the chances of survival.

“As you know, high cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, in Poland as much as 60% of the adult population has elevated levels of total cholesterol, which is why prevention is extremely important, ”points out Dr. Agnieszka Jarosz from the Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw. The doctor indicates how negative the consumption of saturated fatty acids has on our health and how we can eliminate them from our diet.

Stroke is the most serious vascular disease of the brain and one of the greatest medical problems. It is the third leading cause of death worldwide and the leading cause of disability in people over 40 years of age. Therefore, Prof. Piotr Hoffman, head of the Department of Congenital Heart Diseases, discussed the topic of preventing stroke. In the publication, we also took up the topic of proper blood flow, which is an important element in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

We recommend you this educational reading, because we have presented a lot of inspiring and reliable materials. The publication appears today with the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, and all materials will be successively available on the publishing house’s website

We sincerely encourage you to read the details of this educational project, which is also available online.

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