The National Health Test of Poles 2020. A few words about obesity
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In the 2020 National Health Test of Poles, we asked how you eat, are you physically active, what is your BMI, are you chronically ill and how do you feel. Survey analyzes have shown how our lifestyle is related to well-being, especially when it comes to extra pounds.

  1. 400 respondents took part in the National Health Test of Poles. It is the largest internet research of this type in Poland
  2. In a survey prepared in cooperation with experts, we asked, inter alia, for your health, well-being, attitude to physical activity and stimulants. The results were surprising
  3. 61 percent Poles have a problem with excessive body weight. Men are more likely to struggle with overweight and obesity
  4. At the same time, 50 percent. of the respondents admitted that they do not engage in any physical activity
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The problem of overweight and obesity concerns over half of the respondents

The editors of MedTvoiLokony in cooperation with experts from various fields of medicine conducted the National Health Test of Poles. Over 400 respondents took part in the first edition of the survey. Each of them, after completing the test, received their individual Health Index. It is an indicator showing the extent to which we care about our health.

Health Index

The Health Index shows to what extent the answers of the respondent to the questions asked and the actions declared in them regarding disease prevention and healthy lifestyle coincide with the recommendations of experts. The average Health Index of Poles was 61,9 percent.

During the survey, you had to enter your height and weight, thanks to which we obtained BMI – a body mass index used to assess whether the body weight is correct. The determination of this indicator (in adults) is important in assessing the risk of diseases related to overweight and obesity. The higher the BMI, the greater the risk to health.

What does the BMI of Poles look like? 61 percent of respondents have a problem with excessive body weight – 74 percent. men and 50 percent. women. 29 percent women and 46 percent. men are overweight. 28 percent suffer from obesity. men and 21 percent. women.

– In recent years, the prevalence of obesity has increased significantly in Polish society, which is particularly evident among children and adolescents. In these groups, the prevalence of obesity is growing fastest among OECD countries. This is caused, on the one hand, by the decreasing physical activity of Polish society, and on the other hand, by inappropriate health choices, explains the MedTvoiLokony expert, Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Jankowski.

Oczywiście BMI is not perfect. Body weight depends on many factors that BMI does not take into account. Thus, the calculation of the BMI index is not synonymous with the diagnosis of obesity or underweight, but one of the diagnostic methods. Now that we know that most of us have extra pounds, are we fighting them in some way? The answer can be found in the Poles’ approach to a healthy diet and physical activity.


  1. Five studies that Poles fear the most
  2. Preventive examinations for women of all ages. Do regularly
  3. Preventive examinations for men of all ages. Do regularly

The physical activity of Poles is limping

While 61 percent. of respondents have problems with excessive kilograms, at the same time 50 percent. he replies that he does not play any sports. According to the recommendations of the WHO, we should spend at least 150 minutes a week of moderate or 75 minutes of intense exercise on physical activity in our free time.

Unfortunately, most Poles do not exercise regularly, as demonstrated, among others, by NTZP. Only 24% spend at least two hours a week on physical activity. subjects. Less than 4 hours a month are booked by 13%. And the mentioned 50 percent. does not engage in any physical activity.

Overweight and obesity

they increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, degenerative bone diseases, respiratory diseases, hormonal disorders or malignant tumors.

The so-called a sedentary lifestyle contributes to weight gain. It is worth finding a physical activity that will please us. It does not matter if it will be walking (a short walk reduces the risk of diabetes), jogging, cycling or exercising at home with popular fitness bloggers. It is worth taking care of exercise, especially during a long stay at home. We recommend 6 exercises for each day.

It would be worth eating after exercise. How do Poles eat?

The menu needs to be changed

In response to the question: “What meals do you eat most often?”, 22 percent of the respondents replied that balanced meals are placed on their plates, in line with the food pyramid. Most often we choose meat meals (31%), and women, more often than men, eat vegetarian and vegan dishes.

The good news is that 59 percent. Poles eat fast food once a month or less frequently. Bad that 25 percent. eats them several times a month, and 3 percent. even several times a week.

Fast food types contain significant amounts of sugar, salt and saturated fatty acids and few valuable nutrients. Such a combination not only negatively affects our weight, but also affects health. Check: Can obese be malnourished?

Another bad news – we eat too little vegetables. Only 30 percent of them eat them every day. Poles. Vegetables are low in calories, packed with nutrients, and are definitely a better choice than fast food. 43 percent of the subjects eat vegetables several times a week. We remind you that the WHO recommends eating at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruit a day – about 5 servings.

We are no better when it comes to fruit. Only 34 percent. of respondents eat them every day. Interestingly, fruit consumption increases with the age of the respondents. In the group of 18-24 percent. only 20% eat them every day, but for the 65+ age group, this rate is 50%.

The National Health Test of Poles also showed how dissatisfied we are with our diet (and weight). How many people admit to being on a weight loss diet?

A slimming diet is not for everyone

As a reminder – 61 percent. Poles have a problem with extra pounds. 21 percent women and 28 percent. men are obese. What are we doing to change this? We use slimming diets. A small percentage of Poles – 6 percent. women and 3 percent. men admitted that they are on a slimming diet all the time. 15 percent ladies have been on a slimming diet at least once in the last yearand 33 percent. was on it at least once in your life.

46 percent women and 66 percent. men admitted that they had never been on a weight loss diet. We must remember that weight loss is not equal to weight loss. Miracle diets that promise to lose several pounds in a short period of time usually end with a yo-yo effect and, instead of helping, cause even more damage.

It’s worth checking out: 10 ways to lose weight healthily

More about the Polish National Health Test and the results: Poles told how they take care of their health. 400 thousand people completed the MedTvoiLokony survey

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