The National Health Fund (NFZ) is launching a second coronavirus hotline – for callers from abroad
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The second Patient Information Telephone number has been operating since Friday. The National Health Fund launched it in response to reports that it is difficult to connect to the first hotline number when calling from outside the country.

Coronavirus – the second NFZ hotline is launched

  1. The National Health Fund was receiving signals about difficulties in connecting to the free NFZ hotline number 800 190 590 outside Poland.

From now on, people using the services of foreign operators can call the 48-hour number: (+22) 125 66 00 XNUMX

The National Health Fund reports that the hotline consultants receive several thousand calls daily from people who want to obtain information related to the coronavirus.

  1. The five most common questions people ask about the coronavirus COVID-19 when calling the NHF helpline

The NFZ hotline has recently been partially operated by voicebot – an intelligent assistant. The machine provides support in the event of an accumulation of calls while providing the most frequently asked, basic questions for which consultation with a specialist is not required.

  1. The Minister of Health has launched a coronavirus hotline. We checked how it works

The call to the Patient Telephone Information Center is free of charge, and you can call the consultants XNUMX hours a day, seven days a week. Patients also have at their disposal a chat with a consultant, service in English as well as a video chat with a sign language interpreter. (PAP)

  1. Coronavirus COVID-19 information hotline. What number to call?

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