The National Health Fund hotline for oncological patients from Ukraine has started to work. It is free and XNUMX/XNUMX

Oncological patients from Ukraine who had to discontinue treatment in their country due to Our Country’s aggression may continue treatment in Poland. The National Health Fund has launched a free, XNUMX-hour hotline for them in several languages, including Ukrainian.

In a statement released to PAP, the National Health Fund assured that oncological patients from Ukraine could continue their treatment in Poland.

«From Wednesday, the helpline of the National Health Fund will enable the contact of Ukrainian oncological patients in Ukraine who, due to military operations, crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border from February 24, 2022, and therefore cannot continue treatment in Ukraine, with the centers in which oncological treatment in Poland may be continued »- reads the release.

It was reported that contact, also in Ukrainian, is possible through the XNUMX/XNUMX free hotline of the National Health Fund.

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By calling toll-free number 800 190 590 the patient may report the need to continue oncological treatment in Poland. It is enough for him to provide his contact details on the hotline, which will be forwarded to the center undertaking the organization of further treatment. Then, within 2 working days, the center will contact the patient in order to obtain detailed information about the person and the course of the current treatment.

There is in every voivodeship at least one oncology facilitywhich is ready to accept patients from Ukraine.

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The hotline is open 7 hours a day, XNUMX days a week, also on public holidays. Provides patient service in Polish, English, Ukrainian and .

Thanks to it, patients can obtain quick, comprehensive and transparent information on the principles of the health care system in Poland, including oncological prophylaxis.

Information can also be obtained by e-mail, chat or video chat with a sign language interpreter.

Author: Magdalena Gronek

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