😉 Hello dear readers! Gentlemen, the secret of the death of Alexander I is still a mystery. This is one of the most mysterious and not yet solved mysteries of the nineteenth century – the unexpected death of the emperor of great Russia, Alexander the First. Perhaps we will start at the beginning of this strange story.
Death of Alexander I
On September 1, 1825, the emperor went to the district town of Taganrog.
Let us recall that in May 1820 the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin stayed here on his way to the Caucasus. He spent the night in the house of the mayor P.A. Papkov. Five and a half years later, by an incredible coincidence, the mysterious death of Emperor Alexander I was recorded in the same house.
Subsequently, at the behest of Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, the first Russian memorial museum of Alexander the Blessed was organized in this building. The museum existed from 1826 to 1927.
Strange facts
Historians are also interested in one more circumstance. As is known from the testimony of persons close to the emperor, Alexander I had already spoken more than once about his desire to abdicate the throne before the trip.
The relatives and many from the entourage of the sovereign knew this. All of them persuaded not to commit such an act, because they feared political instability in a huge state. Arriving in Taganrog, the emperor began to complain of very poor health. And a few days later he passed away.
Death of Alexander I in Taganrog November 19, 1825
Naturally, someone wrote a conclusion about the death of the emperor – the first person of the state. And it had to be, at least, the chief doctor of this city and the doctor who accompanied the king on the trip. But it is still not known what disease caused the death of the Russian emperor.
Later, historians examined the protocol of the autopsy of the monarch’s body and it turned out that the doctor’s signature was forged. It is difficult even to imagine a person who made a fake about the death of the king.
Even more surprising is the fact that the pious Alexander I, “feeling worse by the hour,” did not order to invite a priest to confess.
The coffin was taken to St. Petersburg and installed in the Archangel Cathedral, but not opened. The crowd of people who had come to say goodbye to the priest-king was seething with indignation that the coffin was closed and they could not say goodbye to him in a divine way.
The emperor, according to the documents, died on November 19, 1825. At the same time, a courier named Maskov died in Taganrog. But his grave does not exist.
Another oddity. Relatives of Maskov, publicly cried a lot about the loss of a loved one, but did not organize the funeral, but accompanied the tsar’s coffin. So they were aware of this secret?
Another strange fact is that Elizaveta Alekseevna, the sovereign’s wife, died on the way from Taganrog to St. Petersburg. It happened a few months after the “death” of Alexander I. Very suspicious!
Mysterious old man
Ten years later, in Petersburg, rumors about Elder Fyodor Kuzmich, who lived in Siberia, were heatedly discussed in the capital. He wandered through the villages, taught the local peasants to read and write, amazed with his erudition and knew history very well.
The elder spoke with interesting details about the commanders Suvorov and Kutuzov, as well as about statesmen. When meeting with educated people, Fyodor Kuzmich spoke in a foreign language.
Similarity between Alexander I and Elder Fyodor Kuzmich
And everyone who saw the emperor during his lifetime saw in the elder an incredible resemblance to Alexander the First. Of course, historians admit that this could only be a fantasy or a legend. But, as you know, many legends passed down from generation to generation are based on real events.
This video provides additional information to the article.
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