The mysterious COVID-19 disease affects more than just children. Adults also get sick
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A few months after the discovery of a rare inflammatory disease related to COVID-19, which was seen in children, CDC officials warn that adults could also be affected. The American agency published a report on this subject on October 2. Live Science described the case.

  1. In spring, the first reports of a mysterious inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents linked to COVID-19 appeared
  2. Doctors called it “multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children” or MIS-C (because it can affect all organs and cause increased inflammation in the body)
  3. In the summer, information about a disease similar to MIS-C appeared, this time affecting adults
  4. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

MIS-C. A mysterious disease of children related to COVID-19

In the spring, the first reports of a mysterious inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents linked to COVID-19 appeared. It manifests itself, inter alia, in fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bloodshot eyes, fatigue. It often requires hospitalization, including intensive care. Doctors called the disease “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” or MIS-C (as it can affect all organs and cause increased inflammation in the body). The condition is associated with the coronavirus. Many patients either test positive for SARS-CoV-2 or have antibodies, which indicates a recent infection.

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The symptoms of “multi-system inflammation” are similar to those of Kawasaki disease. It is an acute inflammation of the small vessels and is potentially life-threatening. Treatments for Kawasaki disease are currently known, but the causes are still not fully known. It is believed that it can be triggered by various microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi), as well as environmental factors.

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According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, an agency of the US federal government that is part of the Department of Health and Human Services), 935 cases of MIS-C, including 19 deaths, have been reported in the US.

The rare disease associated with COVID-19 also affects adults. It’s MIS-A

According to Live Science, in the summer there was information about a disease similar to MIS-C, this time affecting adults. It has been dubbed “adult multiorgan inflammatory syndrome” or MIS-A. A new CDC report described 27 cases of MIS-A from the US and UK. 16 of them were described in detail (these patients were between 21 and 50 years old).

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Some of the symptoms seen in adults resembled those seen in children with MIS-C. These included fever, gastrointestinal symptoms, and rash. Some patients have complained of chest pain or palpitations. All of them were diagnosed with inflammation in the body.

The CDC report states that 10 patients required treatment in the intensive care unit. Two patients died.

The underlying causes of MIS-C and MIS-A are unknown. However, as the authors of the report point out, the described patients with MIS-A either tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 or had antibodies against it (30 percent of the adults described in the document and 45 percent of the 440 children with MIS- C was negative for SARS-CoV-2 but positive for antibodies).

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“This suggests that MIS-A and MIS-C may be post-infection processes,” the authors of the report suspect. So, more research is needed to understand the exact causes of this condition and its long-term effects.

Already, however, the CDC encourages doctors to take into account MIS-A in their diagnosis when observing the above-mentioned symptoms in their patients.

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