The mother of the late Zhanna Friske wrote a letter to her daughter

The singer passed away two years ago. And for her family, she is still alive.

June 15 is the second anniversary of the death of Zhanna Friske. The singer died in her prime of life from a brain tumor. And since then, the war has not stopped around the son of Jeanne and Dmitry Shepelev, Plato. The singer’s sister, Natalya, and her father are trying to sue custody of the boy. To deprive a baby, left without a mother, of a father, is a strange idea. But maybe the point is in the terrible grief that fell on the family?

On the eve of the bitter date, Zhanna’s mother, Olga Vladimirovna, wrote a letter to her daughter – Zhanna is still alive for her. Mom is still waiting for a call from her daughter, although she understands that the phone will never ring …

They won’t be able to talk – that’s why Olga Vladimirovna writes. Words about how she misses, how Natasha copes with her grief. And about Jeanne’s son, Plato. Who looks so much like his mom.

“I would like so much to please you with good news. But with what? Unless I saw Platoshka in May – for the first time in a year. Dima brought him to the circus performance, and we were called. Plato recognized me. He got taller and lost weight. Turns into a little man. And the haircut is like yours in childhood, only the back of the head is shaved, – quotes a letter from Olga Vladimirovna “StarHit“. “Growing smart and beautiful.”

According to Jeanne’s mother, everything in her grandson reminds her of her daughter – not only a haircut, but also intonation, movement.

“Platosha repeats your gesture during a conversation – twists the right handle,” said the grandmother. – And how reasonable he is! Grandfather asked: “Plato, what gift should I buy for you?” And I heard: “At your discretion.” Can you imagine? Answers like an adult. It is a pity that the meeting was short – only fifteen minutes. “

The grandmother said that she asked the boy to call her. He promised, but the call never came.

“Recently I calculated: I raised him for exactly two years, two months, two weeks. Three deuces. Some parents think that this is a troublesome period – diapers, lack of sleep, first teeth, but for a grandmother any age is joyful, ”Olga Vladimirovna continues. Grandma recalls: the boy was almost not capricious. And the pleasant events associated with him were much more than a hassle. “I took him in a stroller, fed him, read fairy tales. Do you remember when our shepherd puppet was born? Plato just started walking. I saw the aviary and asked to go there. The dog let him go to the kids, licked his hands, and he played with the puppies. How much joy there was in his eyes … “

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