The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

Greetings, dear readers! In this article, you will learn about the impact of bad habits on a person and about effective methods of getting rid of them. Bad habits are compulsive, repetitive, physiologically addictive behaviors that are antisocial and harmful. You can learn more from my previous article: “What is a habit and what are they like in a person”.

Any «unloading» of the brain, obtained from analytical operations, is a habit. A bad habit is formed more quickly, often as a way for the nervous system to deal with stress. Good habits work on the same principle, but they differ from bad ones:

  1. They are harder to get.
  2. They benefit others and/or the human body.

The mechanism of formation of bad habits

The study of addictions and the mechanism of their formation in a person is engaged in the modern science of addiction (from the English Addiction — dependence).

«Life is full of stress.» If you agree with this statement, then most likely you already have one of the bad habits or are at risk of getting one or more.

In psychology, there is the concept of «internal physical and psychological reserves», the lack of which pushes people to find an easier way to deal with stress — an addiction.

The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

In addictology, this is interpreted as an attempt to get away from problems behind illusory walls. As a result, a person prefers to actively consume various kinds of chemicals, stimulants of pleasant experiences, and becomes their hostage. A kind of “ritual” is formed, only thanks to which a person can feel a harmonious psychological state.

The reverse side of the acquisition of habits is their impact on health, including the delay in psychological development and the gradual degradation of a person.

Formation algorithm

Bad habits are formed according to the following algorithm:

  1. In the subconscious, a connection is formed between pleasure and the intake of the selected substance.
  2. The rhythm of dependence associated with the frequent use of the substance is fixed, which manifests itself as a refusal of the psyche to cope with everyday stressful situations on its own.
  3. Dependence takes root in the human psyche and there is a kind of “split personality”, where its healthy part tends to normal life, the one that was before the acquisition of the habit. Over time, the healthy part weakens, and the «sick» seeks solitude and narrowing the circle of communication to a small company consisting of the same dependent people. This phenomenon is called the “wall of illusion” of control over oneself, emotions and addiction.
  4. Stage of loss of behavioral control. In this phase, all human actions resonate with the habit.
  5. Overdose of substances and the onset of serious health problems.

In the process of passing through the stages of acquiring addiction, strong connections and subconscious behavior programs are formed in the human brain. Recall a series from the animated series «Smeshariki». Losyash, in an attempt to get rid of overeating, began to see a flying sandwich, which hinted to him to harm Krosh and the Hedgehog, because they hide food from him. He easily succumbed to this, because he communicated with his subconscious and was already ready to do the irreparable. But fortunately, this is a children’s cartoon and everything ended well for Krosh and the Hedgehog.

All actions committed by an addicted person are completely justified for him. Gradually, a person loses self-esteem, families, careers are destroyed, mental and physical health is undermined. Instead, a person enters a vicious circle, convinced that only this addiction can solve life’s problems.

Types of bad habits

All habits are inherently harmful, but human benefit and social acceptability determine the degree of «harmfulness» of each of them. In this article I will tell you what the society is against, as well as what is considered more or less acceptable.

Drug addiction

The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

The use of narcotic drugs is considered the most harmful and unacceptable habit, as it leads to mental and physical impairment of body functions faster than others.

Most drugs are poisons that slowly destroy the brain and psyche.

It is enough to take a closer look at the composition of conventional headache remedies and other medicines, including children’s ones — you will find narcotic substances.

In nature, narcotic substances existed long before the appearance of man. The bottom line is that their use, as a way of coping with stress, leads to dire consequences.

People can die from heart failure, fatal nosebleeds, and more. When using LSD, a person loses the ability to spatial orientation, which can lead to the last flight with the «Angel in Heaven», for example, from the 9th floor.

Everyone’s favorite statistic says that 60% of drug addicts commit suicide, which is explained by the loss of the instinct of self-preservation. The decision to commit suicide is reinforced by social pressure and reclusive behavior.

With regular drug use, a person loses the ability to reasonably assess what is happening, even when he is not in a state of drug intoxication.

Alcohol addiction

The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

Alcoholic drinks are present in almost every home. The most interesting thing is that they are encouraged by a certain part of society.

Drinking alcohol is part of our lives in such cases:

  • «on holidays»,
  • for company»,
  • out of respect
  • to calm the nerves.

Under the influence of alcohol, which is found in alcoholic beverages, all systems of vital activity collapse, starting with the nervous and cardiovascular.

With regular use of low-alcohol and strong drinks, the following diseases can be acquired:

  • depression,
  • muscle weakness,
  • blood clots in blood vessels
  • diabetes,
  • brain shrinkage,
  • swollen liver,
  • kidney problems,
  • impotence,
  • a stomach ulcer.

Drinking alcohol, even in minimal amounts, leads to a decrease in intellectual function for at least a week. A bottle of vodka drunk in an hour can kill on the spot.

Alcohol is an ancient, historically proven way to control the masses and destroy nations. People with reduced intelligence and addiction are easier to manipulate. And also selling alcohol is a good way to make a profit.


The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

Tobacco smoking or simply smoking is the process of inhaling the smoke of slowly smoldering dried or treated with nicotine concentrate tobacco leaves.

Like all addicts, smokers believe that health problems will not affect them. Unfortunately, there is a price to pay for every bad habit.

According to statistical studies among the male population under the age of 65, people who inhale cigarette smoke will sooner or later cause irreparable harm to their lungs and fall into a risk group with a probability of death:

  • 90% from oncological diseases,
  • 74% — from acute bronchitis,
  • 26% — from coronary heart disease.

Smoking among the female population, even passive smoke inhalation, can lead to infertility in women.

Now there is an alternative — inhalation of vapor of electronic cigarettes. At its core, the presence of nicotine causes the same physical dependence, but the consequences of this are not as depressing as those of tobacco smoking.

However, the entry into the cycle is made in the same way for both versions of smoking, forming a psychological and physiological addiction.

Other bad habits

The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

There are also «socially acceptable» habits, such as:

  • Improper nutrition and overeating. This is certainly harmful, but to a greater extent for the «glutton» than for society. Therefore, it is often not considered as a uniquely bad habit.
  • Promiscuity is also an addiction, but thanks to the work of social media groups, it has become positive.
  • Gambling is an addiction to gambling. Due to the profitability of the gambling business, this habit is available in various forms, which is condemned only when the addict violates the rules for non-payment of debts or is involved in theft in order to continue the game.
  • Cybernetic addiction to computer games. Suffice it to mention that today there are many tournaments. Esports has become an almost respectful way of expressing oneself. The business itself is very profitable.
  • caffeine addiction. Almost not socially unacceptable.
  • Diet addiction. By slowing down your metabolism, a person gains weight again after the end of the diet — this is how the cycle of dependence on diets looks like.
  • Profanity is a bad habit of using swear words in public places. Condemned in certain social groups.
  • Pharmacological dependence on medicinal preparations. Now there are a large number of antibiotics that help to cope with the causative agent of the infection much faster than the body would cope on its own. On the one hand, this is a positive side of life in a civilized society, but on the other hand, the body ceases to cope on its own. And even the simplest infection will require more and more drugs to recover.

How to get rid of bad habits?

The most useless and harmful habits that affect the human body

It is better to enter any cycles no more than 30%, so as not to become addicted.

If the addiction has already appeared, then there are specialized clinics that help get rid of it.

In some cases, the method of replacing a bad habit with a healthy and socially acceptable one helps. For example:

  • workaholism,
  • vaping electronic cigarettes,
  • sports and so on.

You can overcome bad habits on your own. For this, it is necessary to radically change the way of life, up to a change of work and place of residence.

It will take willpower, which can be developed now. A complete rejection of a bad habit is necessary, since making concessions to yourself will always be a strong temptation. Changing the social circle to the category of successful people without habits will help you.


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