Beer is the most popular alcohol in the world. What is remarkable about this drink and what unusual types of beer exist?
Interesting features of beer
Beer is a truly versatile drink. It not only quenches thirst, but also improves health. Back in the XNUMXth century, it was used to eliminate toothache. Later, the same drink was washed down with medicines in hospitals. To date, in Finland, this alcohol is considered the best antidepressant.
Not many people know how to brew beer, but today it is an indispensable attribute on the menu of Czech hockey players. And in a city like Matsuzdaki, cows are generously treated to beer. Thus, farmers manage to get a special kind of marbled beef. It turns out that this is not just a tasty, but also a healthy drink.
Top 5 most unusual beers
A variety of varieties of this unique drink are available for sale. Below are the most unusual of them:
- Pizza flavored beer. The amazing creation of spouses Tom and Atena Sifer from Illinois. The creators decided to combine a snack and a drink, to make a drink 2 in 1, so to speak. The spouses first tested the alcohol produced in the walls of the garage on friends. The result was positive. Then, having entered into a contract with the brewery, the Siferts released their creation to the “masses”. The case brought unprecedented success. Beer is remarkable for its composition. In addition to traditional ingredients (barley, malt, yeast), basil, garlic, and tomatoes are present here.
- Seaweed ale. An unusual drink is produced by the Scottish brewery Williams Brothers. Alcohol is prepared according to an old recipe. Cereal beer has a unique aroma and original, salty taste. Algae is added during the primary fermentation stage. The result is a real sea drink enriched with iodine. Williams Brothers is the only brewery in Scotland to produce this unusual spirit.
- Milk beer. What to do with excess dairy products? A farmer from the island of Hokkaido found an unusual use for them. The man decided to make beer from cow’s milk. Soon the dairy products were sold to a local brewery. Specialists have developed a technology for preparing an exquisite drink and launched the production of alcohol. So, more than 10 years ago, an unusual beer called “Bilk” appeared in Japan. Alcohol is still in demand today. A drink with a fruity taste helps relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.
- Horse beer. Boston-based Samuel Adams once decided to make a truly strong beer. Utopias alcohol has become the most expensive drink in the world. Due to the long production cycle, the exquisite goods appear on the shelves only twice a year. Pleasure is not cheap – $ 150 per bottle. Over the years, the quality of strong beer only increases. Alcohol tastes like cognac. Drinking exclusive beer is recommended after meals.
- Children’s beer. On the shelves of Japan you can now find children’s beer. The apple flavored soft drink is called Kodomo-no-nominomo. Like adult beer, it is available in bottles or cans. To this day, there are disputes regarding this unusual children’s drink. In Western countries, it is believed that children’s beer can contribute to the development of teenage alcoholism. Japan has a different view of the situation. It is believed that such a drink does not pose a threat to the health and well-being of children. On the contrary, it unites adults and children, helps the whole family to gather at the same table.
These are some of the most unusual beers in the world.