The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

Just half a century ago, there were no more than a hundred varieties of bell pepper, only pale green and red fruits were known. To date, breeders have already bred more than a thousand of the best varieties and hybrids of this healthy and tasty vegetable. Now there are peppers of different tastes: sweet, sweet and sour, bitter, as well as multi-colored varieties: yellow, red, orange, green and purple, even white peppers are quite common.

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

Bulgarian pepper – a little “capricious” culture:

  • it is planted only in seedlings;
  • prefers loose, chernozem soils;
  • loves warmth and moisture;
  • cannot develop normally without sufficient sun;
  • has fragile shoots that need to be tied up and pinched.

Despite all this, breeders managed to bring out a lot of unpretentious varieties of peppers, the best of them will be presented below.

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

Attention! Sweet pepper is a storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements. This vegetable contains a very large amount of vitamin C (more than blackcurrant berries), carotene (vitamin A) and a very rare vitamin PP. By consuming fresh pepper, you can saturate the body with the necessary dose of nutrients.

What are the different varieties of peppers

Unpretentiousness is not the only quality that varieties selected for growing in a garden or cottage should have. Plants are equally important:

  • resistance to various diseases;
  • ability to withstand a drop in temperature;
  • taste qualities;
  • commodity characteristics of vegetables;
  • maturation periods.
Important! Even the most unpretentious and resistant varieties must be watered at least once every 10 days, loosen the soil between the rows, fertilize the soil before planting and during the formation of ovaries.

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

For the northern regions of the country and the Urals, early-ripening varieties are most suitable.. The fruits of such peppers will have time to ripen in a couple of months of a short and cold summer. In addition, it is the early varieties that give the most abundant harvests, peppers are distinguished by good taste, suitable for growing both in greenhouses and in open ground.

In the south of the country, early or mid-season varieties and hybrids are also most often grown. But in regions with long, warm summers, late ripening peppers can also be cultivated. They are less productive than early ones, but fresh vegetables in the beds will grow until the first frost – mid-October.

How to grow peppers

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

Bell pepper varieties that do not require special care still need some mandatory steps:

  1. Planting in the ground or in the greenhouse in seedlings. Seedlings must be prepared 1,5-2 months before. Seeds are sown in large boxes, and then dive into individual containers.
  2. Preliminary preparation of the soil: fertilizer, digging, disinfection.
  3. Young plants should not be exposed to low temperatures, even resistant varieties are best covered at night with a dense film or special agrofibre.
  4. It is important to know when to harvest – the technical maturity of peppers is determined by their color. Often depicted on seed packages, the red fruit can be picked when it has a green tint. Such vegetables are quite suitable for eating, contain all the necessary vitamins and substances. During storage, you can notice that the color of the peel changes – this indicates the biological maturity of the vegetable.
Advice! For canning various lechos and salads, it is better to choose “fleshy” peppers with thick walls. Thin-walled medium-sized peppers are suitable for stuffing. But it is more convenient to pickle or pickle whole small fruits – they are better and faster soaked in brine.

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

“Red Square”

The variety belongs to early ripening – the first fruits can be eaten 110 days after planting the seeds. The bushes grow small, their height reaches 70 cm. The peppers themselves have the shape of a cube with clear edges. Inside the vegetable is divided into four chambers with seeds.

The color of the ripe fruit is bright green, after storage it changes to scarlet. The wall thickness reaches 9 mm, which makes the fruit very tasty and juicy. The mass of each vegetable is at least 280 grams.

The plant is resistant to most viral diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. Mature peppers tolerate transportation well and can be stored for a long time.

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

One of the most unpretentious varieties is Ivanhoe. This pepper grows in small bushes, it does not need to be tied up and pinched, which greatly simplifies plant care.

The culture is early ripe, the first vegetables can be eaten already at the stage of technical maturity – on the 105th day after sowing the seeds.

The fruits grow small, weighing up to 120 grams. The peel is painted first in a milky white shade, and after full maturation it acquires a scarlet color. The wall thickness ranges from 5,5 to 6 mm. The shape of the pepper is cone-shaped, the vegetable is divided into two or three chambers, there are many seeds inside.

The Ivanhoe variety is valued primarily for its commercial qualities – it tolerates transportation well, it is stored for a long time, the crop consists of smooth and even fruits.


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

The semi-determinant variety of bell pepper – “Funtik” ripens by the 110-120th day after planting the seeds. The bushes are compact, their height lies in the range of 50-70 cm. The plants have a lot of foliage and side shoots, as well as a large number of ovaries. About 17 fruits ripen on each pepper bush at the same time.

The fruits have a cone-shaped, slightly uneven shape. The variety is very unpretentious – it staunchly resists diseases and verticillium wilt, you can grow a crop both in the garden and in a closed greenhouse.


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

The determinate variety of sweet pepper – “Czardas” refers to high-yielding varieties. Up to 18 fruits can be harvested from one compact bush. The shape of the peppers is cone-shaped, the mass of each reaches 220 grams. The wall thickness is 6 mm.

Ripe vegetables are orange-red in color. The ovaries on low bushes appear in bunches, the plant becomes very beautiful during the ripening period of the peppers.

The variety is not infected by many viruses and diseases, endures worsening weather conditions. “Czardas” can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Vegetables are suitable for both canning and fresh consumption.

“ox ear”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

The culture belongs to mid-season, the first vegetables can be removed already on the 130th day after planting the seeds for seedlings. The variety is suitable for growing in open ground and for planting under a film, in a greenhouse.

The bushes grow small, the peppers themselves are of medium size – the length is 16 cm, and the weight is 200 grams. The hue of the fruit is bright green, turning red to full ripening. The walls of the vegetable are quite thick – up to 8 mm, which makes the pepper of this variety very juicy and “fleshy”.

Despite the juiciness, vegetables can be stored for a long time without loss of elasticity. Ripe peppers have a cone-shaped elongated shape, slightly corrugated peel.

Fruits can be preserved, added to various dishes and salads.


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

It belongs to those rare varieties of bell peppers that love a thickened planting. Such a culture will take root well in a cramped summer cottage, in a small greenhouse or film tunnel.

Due to its high yield, “Atlant” has become the favorite of many gardeners – it gives consistently high yields. The fruits themselves are quite large – their length is 26 cm, and the weight reaches 250 grams. The thickness of the walls of the fruit can reach up to 11 mm, which makes the pepper very juicy and tasty.


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

The mid-early variety gives fruits on the 120th day after planting seeds for seedlings. The bushes grow very small – their height reaches only 50 cm. This does not prevent the Eroshka variety from being considered one of the highest yielding. The plant gives fruits together, about 16 ripe peppers can be removed from one bush at the same time.

The shape of the vegetable is similar to a cube with weak ribs, inside it is divided into four chambers filled with seeds.

At first, the fruits are painted in a pale green color, and as they ripen, they turn red. The plant is resistant to various diseases and parasites, does not require complex care, can be grown in any way (on a bed or under a film). The fruits have excellent taste characteristics and can be used in any form.

“Lemon Miracle”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

Variety with very beautiful, bright yellow fruits. The plant gives fruits early – on the 112th day after planting in the ground, reaches a small height – the bushes are compact, up to 60 cm.

The fruits grow quite large – often their weight exceeds 200 grams. The peel of the fruit is smooth, the walls are thick.

Peppers of the Lemon Miracle variety look great in jars, have an excellent taste and aroma. The culture normally tolerates bad weather conditions, does not need careful and complex care.


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

A very productive mid-season bell pepper variety. Many ovaries appear on one plant, the fruits grow very large, so the bushes must be tied up.

Mature peppers are bright red in color, have a glossy skin and a cube-shaped shape. The average weight of one vegetable is 350 grams, the walls are up to 10 mm thick. The taste of the fruit is excellent: juicy, rich, with a special “pepper” aroma. The vegetable is suitable for growing in any way.

The plant is unpretentious, all it needs is the timely tying of shoots with young fruits.

“Siberian bonus”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

This unusual variety is recognized not only in Our Country, but throughout the world. A distinctive feature of pepper is a thick, dense pulp. After all, the wall thickness of the vegetable reaches 12 mm.

Peppers grow up to 300 grams, have the shape of a cube, their peel and flesh are painted in a rich orange color.

From small bushes, whose height rarely exceeds 50 cm, you can get a high yield of sweet, juicy peppers of an unusual shade. With all the merits, the variety is not whimsical at all, tolerates diseases well and can be grown even in the northern regions.

Vegetables are great for canning, salting, cooking various dishes and fresh salads.

“Sun of Italy”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

One of the best commercial varieties is the Sun of Italy pepper. Unusually large fruits reach a weight of 600 grams, of course, to achieve such a result, you will have to work hard.

However, the plant is quite unpretentious, can be grown even in open ground. Bushes grow low and compact – up to 50 cm in height.

The fruits are yellow-orange in color, have a regular prismatic shape and a shiny smooth peel. Vegetables perfectly tolerate transportation even over long distances, are subject to long-term storage, and are resistant to various diseases.

“Wide Balls”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

The product of Moldovan breeders – the variety of sweet pepper “Shorokshari” has repeatedly become the winner of international exhibitions.

The plant grows only 40-50 cm, but has many fruits. Up to 20 peppers can be removed from one such bush. The peppers themselves are large in size – their weight often reaches 400 grams.

The shape of the fruit is cone-shaped, the walls are even and smooth. The pulp of this vegetable is very juicy with an unusual spicy aroma. You can cook any dishes from the fruit, but it is best suited for canned salads and lecho.

On one bush at once there can be a mass of fruits of different shades: from pale green to yellow and orange-red.


The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

One of the most unpretentious varieties is Belozerka. This pepper is known both in the south and in the north. In any climatic conditions, the plant gives a fairly high and stable yield.

The fruits themselves have an excellent presentation – large sizes, one-dimensional vegetables, smooth yellow skin.

The variety can be grown in the garden, and in the greenhouse, and in the greenhouse.


In this variety, the most remarkable thing is the shape and color of the fruit. Peppers have an unusual heart-shaped shape and a rich cherry color.

Ripe fruits are very similar to tomatoes – the same juicy, appetizing and sweet, with thick “fleshy” pulp.

Growing conditions are not very important for this variety. It gives abundant harvests not only in the garden, in the greenhouse and greenhouse, but even on the balcony and in the flower pot.

“Golden Jubilee”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

One of the early ripe varieties of bell pepper has low bushes and a lush crown. The vegetable is high-yielding, gives a consistently large number of fruits.

The peppers themselves are painted in a juicy orange color, have the shape of a cube and fairly thick walls – up to 7 mm.

The mass of each vegetable reaches 150 grams. Peppers have an excellent taste and aroma, suitable for cooking a variety of dishes.

“Bel Goy”

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

A rare variety whose seeds are not found on the market, they are sold only in large stores. The plant reaches a height of 120 cm, so it is preferable to grow it not in the garden, but in the greenhouse, tying it on a trellis.

The fruits themselves are also very large – their average weight is 400 grams. The shape of the vegetable is an elongated cuboid. The pulp is juicy and aromatic.

What determines the unpretentiousness of pepper

Information on a bag of seeds about the unpretentiousness of a particular variety speaks of several factors at once:

  • lower labor costs of the owner;
  • the ability to withstand temperature fluctuations without dropping flowers and ovaries;
  • resistance to viruses and diseases.

The most unpretentious varieties of peppers

Experienced gardeners already have their favorite varieties of vegetables, but those who first decided to go in for farming will have to experiment to choose the most suitable pepper variety for specific conditions.

Pepper harvest. Super varieties.

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