Fortunately, not all women are faced with them while expecting a baby. But for those who have faced these problems, statistics does not make it easier.
Morning sickness, cravings for salty or generally very strange culinary desires, mood swings – these are well-known signs of pregnancy, over which perhaps the lazy one was not joking. But there are other symptoms that few people talk about. Firstly, because not all pregnant women face them. Secondly, because these symptoms are very unpleasant – worse than toxicosis.
1. Foot enlargement
And not at all because of edema. Familiar shoes can become cramped due to the hormone relaxin, which affects the joints, making them more flexible. This hormone relaxes the ligaments in the feet, causing them to grow in size. The worst thing about this news is that the legs will not return to their previous size.
2. Loss of navel
This does not happen to all women, but it does happen quite often. The navel, which is usually a depression, suddenly bulges and becomes like the tail of a balloon. Not a very inspiring prospect, is it? Fortunately, this is reversible – after childbirth, the abdomen will return to its previous shape. And the navel too.
3. Aggravated sense of smell
This usually happens in the first trimester. A heightened scent comes along with toxicosis and only intensifies the nausea. After all, before the pleasant smells begin to enrage terribly, the “aroma” of the trash can is felt even from behind the closed door, and even turns out from the smell of her husband. Fortunately, this usually goes away by the second trimester.
4. Gingivitis of pregnant women
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue. In pregnant women, it occurs due to hormonal changes: the blood supply to the mucous membranes and skin deteriorates, and if it manifests itself on the skin in the form of rashes, then the mucous membranes become inflamed. The gums become more sensitive and easily damaged. The first symptom of gingivitis is that the gums bleed while brushing your teeth. Be sure to see a doctor.
5. Skin itching
The skin during pregnancy generally undergoes a lot of tests, some stretch marks are worth it. Moreover, there is intolerable itching, which intensifies when in contact with unpleasant tissue. This is all due to the hormone estrogen, the level of which jumps sharply during pregnancy. The skin becomes very dry and itchy. You have to use moisturizers all the time.
6. Rhinitis of pregnant women
A runny nose, a persistent runny nose for no apparent reason is very unpleasant. It is caused by changes in the functioning of the immune system and hormonal levels. Such physiological rhinitis often occurs against the background of preeclampsia: the composition of the blood changes, the permeability of the vessels, too, and edema of the mucous membranes begins. It is important not to confuse this attack with a cold. By the way, rhinitis of pregnant women cannot be cured, you can only remove the symptoms. It will pass only after childbirth.
7. Increased salivation
Quite a nasty symptom. “I felt like Pavlov’s dog,” a friend who had to run into him complained to me. We usually swallow automatically, even without paying attention to saliva, unless the mouth is dry. And here you have to carry a scarf with you all the time. Why this happens is not completely clear, but everything is habitually attributed to hormones.
8. Toxicosis and vomiting of pregnant women
So we got to our good old toxicosis. The usual morning sickness is unpleasant, but what can you do. But 2% of pregnant women face such a misfortune as vomiting of pregnant women, when they feel sick around the clock, vomiting, dehydration, severe headache and weight loss begin. Kate Middleton had to endure such symptoms all three times that she was pregnant. In this state, a woman is usually hospitalized. It passes only by the second trimester.
9. Darkening of the armpits
This does not affect the state of health in any way, it is simply unpleasant and not very aesthetically pleasing. Due to hormones raging in the body of a pregnant woman, some areas of the skin darken: usually it is the armpits and the area above the upper lip. And hyperpigmentation can also occur when the face has dark spots. And nothing can be done about it.
10. Acne and pimples
Due to the deterioration of blood circulation and dryness, the skin begins to become inflamed. Many moms say that they are going through a second adolescence: it is simply impossible to get rid of acne and blackheads! The situation is further complicated by the fact that not all anti-acne drugs and medications can be used during pregnancy. In each case, a doctor’s consultation is needed.
11. Craving for the inedible
On the forums, moms share what secret desires they visited during pregnancy. Among the most common are to chew lime, sniff the sleepers. Some people intolerably want to nibble on a cactus, eat sand or even clay. And someone gets high from the smell of cow dung. The craving to eat inedibles suggests that the body of the expectant mother is acutely lacking some kind of nutrient, trace element, mineral or vitamin. So this is a reason to go to the doctor.
12. Metallic taste in the mouth
This condition is called dysgeusia, a form of taste disorder. It may be mental, but in our case it is again due to hormones. According to some scientists, the metallic taste in the mouth is a reaction to an increase in estrogen levels. It is unpleasant and not treated, you have to wait for the birth.