The most underestimated symptoms of cancer. The doctor lists three

The sooner we detect cancer, the greater the chances of being able to defeat it – doctors repeat, urging for preventive checkups. Unfortunately, we are reluctant to test and often underestimate some – atypical – symptoms of cancer. Dr. Nighat Arif chose a list of symptoms that, although they seem trivial to us and completely unrelated to cancer, should be of concern to us.

Dr Arif, interviewed by, compared cancer treatment to assembling pieces of a puzzle. You cannot ignore any detail and you have to be extremely vigilant. The doctor also recognized that the fight against cancer starts with the patient. It is he who should be alert and react to all unusual signals coming from the body. Therefore, every change and deviation from the norm should be carefully monitored. We cannot let anything lull our vigilance.

Unusual symptoms of cancer

According to Dr. Arif, lower back pain is the most often underestimated symptom of cancer. It mainly indicates cancer of the bladder or ovary.

Another symptom that should turn on a control lamp is bleeding from the anus. However, it is easy to lose your vigilance here. Dr. Arif warns that this is not about pure, red blood that is to come out of our anus. I am talking primarily about the “black pile”. “People do not realize, but the black poo means that there is bleeding above the stomach” – explains the expert.

The next symptom of cancer that we don’t pay attention to is papules and lumps. However, Dr. Arif is primarily referring to young people. Adults are more aware that a small lump that has appeared in the breast, for example, may mean that we are developing cancer. However, if a 16-year-old feels a similar swelling on his testicle, there is little chance that he will think about cancer.. Dr Arif believes that this is because there is a perception among young people that only older people are affected by cancer.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, don’t panic. It doesn’t have to be the worst right now. However, it is worth going to the family doctor to consult with him about any complaints. “If she suspects cancer, she will refer you to a specialist,” says Dr. Arif.

How can I reduce my risk of developing cancer?

Unfortunately, the exact causes of cancer are still unknown. However, there are factors that can increase your risk of developing cancer. Some of them are:

  1. smoking tobacco,
  2. obesity,
  3. drinking alcohol,
  4. excessive sunbathing and using the solarium,
  5. job-related factors,
  6. contact with some viruses

If you have one or more of the factors listed above, it does not necessarily mean you will have cancer. And conversely. If you do not have any of these factors, it does not guarantee that you will not develop cancer.

Experts argue that at least one in three cases of cancer can be avoided. All you need to do is follow a healthy diet, maintain a healthy body weight and increase your physical activity.

Are you afraid of cancer? Stay in touch with your doctor and get regular check-ups. First, reach for the diagnostic package Cancer – risk assessment for women and Cancer – diagnostic test package for men

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