The most southern cities of Russia

Russia is one of the largest states on the planet in terms of the territory it occupies. The country includes more than 1000 settlements with the status of a city.

The top 10 included the most southern cities of Russia, to be exact, only some of them.

10 Volgograd

The most southern cities of Russia

Volgograd. One of the hottest cities in the Russian Federation. It is located in the northern part of the country, not far from the border with Kazakhstan. In the summer, daytime temperatures can easily cross the 40° division of the thermometer. In summer, rains are not often here, so the climate is reminiscent of neighboring Kazakhstan. Hot, but dry weather attracts fans to soak up the beach. Winter without severe frosts, frequent thaws are possible. The record temperature was fixed at +42,6 °C. The average water temperature of the Volga in August is 26°C.

9. Maikop

The most southern cities of Russia

Maikop – the southern city of Russia of the Republic of Adygea. Maykop is famous for its mild, fertile climate and warm weather in any season. The average annual temperature here is +11 degrees. Maykop is not particularly hot in summer and not cold in winter. The summer period lasts about 180 days a year. If we talk separately about each season, then in winter the thermometer stays at around -4,9 ºС to +8,9 ºС. The absolute temperature maximum for winter was recorded in 2010 and amounted to +23,4ºС. In summer, the temperature ranges from +16 to +29 ºС. At the very beginning of the spring period in Maykop, strong winds are not uncommon, which develop into whole dust storms. They are accompanied by heavy hail and many days of downpours. As for ecology, it should be noted that Adygea has been becoming a leader in the ranking of Russian regions for the most favorable climatic and environmental conditions for several years.

8. Kaspiysk

The most southern cities of Russia

Kaspiysk – a small southern town of Russia, located on the shores of the sea of ​​the same name. Kaspiysk, like other southern Russian cities, boasts relatively mild winters. The temperature in January-February rarely drops below -10 degrees. True, a damp cold draft often pulls from the sea, so the cold is felt more strongly. Little snow falls, it melts quickly. Spring comes on time, at the end of March cherries and apricots are already blooming. Summer in Kaspiysk is hot, without air conditioning in the room it is poorly tolerated. The most exhausting period starts from mid-June and ends in August.

7. Makhachkala

The most southern cities of Russia

Makhachkala is a city in the south of the Russian Federation, which is the capital of the Republic of Dagestan. Located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, not far from the Caucasus Mountains. The climate of the capital of Dagestan is temperate continental, it is characterized by relatively warm, mild winters and rather hot, dry, windless summers, which to some extent was provided by the Caucasus Mountains and the sea. The average annual temperature in the city is +12,4°C. In Makhachkala, the climatic conditions are not simple, although the warm period also prevails. The dry summer period is difficult for people with poor health to endure, and temperature drops in the spring will not leave meteorologically sensitive residents alone.

6. formidable

The most southern cities of Russia

formidable is one of the southernmost cities in Russia. The climate in Grozny is practically the same as in all other cities in southern Russia. It has mild winters and very hot summers. In winter, the thermometer rarely drops below -15, and in summer it often exceeds +35. From the unbearable heat, you have to hide in air-conditioned rooms, or go to the river bank. Winds blow very often in Grozny, so the street is always very dusty. They are especially strong in the spring, after the appearance of the first warm days. Precipitation, which is so expected in the summer, is not a frequent occurrence here. On the whole, Grozny has a very mild climate, except for the hot summers. It is not cold here in winter, in spring the sun shines most days here, and the temperature is from +10 to +20. Autumn in Grozny is a milder continuation of summer, the average temperature drops, it rains more often, but Grozny residents are in no hurry to put on warm clothes in autumn.

5. Dombay

The most southern cities of Russia

Dombay – a city that, like many southern Russian cities, is part of the Republic of Dagestan. Holidays in Dombay will be an ideal choice for those who love the sun, but do not tolerate the heat, the number of clear days – the envy of any European mountain resort – reaches 320 days a year. The climate of Dombay is mild, the winter is snowy, but warm, the average winter temperature is minus five degrees, but often during the day the air warms up to fifteen degrees Celsius. And it’s great – because you can ski and sunbathe at the same time.

4. Krasnodar

The most southern cities of Russia

Krasnodar one of the ten most southern cities in Russia. Located on the right bank of the river Kuban, just 150 km from both seas – the Black and Azov – Krasnodar is now the capital of the Kuban, a major administrative center of the South of Russia and, in fact, the “gates of the Caucasus.” It is noteworthy that the city is located almost in the middle between the North Pole and the equator, just on the 45th parallel. This parallel is also called the “golden line” or “life line”. It is believed that at this latitude the conditions for human life are the most favorable.

3. Sochi

The most southern cities of Russia

Sochi is one of the southernmost cities in Russia. Sochi is often called the resort and summer capital of Russia. The city occupies the Black Sea coastal strip of the Krasnodar Territory with a length of 145 km and includes resort areas: Adler, Ashe, Vardane, Golovinka, Dagomys, Krasnaya Polyana, etc. The warm Black Sea, mild climate and evergreen landscapes attract guests here both in summer and in winter. In addition to the usual beach holiday, Sochi offers sanatorium treatment in various areas.

2. Astrakhan

The most southern cities of Russia

Astrakhan often called the southern outpost of Russia, as well as Southern Venice and the Caspian capital. It was founded around 1333. The favorable location of the city has made it a major transport center. From the capital of the Astrakhan Principality, the city, after joining Russia, turned first into a provincial center, then into the capital of the region. A great influence on the formation of Astrakhan had not only its advantageous location. A huge role was played by different cultures, religions, which periodically replaced each other throughout the history of the city. As for the climate of the southern city, it is rather warm and arid here.

1. Derbent

The most southern cities of Russia

Derbent – the southernmost city of Russia, located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. It belongs to the resort towns. In Derbent, due to the temperate continental climate, almost all days in summer are sunny. Often the temperature reaches +35°C in the shade. On such days, only the proximity of the sea saves the townspeople, and they do not get out of the water for whole days. Fortunately, the swimming season lasts from May to September, but in October you can see people swimming in the sea. The coast of the Caspian Sea is covered not with pebbles, but with yellow sea sand with small shells. Also here is a warm and long autumn, which lasts until the end of November with the preservation of positive temperatures.

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