The most resistant hair dye

The most resistant hair dye

To give the hair a bright and rich shade, the coloring must be sufficiently persistent. Which paint should you choose in this case? In order not to make a mistake when choosing a product for coloring or toning, you must first figure out which components give it the desired qualities and properties, and also ensure safe use.

The most durable hair dye

A variety of modern products: permanent hair dyes

Tint shampoos, tonics, toners, foams, mousses, professional and household paints in the form of a cream or powder, with the addition of oils, super-persistent pigments – there are many options for giving the hair the desired shade, you can’t list all of them.

The variety of formats is amazing, it is quite difficult to navigate in it without special knowledge. Why is one paint better than another? How to choose so as not to harm your hair, but at the same time not to overpay, because the price range ranges from a hundred rubles to a thousand or more per package.

Thanks to intrusive advertising, it may seem that ammonia-free paints are softer and more gentle, less aggressive, and therefore not very persistent. In these products, ammonia is replaced by its derivatives – amines, they are no less chemically active, the main difference is that these substances do not have an unpleasant ammonia odor.

In fact, in principle, paints differ in only two criteria: they contain / do not contain ammonia; professional or for dyeing at home. What are the differences?

There is a kind of substitution of concepts: since there is no pungent smell, it means that the paint is not so aggressive, and, accordingly, less resistant. In fact this is not true. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether ammonia-free products can be considered the most resistant hair dye, reviews about them are sometimes quite contradictory.

To a large extent, the durability of coloring depends on the condition of the hair. In porous and damaged curls, dyes penetrate faster, but they are also quickly washed out, and the original shade rapidly fades.

Pay attention to the chemical composition

What exactly provides the product with durability and high color quality?

  • the amount of hydrogen peroxide. It ranges from 3 to 12%, depending on how many tones you need to change the original color. The more pronounced the transition, the greater the amount of peroxide should be;
  • quality of pigments. The higher it is, the more saturated and deep shades of curls are obtained;
  • chemically active substances (ammonia and its other derivatives, for example, ethanolamine). It is in professional products that the composition is optimally selected, as well as there are components useful for the hair and scalp: plant extracts, natural oils, panthenol.

Do not forget to carry out caring and restorative procedures before and after staining, then your curls will always be healthy, shiny and beautiful.

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