The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

In order for pepper to give a good and high-quality harvest, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of variety, taking into account not only such characteristics as the duration of the growing season, the weight and size of the fruit. It is very important to consider in which climatic zone the plant grows well and bears fruit, whether it is adapted for growing in open ground or in a greenhouse, and also how demanding the pepper variety is for regular watering and fertilizers. Another criterion for choosing a productive litter is the exact time and timing of sowing planting material, and transferring it to open ground.

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

A few secrets for high yields

Even if you have chosen the most productive variety of pepper that is fully suitable for growing conditions in your area, it is not a fact that after the end of the growing season you will be able to remove a large number of mature and large fruits from the bush. Experienced gardeners know the secrets of getting large crops and achieve their goal by applying only 8 basic rules for growing peppers.

Sowing seeds

Having prepared planting material, it is very important to observe the timing of its planting. As a rule, the seeds are lowered into the ground already in early February, trying to get early harvests, however, for the regions of the Urals and Western Siberia, such seedlings will not give a stable, friendly harvest. Early seedlings of even the most productive varieties do not always show what they are capable of, therefore it is better to sow planting material for these regions in mid-March.


The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

In order to get a quick germination of seedlings, and the seedlings themselves were strong, the planting material must be soaked before sowing. To do this, a layer of cotton is lined on a small plate, pepper seeds are laid out and covered with another layer of cotton, which is carefully sprinkled with water. After the procedure, planting material sprouts already for 3-4 days. When germinating, you can use organic growth stimulants such as HB-101 or aloe juice. The plate is left in a warm place, and as the top layer of cotton dries, do not forget to moisten it. As soon as the main part of the planting material sprouts, 2-3 cm high, the seeds can be planted in the ground.

Sowing for seedlings

One of the secrets of sweet pepper is that this culture is a “personality supporter”, and therefore planting material that has hatched should never be placed in large containers or seedling boxes. No more than two seeds are dipped into a planting container or peat pot. At the same time, containers for growing seedlings should not be transparent. Another secret of growing sweet peppers is that the roots of this crop do not tolerate open sunlight. Planting material is not deepened. To obtain strong seedlings, simply sprinkle the seed with a 2 mm layer of substrate.


The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

There is a category of productive varieties that do not like and do not tolerate transplantation. How to deal with such plants when picking, which is so important for obtaining strong and good seedlings? Standard picking and digging measures are not suitable in this case, since the seedlings will immediately stop growing.

Experienced gardeners recommend approaching the cultivation of such varieties and hybrids individually, immediately placing the hatched seed in bulk planting containers (at least 500 ml). If you use this planting method, the plant will not need a pick.


In order for the seedlings to subsequently give a good quality harvest, the seedlings must be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. Remember that every missed watering, and every wilted seedling leaf in the future will significantly reduce the yield.

A place to grow fruitful peppers

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

Sweet bell pepper is very fond of warmth and light, preferring to grow on fertile neutral soils. In order to get a high-quality and large harvest, be sure to add pre-prepared compost to the holes for planting seedlings. Do not plant the plant in places where there may be drafts. The place in the garden should be well warmed up by the sun and well lit.

The optimum temperature for growing peppers is 25-26C. Only in this case, you can get a friendly and high-quality harvest. In addition, peppers are very fond of keeping their roots warm, so how well you prepare and insulate the soil can also affect crop yields.

Not all varieties of productive pepper are resistant to temperature changes in the air and on the soil, so farmers often insulate the soil by putting plastic bottles with hot water into the soil. Even in summer, such “accumulators” of the beds will not interfere with pepper growing in the open field.

Watering, fertilizing, mulching

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

An adult plant, even under the most favorable growth conditions, needs regular watering. Even if you see “drought tolerant” on the planting box, remember that this definition only refers to minor deviations from a regular watering schedule.

In order for sweet peppers to give a quality crop, avoid overflow and stagnation of moisture in the soil. In cloudy weather, the soil will not dry out immediately, which means that the root may rot.

As soon as you planted pepper seedlings in a permanent place of growth, mulch the beds, creating a layer 15-20 cm high. Do the same during the entire period of ripening and fruiting, regularly adding a little mulch under the plant. This is one of the secrets that the soil will not dry out even if you skip 1-2 waterings.

Once a week, sweet peppers are desirable to feed. It also significantly affects its yield. Of the organic fertilizers, the best for pepper yield is an infusion of wood ash (at the rate of 2 cups per bucket of water). Recently, tincture of nettle leaves has been very popular among farmers. As it turned out, this plant stimulates growth well and contributes to the abundant flowering of peppers.

Shrub formation

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

When transferring seedlings to the ground, remove from the plant all inflorescences that have had time to appear. Seedlings in a new location should focus on growth, not flowering. When 4-5 branches form on the bush, start pinching the plant. Leave on it after branching as many ovaries as you see fit, and remove the rest of the leaves.

If you have chosen a tall, productive sweet pepper variety, remove all lower leaves and shoots from the plant. And if late varieties of pepper grow on your beds, in early or mid-September, leave on the bush only those inflorescences that have managed to start. The rest of the flowers must be removed, because the fruits will not have time to ripen on them, but the plant will spend energy on this plant.

By following all these rules, you can achieve significant results, increasing the yield at times.

The best early varieties of fruitful peppers

Early ripe pepper has a growing season of up to 100 days, and gives good stable yields when grown in open ground in the southern regions or when seedlings are transferred to greenhouse conditions. The following are considered popular fruit varieties in central Our Country:

Snow White

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

The grade is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and long film tunnels. Refers to medium-early, high-yielding. The bush is undersized, compact, therefore, a planting scheme of 30×50 cm is used. With a complete cessation of growth, the height of the bush rarely exceeds 50 cm. The growing season occurs on 100-105 days. The fruits have the shape of a cone, do not exceed 10 cm in length. The skin of the pepper is dense, painted white, the pulp is sweetish, juicy, the wall thickness is up to 7 mm.

Features of the variety “Snow White” – the depth of sowing seeds – 3 cm, regular feeding of the plant with mineral fertilizers is necessary. Sowing time is March, harvesting time is the end of June.


The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

The grade is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and under film shelters. It belongs to the most frost-resistant varieties with early ripening. The growing season begins on the hundredth day after the seed is hatched. The fruits are small in size, the weight of each pepper does not exceed 80-90 gr. with a wall thickness of up to 8 mm, painted red. The plant is undersized, compact, supports a planting pattern of 50×30 cm. Features of cultivation: Pepper “Dwarf” during the growth period requires regular mineral feeding.


The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

An early ripe variety, one of the features of which is the friendly ripening of fruits. The growing season in the southern regions and under the conditions of planting pepper in a greenhouse is 100-105 days. The bush on open ground does not exceed 60 cm in height, in greenhouse conditions – 70-75 cm. The fruits have the correct cone shape, smooth, painted red. The wall of the fruit in the period of full maturity is “fleshy”, with a thickness of 0,9-1 cm, while the mass of one pepper rarely exceeds 100 g.

The variety is considered high-yielding. Subject to all the rules of care, watering and feeding, up to 6-7 kg of a tasty crop is removed from one bush. Distinctive features of the pepper “Swallow” is resistance to TMV, fungal diseases, bacterial wilt and root rot.

Winnie the Pooh

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

High-yielding, early maturing variety with small, compact bushes and bouquet fruit placement. The fruiting period begins at 105-100 days after the seed hatches. The fruits have a rich red color, conical shape. The weight of one fruit is 80-100 g, with a wall thickness of up to 7-8 mm.

Winnie the Pooh is famous among gardeners and farmers for its high commodity characteristics. The fruits are smooth, the skin is glossy and dense. In addition, Winnie the Pooh has high characteristics of keeping quality and preservation of taste during long-term transportation.

Mid-season fruit varieties of pepper

The vegetation period of these varieties and hybrids begins 110-130 days after the first shoots. In the south of Our Country and in its central zone, varieties are planted in open ground and greenhouses; in the northern regions, mid-season varieties are recommended to be grown only on protected ground.

California miracle

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

This is one of the most popular and favorite mid-season gardeners. Seeds give friendly germination, and they can be planted for seedlings as early as mid-March. In addition to the fact that the plant gives high yields, the fruits themselves have excellent commercial characteristics. All fruits are even, regular cubic shape. The variety belongs to thick-walled – the average wall thickness is from 8 to 10 mm.

Small compact bushes do not exceed 70 cm, however, during the growing season of a plant, up to 5-6 kg of delicious fleshy fruits can be removed from one such bush. Variety “California Miracle” refers to the universal, and, in addition to a variety of cooking and canning, does not lose its taste and is widely used for freezing.

Gift of Moldova

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

High-yielding variety with compact and low bushes, intended for cultivation in open ground and greenhouse conditions. The fruits have a regular conical shape, in biological maturity it is colored red. The mass of one pepper does not exceed 100 g, with an average wall thickness of up to 5 mm.

Features of the variety “Gift of Moldova” – undemanding in care and feeding and high resistance to viral and fungal diseases.

orange king

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

The variety belongs to the middle early ones, but when grown in central Our Country, the Urals and Siberia, it gives fruit only 110-115 days from the first shoots. A plant more than 1 meter high, therefore, in the process of growing on open ground or in a greenhouse, it requires tying.

The fruits are large, thick-walled, painted in a rich orange color, have an even cube-shaped shape. The average weight of a full-grown pepper is 150-200 g, while up to 6-7 kg of crop is harvested from one bush. The plant is resistant to TMV, root rot, bacterial leaf wilt. The best crops “Orange King” gives under film shelters.

Late-ripening sweet pepper varieties

These varieties are recommended for cultivation in the southern regions of the country or in stationary heated polycarbonate greenhouses. Good yields are given both by varieties of domestic selection and by hybrids of Dutch, Italian and German breeders.


The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

High-yielding hybrid of the Dutch selection. Grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. The fruits are large, pyramidal in shape, with a wall thickness of up to 12 mm. In the period of full maturity, one pepper can reach sizes up to 13-15 cm, with a weight of about 250 grams.

black cardinal

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

A hybrid bred by Italian breeders. The fruits are bright purple or red, with a wall thickness of up to 10 mm. The average weight of the fruit during the ripening period can reach 250 grams. Up to 5-6 kg of crop is harvested from one bush in greenhouse conditions. Distinctive features of the hybrid are the high demands of the plant for additional feeding throughout the entire period of growth and fruiting.

Madonna F1

The most productive varieties of sweet pepper

High-yielding variety with beautiful fleshy fruits. Wall thickness – 10-12 mm, average fruit weight – 200 gr. Madonna is recognized as one of the best hybrids for growing in stationary greenhouses. Up to 6 kg of large sweet peppers are harvested from one bush.

Distinctive features of the Madonna hybrid are high resistance to viral and fungal diseases, the ability to produce good yields even in shaded areas of the garden.

Watch the video on how to achieve large yields of sweet pepper on your personal plots.

#73 Sweet pepper – the secret of double harvest

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