The most popular remedies for heat. It has no right to work

The heat is very hard on us. When we spend time in a non-air-conditioned, stuffy and sunny room, we are desperately looking for ideas on how to cool down effectively. These methods, although popular and widely used, are not always effective. Here are some of them not allowed to work and why. We also offer proven alternatives.

  1. Ice cream seems like the perfect way to cool down. Nothing could be more wrong – we will only be cooler for a moment
  2. You also have to be careful with cold showers and baths. A sudden change in body temperature can lead to thermal shock, decreased immunity, and infections
  3. In hot weather, it is not worth opening windows, because another wave of heat will enter the room, instead of “air”
  4. An effective way to cope with the heat is, among others drinking lukewarm tea or water and freezing your… bedding
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Cold drinks and ice cream

On a hot day for ice cream or a cold drink is one of the most popular ways to keep yourself cool. And although it seems that the body will actually be able to cool down, in the long run we will get the opposite effect from the intended one. Why?

The thermoregulation mechanism is responsible for this. There are receptors on the tongue that respond to the temperature of the food and drink we reach for. They pick up the signal that we are too warm (or too cold) and send the appropriate “information” to the brain. This activates the process of self-regulation, which takes place, inter alia, in in the form of sweating, during which the body’s natural ventilation process is triggered.

If you reach for cold ice cream or drinks, if our body temperature suddenly starts to drop, the body will try to warm up “from the inside”. As a result, after a moment of pleasant cooling, we will feel the same as before eating ice cream (and it will even be warmer).

The consumption of a cold drink will have a similar effect. In this case, the problem is also the fact that we often reach for carbonated and sweetened drinks, which not only do not quench our thirst, but also cause unpleasant ailments (e.g. flatulence) and a decrease in blood glucose levels (first we will feel the energy flowing from consuming the dose sugar, and then a sharp drop in form).

Of course, this does not mean that on hot days we should not reach for ice cream, cold drinks or cold baths. However, everything should be done with caution. If we eat ice cream, let’s do it slowly, gradually adjusting the throat and the whole body to a lower temperature. It is worth taking a cold drink out of the fridge beforehand, so that it remains at room temperature for at least a few minutes, and when drinking it, take it in small sips.

The general rule, however, is even simpler, although it seems absurd at first glance. Moderately warm fluids: lukewarm tea and water at room temperature will help to regulate body temperature in hot weather.

The rest of the text below the video.

Cool baths can end badly for us

We should also be careful with a cold shower and jumping into the cool water at the swimming pool or bathing beach. A warm body “does not expect” to cool down so suddenly, so it may lead to thermal shock. This, in turn, may even cause ischemia of the brain or heart muscle.

A sudden change in body temperature also leads to a decrease in immunity, and this opens the way to all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Summer infections often stem from the careless use of sun and water.

– Bacterial infection progresses very quickly and is characterized by a dynamic intensity of symptoms. This is a severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, increased body temperature. The viral course is milder, but the symptoms are also accompanied by rhinitis, cough, runny nose, muscle and joint pain – explained the drug in an interview with Medonet. Katarzyna Kasperek-Mosoń, ENT specialist from Wrocław Medical Center.

So if we use public baths, Instead of jumping into the water, let’s accustom the body to a lower temperature gradually by immersing the feet first, then the rest of the body.

At home, when we want a quick, cold shower to cool down, let’s rather immerse those places in water, where cooling will really bring us relief. These are the points where the blood vessels run just under the skin and allow us to feel the heart rate, especially the wrists and neck. Cool compresses applied to these parts of the body will also help.

If we are going to take a shower anyway, choose warm or at least lukewarm water. Higher temperature will open the skin pores and make it easier for the heat to escape.

Opening a window when it’s hot outside

Spending time in a darkened room without air conditioning, with all windows closed, when we see at least three lines on the thermometer, seems absurd. Meanwhile, it may turn out to be a better solution than airing the apartment.

Opening the window in a situation when the outside air “stands still” and the air flow is negligible, will be counterproductive. The air temperature in the room will only increase, and instead of the dream coolness, we will gain additional heat.

It only makes sense to open windows and make drafts at night, when the temperature drops a bit. Here, however, it is only worth remembering that the draft should be done away from the bed in which we sleep. At night, body temperature rises slightly, so exposure to cooling may result in an infection.

A good idea to cool the room is also to darken the windows in the morning, e.g. before leaving the house. By not revealing the blinds, we will keep the room temperature from the night, so when we return to the apartment, we have a chance to feel really relieved.

How to cool down in the heat?

There are many more effective ways to lower your body temperature on a hot day. It is always a good idea to use easily accessible devices such as a windmill. To enhance its effect, it is worth placing a bowl with cold water or chilled bottles next to it. This will make the blown air even cooler.

It is also a good idea to ensure a good night’s sleep, which can be disturbed at high temperatures. «by patent» that’s it is to put… bedding in the fridge or freezer. The duvet covers must, of course, be properly secured (put them in a sack or bag) and take them out a moment earlier, so that they are not too cold. A quilt or pillow dressed in this way will give you a pleasant relief after a tiring, hot day.

It is also worth remembering not to “add” heat. On hot days, let’s give up cooking for a long time, especially using the oven, but also using electrical appliances and lighting. In addition to maintaining the right temperature, we will also save some electricity.

The last and most important rule of maintaining the optimal body temperature in hot weather is regular hydration of the body. Let’s drink large amounts of water, preferably with the addition of natural electrolytes (honey and salt), in smaller amounts, but often at least two liters a day, and even more in hot weather. Water will quench your thirst and prevent dangerous dehydration.

For 10st degree burns, sunburns and those caused by plants or jellyfish, use MUGGA Soothing Balm for Bites and Burns, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market. As a first aid in burns, you can also use PanTenol foam – panthenol 5% and allantoin. We also recommend Panthenol 150% for sunburn and thermal burns, available in a XNUMX ml package.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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