The most popular field of study in Poland. There is no such struggle for a place anywhere

The most popular fields of study in Poland are, of course, medical fields. However, many people will be surprised that it is dentistry that reigns supreme at universities. According to the website, this year as many as 50 people will compete for one place at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at various universities throughout Poland.

  1. This year, even 10 thousand. high school graduates will fight for their place at the faculties of medicine and dentistry
  2. They can choose from universities in ten Polish cities. On average, 20 to even 50 high school graduates will compete for one dentistry index
  3. An alternative is extramural studies, the cost of which, however, is a trifle 300 thousand. zlotys
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

A dentist is a difficult profession that requires specialist preparation. However, it is worth exhausting yourself through hard studies, and then, after gaining the appropriate experience, you can earn up to 11,4 thousand. PLN per month, because that was the median gross income in this professional group in 2019 (as analyzed by the Polish Economic Institute in 2021).

However, just getting into college is a great challenge. There is no shortage of willing people, although this is really an understatement. According to the website, even 20 to 50 students, depending on the city, will compete for a place dentistry in the academic year 2022/2023. It is very, very much.

As an example clearly illustrating the situation, it is worth providing data on a very popular field – IT, where from 7 to 9 people will apply for one place at the Warsaw or Wrocław University of Technology, or at least this was the case in previous years.

Cost of studies? Huge money

Today, dentistry can be studied in ten Polish cities. Among them are, among others Warsaw, Wrocław, Kraków or Poznań. In total, this year, about 900 students will start their studies, and they will be attending classes on a full-time basis.

What about the rest? There is also a way out for them – v paid, extramural forms studies. Here, however, there is a really big problem. To complete the course, total you have to pay up to 300 zlotys. This is still the price for which we are able to buy a studio apartment in many Polish cities, despite the recently raging real estate prices. Some will have to take out a loan to pay for their studies.

Example: Medical University of Warsaw, which is a frequent choice of this year’s high school graduates. We will pay PLN 299,5 thousand for extramural studies. zloty. The cost of one semester is PLN 30,3 thousand. zloty. On the other hand, at the Medical University of Gdańsk, we will pay a total of approx. 205 thousand PLN for part-time studies. zloty. The fee for one semester will be PLN 21.

They had a hard nut to crack. High school graduates had to pass the baccalaureate at 90 percent.

There was no easy way for applicants to study to fulfill their dream of a future job in the profession. First of all, they had to pass an extended high school diploma in biology, as well as an exam in other subjects – e.g. chemistry, mathematics or physics, depending on what they felt best at. With such a large number of applicants for studies, the final exam result had to exceed at least 90 percent. In many cases, this meant year-round tutoring and no social life to triumph in May.

As estimated by the website, even 10 thousand This year, high school graduates will compete for admission to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. As a consolation, however, it is worth adding that some students submit papers for dentistry as their second or third choice, eventually giving up this path. Which is why With each subsequent stage of the recruitment process, the number of people willing to study decreases – even several times.

In case of failure, there is always the possibility of taking a year off from study, devoting it to work or study – in order to re-enter the matura exam in May of the following year. In order to improve the result of extended subjects, increasing your chances of getting an index at your dream university in the next academic year.

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