The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Mushrooms have been eaten since ancient times. They are not only among the most delicious foods, but also the most satisfying. But not all macromycetes are equally useful and may be suitable for consumption. Some of their species pose a serious danger to the human body due to high toxicity.

In order not to become a victim of mushrooms that are dangerous to human life and health, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list, which includes the most poisonous mushrooms in the world.

10 Omphalote olive

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Omphalote olive opens the top ten most poisonous mushrooms on the planet. The mushroom has a bright orange color. European forests are considered to be the place of growth. It grows, as a rule, on old, rotten stumps. In addition to their attractive appearance, these mushrooms smell very good. But eating them is extremely dangerous for health. Poisoning manifests itself as a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. A person experiences nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in dehydration.

9. Russula burning

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Russula burning is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. Despite the high toxicity, no cases of death have been identified. Conditionally suitable for food with proper processing. The taste of this russula is bitter, with a pronounced sharpness. When used in large quantities, it causes a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. There are signs of poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and general weakness.

8. Amanita muscaria

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Amanita muscaria considered one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world known to man. Its hat is creamy white with white dots in the form of warts. The highly poisonous fly agaric is similar in composition to henbane. When intoxicated, it has a number of similar symptoms with henbane poisoning: headaches, tachycardia, visual impairment, speech disorder, hallucinations and convulsions. When a large dose enters the body of the panther fly agaric, a fatal outcome occurs.

7. Foliotina wrinkled

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Foliotina wrinkled is one of the ten most dangerous mushrooms for human health and life. The place of growth is considered the northwest of America. These macromycetes are similar to psilocybin, which is used as a medicinal decoction. Unlike the last Foliotin, wrinkled has a very strong toxicity and can be fatal. When ingested, a person develops liver failure. This leads to general intoxication and death.

6. Greenfinch

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Greenfinch ranked sixth among the most poisonous mushrooms. It got its name from its green color. For a long time it was considered a conditionally edible mushroom. But recent studies have shown that with regular consumption of greenfinch, acute renal failure develops. Poisoning manifests itself in the form of weakness, the appearance of convulsions, general pain.

5. False honeysuckle sulfur-yellow

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

False honeysuckle sulfur-yellow considered one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. These dangerous macromycetes grow in light forests. Usually they do not grow singly, but are found in groups, adjacent to dead stumps and tree roots. The smooth cap has a bright yellow color with a brown tint in the center. After eating, after a few hours, the first symptoms of poisoning appear in the form of vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the side. This species can cause kidney failure, which can be fatal.

4. The pig is thin

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

The pig is thin ranks fourth in the list of the most poisonous mushrooms. Another name sounds like “brown roll” because of the color and shape. For a long time it was considered edible. But recent studies have shown that with periodic consumption of food, the substances contained in this fungus destroy white blood cells. Symptoms may not appear immediately after ingestion. Svinushka thin causes general malaise, vomiting, nausea. After a while, a person begins to have a fever, then kidney failure develops, which is fatal. Signs of poisoning can appear for a long period, and death occurs after two weeks.

3. Ergot purple

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Ergot purple opens the top three most life-threatening mushrooms. This unusual fungus parasitizes some cereal crops. It is also called “uterine horns”. A huge number of different alkaloids in ergot can provoke spasms and convulsions in humans. In some cases, there is a mental disorder and impaired oculomotor function. When large doses of ergot enter the body, it leads to the death of a person. In the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for people to die from eating bread that was made from contaminated grain. Modern methods have made it possible to almost completely get rid of this ergot.

2. Ocreata toadstool

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

View fly agaric Amanita Ocreata is the second most poisonous mushroom in the world. In the people it is also called as the “angel of death.” Distributed throughout North America in oak forests. This species has a yellowish color with a brown tint in the center of the cap. When even a small particle of the fungus enters the body, it causes severe poisoning with pronounced symptoms: pain in the side, vomiting, sometimes with blood, diarrhea, etc. Symptoms appear for several days. Full recovery is possible in 1-2 weeks. The dangerous substances that make up this fly agaric destroy the liver and kidneys.

1. Death cap

The most poisonous mushrooms in the world

Death cap – the most poisonous mushroom in the world. These mushrooms are yellow-green in color with a white border. Distributed in European forests with broad-leaved trees. When ingested, it affects vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. Often this leads to death. This species is so poisonous that it is not recommended to touch it with bare hands, and contact with mushrooms collected for food should not be allowed. Symptoms of poisoning may appear gradually over several days. The poisoned person is haunted by colic, dizziness, vomiting and loose stools. During this period, the destruction of the above organs occurs. At the first signs of poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help. This also applies to poisoning by other mushrooms that are on our list.

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