The most mysterious places in Russia

Top 10 included the most mysterious places in Russia that cause quiet horror. The list includes creepy places created not only by man, but also by nature.

10 Khovrinsk hospital

Khovrinsk hospital opens the top ten most mysterious and creepy places in Russia. The creepy object is located in the Russian capital – Moscow. A multi-storey building began to be erected in the 80s of the last century on the site of a former cemetery. But after a few years, construction work had to be stopped due to the identified shortcomings of the project – the area was swampy in the past. Now the building is a dilapidated building with the absence of fragments of walls and ceilings in some places. Every year, the dilapidated hospital settles more and more and gradually goes underground.

9. Shelter for submarines in Pavlovsk

Shelter for submarines in Pavlovsk – one of the most terrible in Russia. Its construction began in the 60s of the last century. Construction work has been going on for two decades. At that moment, when it remained only to carry out work on interior decoration, an agreement on the limitation of strategic arms was signed between the USSR and the USA. The military facility was included in the list of mandatory closures. Inside, flooded with water, an incredibly huge shelter in the form of two tunnels is an eerie sight that inspires fear.

8. Finval Bay

Bay “Finval” or “Bechevinka” (Kamchatka) – an abandoned base of the Russian Navy, suggestive of quiet horror. Rane was based here submarine division, until 1996. Then the brigade was disbanded, as a result of which all military equipment was removed, water supply and electricity were cut off. At the same time, the village of Rocketchikov, located nearby, also ceased to exist. Now this abandoned place resembles landscapes from horror films.

7. The village of Kadychkan

The village of Kadychkan (Magadan region) is a creepy and mysterious place, which is a creation of human hands. The settlement arose during the Great Patriotic War. High-quality coal deposits were discovered here, so it was decided to establish a working settlement in this area. But in 1996, an explosion occurred at the mine, as a result of which several workers died. After that, the mine was closed. It was also decided to evict local residents from the village. All houses at the moment were mothballed: they were disconnected from electricity and heat supply, and the private sector was almost completely burned down. Such measures were taken by the local authorities due to the fact that many residents did not want to leave here. Now Kadychkan is a ghost town with dilapidated buildings.

6. Death Valley in Kamchatka

Death Valley in Kamchatka – a deadly and terrible anomalous zone for all living things, discovered by scientists in the 70s of the last century. It is located at the base of the Kikhpinych volcano next to the Geysernaya River. The area, about two kilometers long and several hundred meters wide, does not like uninvited guests. All living things that got here almost immediately perish or die a painful death during the first day after leaving the anomalous area. Birds that have flown here or wandered animals find eternal rest here, so there are always a lot of animal corpses here. Scientists for a long time could not figure out what causes sudden death. As it turned out, the reason lay in highly concentrated poisonous gases, which are regularly released here from underground.

5. Lake Labynkyr

Lake Labynkyr (Yakutia) is included in the list of the most creepy and mysterious places in Russia. The local Yakuts claimed that some huge monster lives in the lake, which they called the Labynkyr devil, attacking all living things that got into this area. Expeditions gathered here repeatedly, one of which was led by Tverdokhlebov. Geologists said they saw a terrible and huge creature floating above the surface of the water. The rest of the expeditions did not give any results, after which the interest of scientists in the lake subsided. But after the local village was empty, and the only resident fisherman remained in it, who claimed that he was bringing “sacrifices” to the local monster so that he would not be touched, the curiosity of scientists flared up again. After examining the bottom of the lake, a deep, anomalous crack was found in it, and animal remains nearby.

4. Devil’s lair

Devil’s lair and adjacent drunken grove (Volgograd region) – an anomalous zone that causes quiet horror among local residents. This place has a bad reputation. According to people, spontaneous combustion of all living things occurs here. They called the nearby area the Drunken Grove due to the fact that crooked trees grow there. Locals also say that it is better not to linger in the grove until dark, since then the traveler is unlikely to find his way back.

3. Myasnoy Bor

Myasnoy Bor (Novgorod region) – one of the most terrible places in Russia, inspiring chilling horror. A swampy forest located near the village of the same name, in which more than ten thousand soldiers died during the Great Patriotic War, was called the Meat Forest. Local swamps have become a cemetery and an eternal refuge for many people. Despite the annually conducted search activities, as a result of which hundreds of remains are removed and reburials are carried out, it seems that there were much more dead and the search work is not destined to end soon.

2. Mountain of the Dead

Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk region), known as the Dyatlov Pass, is one of the most mysterious and creepy places not only in Russia, but also on the planet. Everyone has heard about the history of the death of the Dyatlov expedition, but not everyone knows that this place was called the Mountain of the Dead long before the incident. According to the legend of the local Mansi people, in ancient times, local shamans judged evil powerful shamans, who after death turned into evil spirits and settled in this place forever. Even before the death of the Dyatlevites, not a single corpse was found here, but the Soviet authorities preferred not to make this fact public.

1. Damn Cemetery

Damn Cemetery or Glade of Death (Krasnoyarsk Territory) – one of the most mysterious places in Russia, suggesting quiet horror. Previously, the village of Kova was located next to it, which was located at the confluence of the river of the same name and the Angara. But then, during the construction of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station, it was flooded by a reservoir. The former local residents became aware of the Devil’s Cemetery at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that a large meteorite allegedly fell in this place. There is practically no vegetation here and all living things that fall into the Glade of Death die. Scientists put forward many versions and assumptions why such anomalous phenomena occur in this zone, but none of them has received scientific confirmation. Thrill-seekers and scientists regularly gather expeditions to visit this place.


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