The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Riddles and mysteries attract increased attention from people. Admit it, everyone at least once in their life was interested in touching a mystery or trying to unravel this or that secret. Come on! Otherworldly life, the essence of being, the transmigration of souls, a deal with the devil, predictions for centuries to come and other phenomena fanned by millions of legends and at the same time representing a complete unknown. In the same way, you can describe the subject of our today’s hit parade. We are talking about books, and you probably already guessed that Coelho, Dontsova and even Pushkin had nothing to do with it. It would seem that it is time to finish with intrigues and move on to the rating as soon as possible, but the real intrigues are just beginning. So, we open the door to a special library, which houses the 10 most mysterious and enigmatic books of mankind.

10 Mayan Bible Popol Vuh

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

The Maya themselves are a mysterious and extremely curious phenomenon. The manuscript, later called “Popol-Vuh”, acts as a kind of bible of this people. The sheets displayed a chronology of Maya life events from the creation of the world to the day of writing, “seasoned” with various legends and teachings. The filling was carried out before the beginning of the Spanish colonization, during which the conquerors destroyed all written records of the Maya (manuscripts, books and bundles). In an incomprehensible way, only one manuscript survived, thanks to which we now know the life of the Maya on earth. The Popol Vuh has also been translated into Spanish.

9. Soyga book

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

If there are secrets in the world covered in darkness, then Soig’s book is without a doubt one of those. History sends us to John Dee, an English thinker of the 100th century, who once discovered a strange book in his own library. In addition to the incomprehensible language, the scientist was interested in the tables and formulas at the end of the story. John became literally obsessed with the manuscript, until the end of his days trying to figure it out. According to Dee, the contents of the book are spells, materials on astrology, as well as instructions on demonology. The most amazing thing is that Soyga has not been XNUMX percent deciphered by scientists to this day.

8. Hypnerotomachia Poliphila

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

You can hardly imagine what is inside this book if it has such a name. In fact, we are talking about a certain illustrated book published in 1499 by a man named Aldus Manutius. It is interesting that the authorship of the lines and drawings is not known for certain, and there was no information in the published copy. The set of letters that is in the title means the name of the Hermetic novel, the action of which unfolds on the pages. The meaning of its content is that all human existence on earth is nothing but a dream. The plot also describes the antiquarian mystical interests of the Italian Renaissance. Very ambiguous.

7. Codex Rohontsi

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Another manuscript that has not been deciphered even today (however, they are also unlikely to be finished tomorrow). Jokes aside, scholars have never been able to recognize the language in which any of the 448 pages of this book is written. The manuscript was found in the book collection of the Batthyani princes, when one of the representatives in 1838 presented it as a gift to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For more than 150 years, the book has been subjected to various studies, but no holistic result has been achieved. The only more or less concretely formulated version is that the Codex Rohonci is a hoax by the authorship of an antiquarian from Transylvania named Samuel Nemes.

6. Voynich’s manuscript

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Here, too, everything is extremely difficult, since Walfred Voynich is not the author of the manuscript at all, but the person who discovered this mysterious manuscript. The book contains not only lines in an incomprehensible language, but also equally obscure illustrations. Someone puts forward the theory that the hoax belongs to the pen of John Dee (they say that he was so impressed with Soig’s book that he himself created something similar). However, the radiocarbon examination carried out showed that fragments of the manuscript were created in the first half of the 272th century – John was not in sight at that time. It is known that the original had about XNUMX pages, written with a quill pen and gallic acid ink. But the content of the case is worse – the book is also not deciphered.

5. Codex Serafini

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

And here a lot more puzzles converge. First, there is the author – Luigi Serafini. Secondly, it is known for sure that the creative Italian was inspired by nothing more than the Voynich manuscript. Finally, the work was published in 1981, that is, not so long ago. Serafini presented the book in an artificial language with surreal illustrations as a scientific work, but its content is rather difficult to tie to any earthly science. Strange and even frightening drawings, coupled with incomprehensible sayings, deservedly received the title of the most mysterious encyclopedia in the world. By the way, Don Serafini is alive to this day, so there is a theoretical opportunity to find out the whole truth.

4. Oher Lind’s book

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Officially, this book is recognized as a falsification, allegedly telling about the flooding of Atlantis and describing the chronology of events 4000 years long. Nevertheless, there are a sufficient number of people who are convinced of the reliability of the facts that have descended from the pages of this manuscript. As proof, let’s cite an entire organization, where Oera Linda plays the role of a kind of bible. The society is called “Daughters of Freya”. In the book itself, such topics as catastrophism, matriarchy and mythology are raised. There is a place on the pages and nationalism, which made the book popular in the fascist environment. The manuscript first became known in 1867.

3. Prophecies of Nostradamus

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Finally, at least one familiar surname, right? Indeed, the citizen Michel de Nostrdam in the 1000th century decided to put on paper all his thoughts about the future. The scientist planned as much as 10 years ahead, since the prophecies contain 100 centuries or centuries, each of which has 2 quatrains. Over time, supposedly 1999 more centuries were added, but their authenticity is in doubt. That is, today’s day appears in the prophecies, when you read our hit parade. The most discussed topic related to Nostradamus is the solar eclipse in XNUMX, which the Frenchman emphasized in his work.

2. Giant Codex

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

The Giant Codex fully lives up to its name. Imagine a copy of a book that is about 92 cm high, 50 cm wide and 22 cm thick. Impressive, isn’t it? The manuscript also weighs solidly, 75 kg. Some marks indicate that the book was most likely written by one person and completed in 1230. In fact, this would have taken at least 20 years, in connection with which the legend of the Giant Codex was born, according to which the monk-clerk, with the help of the devil, created the manuscript in exactly one night. The book is a summary of all human knowledge at the time of writing.

1. The Ripley Scrolls

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Finally, the tip of our iceberg of secrets and mysteries imprinted on the pages of books. The Ripley Scrolls are an alchemical treatise on how to obtain the Philosopher’s Stone. The creation came from the pen of George Ripley in the 75th century, when alchemy in England flourished as never before. The original of the scrolls was quickly lost (already in the 19th century), but several artists managed to reproduce the illustrations and text as accurately as possible (drawings occupy about 16% of the treatise). 6.5 scrolls have survived to this day, XNUMX of which are kept in Ripley’s homeland in England. The length of the longest specimen is no less than XNUMX meters.


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