The pancreas, like any other organ in our body, needs care and support. The level of insulin in the blood depends on its work, as well as the production of specific enzymes for the processing of protein and fats. The correct functioning of the pancreas largely depends on the intake and assimilation of nutrients that come with food, as well as the state of the hormonal system. What foods will help protect the pancreas and improve its functioning?
Garlic is a record holder for the content of allicin, an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer. It also contains substances useful for this organ: sulfur, arginine, oligosaccharides, flavonoids, selenium. Garlic is also actively used in therapy against diabetes.
Low-fat yogurt
Yogurt contains live probiotic cultures that help the pancreas function properly. Low fat content is useful for the entire system of the gastrointestinal tract, it is minimal in load, perfectly satisfies hunger and contributes to the timely removal of toxins from the body.
Broccoli is a useful vegetable, but if you have stomach problems, you should monitor the individual reaction of the body after eating it. For the pancreas, broccoli is valuable because it contains apigenin-a substance that protects the pancreatic tissues from damage and helps them recover. Broccoli has a positive effect on the acidity of the stomach.
This medicinal spice provides anti-inflammatory therapy. It also prevents the formation of cancer cells. Turmeric is also used to normalize blood sugar in diabetes.
Sweet potatoes
This vegetable contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is necessary for the pancreas. It regulates the work and repair of cells of this organ, helps the production of insulin and reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.
Spinach is a source of B vitamins, also reduces the likelihood of cancer and regulates blood sugar. It does not load the digestive system, which unloads the work of the pancreas.
Red grapes
This type of grape contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which protects the pancreatic tissue from damage, reduces the risk of pancreatitis, cancer and vascular integrity disorders. The use of red grapes has a positive effect on digestion, metabolism and saturation of cells with glucose.
This unique berry contains pterostilbene, a substance that prevents pancreatic cancer. It is also a source of many antioxidants and helps to reduce acidity, normalize the work of all internal organs.