The most harmful alternative therapies

There are reports in the media about a miraculous alternative therapy for treating dangerous diseases, including cancer. Let’s not get fooled, such practices not only do not help, but can also harm us.

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1/8 Amygdalin

Amygdalin is a glycoside found in seeds. It owes its name to almonds, in which it is contained in large amounts. According to Ernst Theodore Krebs, amygdalin is effective in destroying cancer cells. However, the compound is toxic to humans, so a purported derivative called Laetrile is available on the market. Meanwhile, research has shown that this preparation is almost pure amygdalin. No clinical tests have shown its anti-cancer effect, and what’s more, the cyanide that is produced when it breaks down is very toxic to humans.

2/ 8 Chelation

Chelation is the administration of chelators to the body, which “trap” heavy metals from the tissue. This therapy is used precisely in the event of metal poisoning. However, some believe that chelation may be beneficial for other conditions, such as coronary artery disease. However, studies conducted so far have not shown any positive effect on the organism in which there is a normal concentration of heavy metals, and what is more, the presence of unnecessary chelators can lead to severe poisoning.

3/ 8 The use of escharotics

Escharotics are a group of caustic substances with “medical” use. Their main goal is to “burn out” cancer cells – often in the event of a large wound. Doctors, however, sound the alarm. Not only does tumor firing cause extensive damage to the body, it can also contribute to intense tumor infiltration and metastasis.

4/ 8 Common enemas

In hospitals, enemas are usually performed before medical procedures – colonoscopy or abdominal surgery. Meanwhile, there are more and more people who think it is a great way to cleanse the body. They do enemas not only with water, but also with herbs and even coffee. This is very dangerous because frequent enemas rob the gut of its natural bacterial flora, making room for harmful microbes.

5/8 Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is a solution of silver and gelatin or protein. It is used in medicine, mainly in ophthalmology, due to its antiseptic properties. Unfortunately, recently there have been movements promoting colloidal silver as a universal “medicine for everything”. Some people even take the concentrated solution by mouth. In extreme cases, it can lead to silvery disease, the visible symptom of which is a purple discoloration of the skin.

6/ 8 Therapies using germanium

Germanium is an element that resembles a silver lump at room temperature. Interestingly, in some dietary supplements, germanium appears under the name “vitamin O”. According to specialists in alternative therapies, germanium not only heals cancer, but also asthma, diabetes and… herpes. I must admit that this is an exceptionally wide spectrum of activity. It is also completely drained from the finger. Germanium has no beneficial effects on health, and its use over a long period of time leads to acute kidney damage, which may require an organ transplant. photo:

7/8 Miracle Mineral Solution

Miracle Mineral Solution is a product that is taking Western markets by storm. There is a wealth of information on online forums about its antiseptic properties, thanks to which its oral intake fights infections. Indeed, MMS kills microbes, but it is also a powerful poison because it is based on a strong chlorine solution, the basic ingredient in bleach. The State Labor Inspectorate has issued a special statement in which it informs that MMS can only be used as a water treatment agent.

8/8 Terapia Kellyego

Although William Donald Kelley was not an oncologist, he developed an anti-cancer therapy that is still very popular today. Kelly believed that all types of cancer were actually one disease based on low levels of specific enzymes in the body. Therapy? Adequate diet rich in vitamins and coffee enema. As you can imagine, in a person with cancer “treated” only in this way, the disease progresses rapidly.

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