The most famous eights are 12 years old: what they look like now

And what happened to the octomam Nadia Suleman after her dubious fame ended.

It was a real sensation: in 2009, a woman gave birth to eight children at once. Eight at a time! It was impossible to look at Nadia Suleman’s huge belly without shuddering, and what it is like to carry such a weight on oneself, it is pointless to even try to imagine. By the way, the 33-year-old woman herself did not expect that there would be so many children; according to Nadia, the IVF doctor deceived her.

Nadia was only 21 years old when she first began her attempts to become a mom using IVF. She broke up with her husband at that time: he was against the very idea of ​​in vitro fertilization and believed that everything should happen naturally. In 2001, her first child was born, a boy named Elijah. A year later, a second baby was born – this time a girl, Amera. Then there were three more pregnancies, and one of them was twins. At the time of the conception of the eight, Suleman already had six children, and one of them suffers from a severe form of autism.

At that time, 12 more embryos remained in the clinic. It is not known what the doctor, who decided to implant all of them, thought, but Nadia claims that he misled her: “At first I received six embryos. Then the doctor said that they did not take root, so they added six more. As a result, I thought that I would give birth to two, but it turned out that there are eight of them! ” The doctor, by the way, was deprived of his medical license four years later.

The twins were born at 31 weeks by caesarean section. The birth was attended by 46 doctors and nurses: six boys and two girls were born. Now Nadia had 14 children and the status of a very large single mother.

At first, everyone helped her: charitable foundations, caring citizens, she even had a TV show. Then Nadya suddenly got bored with everyone. Oktomama’s life turned out to be very monotonous. And inventing how to surprise the audience when you have 14 children – where can you get so much time and energy.

We must pay tribute to Nadia – in order to feed her horde, she did not disdain any work. Out of despair, she even participated in the filming of films for adults, danced a striptease. Appearance allowed: after numerous births, Suleman got into shape surprisingly quickly, and even before pregnancy, she underwent several plastic surgeries – she wanted to be like Angelina Jolie. Once she even blurted out in her hearts that she hates her children. Her times then were very difficult: the house was threatened to be taken away for debts, there was no money even for food. There was no one to help Nadya.

But she managed to turn fate. She returned to her native provincial town, remembered that she actually has a medical education, found a job as a consultant. Gradually, she managed to get on her feet, turning from a former stripper into a respected mother with many children. Life has not become easier: Nadia still gets up at five in the morning, and then turns around like a squirrel in a wheel. And even for personal life there is no time.

But there are children. The eights just turned 12 years old. All of them, by the way, are vegans, like mom. Moreover, the mother assures that they made their choice themselves, she did not force them to refuse animal products. “You are the kindest, caring and sweetest children in the world. Your compassion for all living things, your willingness to humbly serve others – this is true love, “Nadya wrote on her Instagram in honor of the twins’ birthday.

A year later, they will already turn into adolescents – at this point, the parents of teenagers probably flinched. I wonder if Nadia will shudder?

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