Progress saved us from many terrible diseases, but in exchange it planted new ailments. has studied the most common diseases of modern civilization.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
One of the most common ailments. This disease affects older women, workers who perform monotonous flexion-extension movements with their hands (for example, when assembling machines), as well as sign language interpreters, guitarists, drummers, and those who work at the computer, subject to long-term incorrect positioning of the hand.
Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as carpal tunnel syndrome, is manifested by pain, tingling and numbness (paresthesia) of the median nerve (weak flexion of the hand, first and second fingers, decreased sensitivity of the palmar surface, numbness).
Read on: What is stress?
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There are so many negative situations that a stressful state for us already seems to be something common.
Stress is the real plague of our century. Health problems, difficulties at work, lack of understanding with loved ones – all this leads to stress. There are so many negative situations that a stressful state for us already seems to be something common. But what is stress, really?
Stress – This is a physical, mental, emotional and chemical reaction of the body to something that frightens a person, annoys him or threatens him. The human brain does not distinguish between a real threat and an apparent one, so whenever a situation seems dangerous, it reacts as a real threat. Chronic stress is the result of being in a negative state all the time.
When this disease occurs, concentration of attention is disturbed, aggressiveness, anxiety for no reason, insomnia, depression, and a constant oppressive feeling of guilt appear.
Read next: All about chronic fatigue
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TOP 9 questions and answers about smoking
How to have a health day
Lose weight without reducing your appetite
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease of the young, that is, the most active.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
For the first time they started talking about this disease only 20-30 years ago. The signal for this was the constantly accelerating rhythm of life, exhausting and literally depriving us of strength.
This is a disease of the young, that is, the most active. It overtakes people aged 25–45 years and is accompanied by increased fatigue, muscle pain, sleep disturbances, and weight loss. The problem is that even a long rest does not bode well for recovery.
Some experts believe that with chronic fatigue syndrome, the body does not have enough oxygen, metabolism is disturbed, which leads to slagging of the body. Others are convinced that it is all about raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to a lethargic state. Thus, the body protects itself from overload.
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See also:
TOP 9 questions and answers about smoking
How to have a health day
Lose weight without reducing your appetite
Often, in order to lose weight, you just need to eat less and move more.
Being overweight can occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause is poor diet. In the United States, more than half of the adult population suffers from obesity – however, children are also at risk in this regard. But why is it so difficult for most of them to lose weight?
In the process of this disease, the body affects a whole bunch of disorders, and first of all, these are endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders and, as a result, constipation. And it is useless to heal the heart without trying to lose weight. And, in fact, there is only one way out: eat less and move more. Pills will not help here, no matter how advertised.
Read next: What is muscle joy?
See also:
TOP 9 questions and answers about smoking
How to have a health day
Lose weight without reducing your appetite
Sometimes you just need to quit smoking to become healthy.
Lung cancer
We often blame bad ecology, but in most cases we ourselves generate our own diseases. So, lighting a cigarette, with each inhale we inhale 4 thousand harmful substances at once, the concentration of which is 300-1000 times higher than the permissible norm. And lung cancer is 90% a consequence of smoking.
Cardiovascular diseases
A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that sooner or later the heart begins to junk. The point is that the body needs “muscle joy”. Scientists claim that during exercise, substances are produced that give a person a sense of joy. Strength is felt throughout the body, an upsurge of energy. To normalize nervous activity, you need to at least start walking for 40–45 minutes at such a speed that the heart rate is 110–120 beats per minute.
Civilization is like good wine: you can enjoy it all your life, enjoy it, or you can get drunk and die once.