The most effective technique for replacing false attitudes in the subconscious

Good day, dear readers of my blog! From previous articles, we realized that the subconscious mind has great power to influence our quality of life and stores an incredible amount of information, including the memory of the family, that is, attitudes that are passed down from generation to generation along a certain line (female or male). But what to do if some of them, or those acquired in childhood, are incorrect and limit a person very much, preventing him from achieving success and realizing his desires? In the article «The most simple and effective techniques for removing negative programs from the subconscious» we learned how to get rid of them. And today, in addition, I want to tell you what BSFF is — a technique for changing attitudes in the subconscious.

BSFF — what is it?

The BSFF methodology — that is, Be Set Free Fast and is translated as: “Become free quickly”, it consists of five steps and helps a person to discover his problem, or rather the main reason for the obstacles in his path in the form of negative attitudes. It is not performed in one go, that is, it will take you several days to complete it completely.

It mainly depends on the depth and complexity of experiences, trauma, fear or belief. And the more difficult it is, the longer it will take to work, sometimes the process can drag on for weeks. Another important point, as in the process of psychotherapy and self-education in general, the higher the willingness to change something, the easier it is to achieve results. It is necessary to realize that the responsibility for your life is only on you, and only thanks to your efforts can there be liberation from destructive thoughts and behavior.

What does this technique provide?

The most effective technique for replacing false attitudes in the subconscious

  • It helps to unblock and become aware of your emotions, which, due to intensity, had to be “hidden” deep inside yourself, and which, due to such actions, destroy a person.
  • Due to the fact that it becomes possible to change beliefs, a person is freed from the usual stereotypes of behavior and negative reactions to the slightest events. That is, the person becomes more multifaceted, able to look at the situation from different angles in order to have an accurate idea.
  • Stress resistance increases, and, accordingly, many diseases that arose against the background of psychosomatics disappear, I spoke about it in detail in an article here at this link. Some diseases that have arisen due to stress or held feelings can sometimes be life threatening.
  • The level of energy rises, because you free yourself from unnecessary destructive thoughts, on which a huge amount of energy is spent.
  • A person becomes more resilient both physically, spiritually and emotionally.
  • In the process of implementing this technique, the “taste for life” returns, that is, the ability to enjoy and satisfy, to notice any details that bring joy.
  • The level of confidence in yourself and your abilities rises. A person becomes able to trust himself more and notice resources. For other methods on how to increase self-esteem, read my article, which you can read here.


The most effective technique for replacing false attitudes in the subconscious

1 step

It consists in determining the goal, that is, the problem that prompted the implementation of this technique. To do this, you should think about the difficulties that are pursued in work or personal life. Analyze what they have in common? What causes the most negative reactions? Pick one that will be your target.

2 step

It is more difficult, because you will have to face your experiences, to raise the whole layer of feelings that you have pushed deep into yourself. Near the goal, write a number of your thoughts and prejudices about it. That is, what scares you, angers you in this situation, what kind of feelings arise in general. Is there any doubt about solving this complexity. Imagine what could threaten and end if you do not take any action. What risks will arise, what new tasks will need to be performed. For example, «I’m afraid of what my colleagues will think of me if I take the initiative in a new project.»

3 step

At this stage, you should give a new command to the subconscious, that is, change its installation and remove the negative consequences. To do this, come up with any word that does not evoke strong emotions, that is, neutral, but at the same time simple and memorable. For example, the word “love” is not suitable, but “pen”, if it is not associated with any experiences, will do. After that, give the following command, inserting your code word:

“This instruction is for you, my subconscious. Every time I realize or notice a problem, I will say the code word «pen» for you and you will completely eliminate the problem. I thank you for always fulfilling my tasks and remaining faithful to me.

4 step

Take the sheet on which you wrote out all the prejudices, and start reading one sentence at a time, inserting a code word at the end. Read the same sentence so many times until a yawn occurs. Only then can you move on to the next one.

5 step

And the very end of the exercise, for this we need to remember about positive affirmations, that is, reformulate each negative belief into a positive one so that false and destructive attitudes no longer arise in your thoughts. You can read my article in which I described how to write affirmations. Once you make them up, repeat the following phrases, again, until you start to yawn:

«Now I’m permanently removing all the problems that are related to my goal (specify goal), pen.»

«Now I forgive myself, and all the people who are associated with my goal, pen.»

This is the best technique that will allow you to work together with the consciousness of the internal storehouse of information to improve the quality of your life. Such a study is very effective, because it brings with it profound changes.


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