The most effective remedy for ticks has been found. Research proves it is reliable

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Scientists from Poland have indicated a repellent that can deter 90 percent. ticks even seven hours after application. It is the most effective preparation of this type on the market.

Repellants – a weapon in the fight against tick-borne diseases

Repellants are agents that have the ability to repel pests, insects and arachnids. They provide protection especially against species that transmit zoonoses. Most of the time, they are scared by smells, but they can also generate light and sound that scare away unwanted insects or rodents. Common and meadow ticks, which have a very high reproductive potential, as well as the ability to survive and spread in various environments, are less of a threat to humans due to repellants.

Try an effective tick repellent

Discovery of Polish scientists

Increasing tick expansion prompted Polish scientists from the National Institute of Public Health and the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology to search for the most effective repellent. Researchers compared DEET, IR3535, icaridin, and a mixture of three substances: DEET, IR3535 and geraniol. DEET turned out to be the longest-acting agent against ticks (N, N-Diethyl-m-toluamide). Polish research is the first scientific report on deterring the species of meadow tick, which is particularly dangerous as a carrier of pathogens causing:

  1. Lyme disease (Borreliaburgdorferi),
  2. anaplasmosis (Anaplasmaphagocytophilum),
  3. Q fever (Coxiellaburnetii),
  4. salmonellozę (Salmonellatyphimurium),
  5. tularemia (Francisellatularensis),
  6. bartonellosis, or cat scratch disease (Bartonellahenselae).

The effectiveness of DEET after 90 minutes from application, it was 100%. and remained very high (90%) even after 7 hours, while the effects of other substances lost their strength.

  1. Be careful in the woods and on the walk. It can act like a magnet on ticks

DEET on ticks – safety

DEET is a component of many specialized preparations that are used to repel not only ticks but also mosquitoes. However, a study that appeared in BMC Biology in 2012 showed it might have neurotoxic effect. Therefore, in line with the European Union’s recommendations, special precautions should be taken when authorizing products containing DEET. The preparations must be accompanied by an instruction specifying the quantity in which the product can be used, together with information on the frequency of its use.

DEET funds should not be used to protect the skin of pregnant women or children under two years of age. For children from two to twelve years of age, it is recommended to use such potent preparations only when necessary.

Also check:

  1. Mosquito, wasp, tick, snake – what to do when we get bitten or bitten?
  2. A tick bit me. Should I get a Lyme test?
  3. There is a slight infiltrate at the site of the tick bite? Don’t ignore him

Have a question about ticks or tick-borne diseases? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Ticks and Lyme disease – frequently asked questions and answers

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