The most effective recipes for pancreas recovery

Endocrine diseases – pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, here you will find a remedy that will help with these difficult-to-treat diseases.

Inflammation of the pancreas, or simply pancreatitis, is one of the most unpleasant and difficult to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is caused by bad habits and an unhealthy diet, oversaturated with fats and food additives. That is why, under the influence of the modern urban lifestyle, more and more people fall ill with pancreatitis.

Severe pain, nausea and the inability to eat normally dramatically worsen the quality of life, moreover, for many years. How to treat inflammation of the pancreas is determined by a gastroenterologist, but sometimes even the most modern anti-pancreatitis drugs do not bring relief. If you want to know about all the alternative methods for restoring the functions of the pancreas, be sure to read this material. Here we present simple, safe and effective recipes available to everyone.

Kryphea – a miracle plant for the pancreas

The most effective recipes for pancreas recovery

Kryphea is not a grass, as many believe, but a very rare type of moss, and it reproduces by spores.

For traditional medicine, two types of kryphea are relevant:

  • Kryphea Amurskaya – listed in the Red Book, found exclusively in the Amur region and the Khabarovsk Territory, grows on the trunks and branches of fir, spruce, poplar and birch at a height of about one and a half to two meters above the ground;

  • Kryphea Multidirectional – a subtropical relative, it can be found on the Balkan Peninsula, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Caucasus and in Turkey. It grows in the same way, favorite habitats are beech, elm, poplar, fir, spruce.

Dried crushed moss is taken in dry form, decoctions and alcohol tinctures are prepared from it. You will not find Kryphea on the shelves of ordinary pharmacies. For raw materials, you can go to special quarters of Antalya, where local herbalists sell this rare drug.

Pharmacological action of krifei

The high efficiency of kryphea in pancreatitis and stomach ulcers is due to the presence in its composition of a rare and valuable substance – s-methylmethionine. It helps to normalize the acid balance: if too much acid is produced, kryphea helps to reduce the level, and if too little, on the contrary, it stimulates synthesis.

S-methylmethionine is also involved in the processes of regeneration of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, which is why kryphea is so useful for patients with pancreatitis and peptic ulcer. The enzymes that make up kryphea improve the digestive process and help all nutrients to be absorbed faster in the small intestine.

Kryphea tincture activates both intrasecretory and exocrine pancreatic function: the most important hormones are produced in the right amount, in particular insulin, as well as digestive enzymes – protease, amylase, lipase. Patients with pancreatitis note that this tincture, with regular use, relieves nausea and relieves excruciating pain.

Kryfeya will be useful not only for gastroenterologist patients. Its amazing chemical composition helps to alleviate the condition of asthmatics and allergy sufferers. This is a powerful natural antihistamine that does not give side effects in the form of drowsiness and reduced concentration.

Indications for use and dosage

The most effective recipes for pancreas recovery

Krifei tincture and powder are recommended for the following diseases:

  • Chronic and acute pancreatitis;

  • Intrasecretory and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency;

  • Gastritis and stomach ulcer;

  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestines, gallbladder and liver;

  • Food and drug allergies;

  • Bronchial asthma;

  • Pollinosis.

Alcohol tincture is taken 0,5-1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals (for 15-30 minutes) for 3 months, and then take a break for 1 month. If necessary, treatment courses are repeated 3-4 times a year. Dry krifei powder can be consumed 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals with water, or you can prepare a decoction in a steam bath from the same amount of ingredients. The second way is more difficult, but the medicine helps better.

Efficiency of kryphea in chronic pancreatitis

After a couple of weeks of regular intake of krifei, patients with pancreatitis usually feel a significant improvement in well-being. At this stage, it is important not to ruin the results of treatment obtained with such difficulty. Try to treat your health as carefully as possible: do not lean on fatty and junk food, do not indulge in alcohol. It is very difficult to drive pancreatitis into remission, but letting it roam again is as easy as shelling pears.

You should also not take kryphea as a means of providing emergency assistance. The very mechanics of the inflammatory process in the pancreas is such that it cannot be stopped in a few days or even weeks. If you are not ready for three months in a row to carefully take the medicine, it is better not to start, so as not to be disappointed.

Where to buy kryphea?

The price of one bottle of kryphea tincture, with a volume of 250 ml, is expensive, 6500 rubles (enough for about 1-3 months)

Russia: in Russia kryphea can only be purchased from herbalists. For example, on this site

Triple Insulin Boosting Tincture

To improve the work of the pancreas, which produces insulin, you need to make the following remedy, consisting of three tinctures:

  • Take 100 grams of onions, chop until gruel is formed and pour 0,6 liters of vodka. Put in a dark place for 5 days, then filter.

  • Take 100 grams of walnut leaves, chop, put in a 0,6 liter jar, and fill with vodka. Put for a week in a dark place, then strain.

  • Take the cuff grass, chop and pour 0,6 liters of vodka. Insist 7 days, then strain.

To prepare the final tincture, take 150 ml of onion tincture, 60 ml of walnut leaf tincture and 40 ml of cuff herb tincture. Mix all tinctures in the indicated volumes and take one tablespoon 2 times a day, in the morning – 20 minutes before meals and in the evening – before bedtime.

Royal jelly – nutrition for the entire endocrine system

The most effective recipes for pancreas recovery

This beekeeping product often arouses curiosity, and even bewilderment – where does it come from? Of course, the bees do not have an udder, but there are special pharyngeal glands, from which, when chewing honey and bee bread, a nutrient liquid is released, intended for feeding the larvae of the queen bee. Milk is accumulated in an oval flask with a capacity of 200-400 ml – a mother liquor, hence the name.

Royal jelly has a white or light cream color, a sour-burning taste, an unusual smell and a thick creamy texture. At room temperature, it is stored for no more than a few days, but in the refrigerator and mixed with honey, the milk retains its beneficial properties throughout the year.

The composition and benefits of royal jelly

The chemical composition of royal jelly amazes with a variety of useful substances:

  • Almost all known vitamins, especially a lot of B vitamins;

  • Micro and macro elements – calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, nickel, manganese, chromium, copper, phosphorus, cobalt, bismuth;

  • The most important enzymes are amylase, glucose oxidase, invertase, cholinesterase and others;

  • A number of amino acids involved in the cellular reactions of our body.

Royal Jelly is a concentrated elixir of life. It is difficult to name a disease in which this product would not have a beneficial effect. And for the restoration of the pancreas, milk is simply irreplaceable, because the enzymes and amino acids contained in it just help to establish the normal functioning of this small but important organ.

In many foreign countries, for example, in Japan, royal jelly is no longer considered a rare drug. From the pharmaceutical industry, it migrated to the food industry, and the Japanese consume much more royal jelly than they produce themselves, so they resort to export.

The use of royal jelly in pancreatitis

It is best to take royal jelly sublingually, that is, to dissolve in the oral cavity as long as possible. If you just drink this product, then when it enters the stomach, the digestive juices will almost completely destroy its chemical structure, and the benefit will be lost. A person’s mouth does not have such an acidic environment, therefore, from there, healing substances can easily penetrate directly into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

Fresh royal jelly is consumed on the day of collection from the mother liquor, holding in the mouth 1 tablespoon three times a day for as long as possible. A small amount of this product is also found in honeycombs. If you manage to get them, put one piece under the tongue. You can also mix royal jelly with honey and dissolve like candy. For a day, an adult can take up to 100 mg of milk. Treatment should last 2-3 months, after which it is recommended to rest for a month.

Where to buy royal jelly?

Royal jelly, if you don’t know a beekeeper (who can consume it in its freshest form, as in the picture above), can be purchased from the same beekeepers, who are usually located at the fair, markets and sometimes in large shopping centers.

It is sold in several versions:

  1. Frozen royal jelly is the most effective, as it retains most of the nutrients

  2. Dry royal jelly is ineffective compared to frozen, since only those substances remain in it that are not destroyed by temperature and oxygen.

  3. Royal jelly can also be purchased from distributors of the Tentorium company, which has established itself as the No. 1 bee products company in the world. Milk is sold as a mixture with honey, which plays the role of a natural preservative.

Kvass on celandine according to Bolotov

The most effective recipes for pancreas recovery

Kvass according to Professor Bolotov’s recipe is a fermentation product of celandine mixed with whey and sugar. The celandine contains alkaloids, potent toxic compounds that react with lactic acid fermentation and transform into useful substances.

Dr. Bolotov’s research confirms that celandine kvass has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. It destroys the pathogenic flora and promotes the renewal of cells of the gastrointestinal tract, stops inflammation of the pancreas and brings lasting relief in acute and chronic pancreatitis.

kvass recipe

If you properly prepare kvass on celandine, it will have a taste and aroma similar to apple and grapefruit: there should be slight bitterness and sourness, but in general it is a very pleasant product.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Pure boiled water or filtered whey – 3 l;

  • Sour cream 15% fat (natural) – 1 teaspoon;

  • Granulated sugar – 1 cup;

  • Dry celandine – 0,5 cups (dry celandine is sold in packs of 50 grams, we need half – 25 grams, this will be half a cup), or fresh – 1 cup

In a three-liter jar of water or whey at room temperature, carefully dissolve the sour cream and sugar. Put celandine on a sterile gauze rolled up in 4 layers, and tie a small load of glass or stainless steel (ball, twig) into a bag and lower it to the bottom of the jar. Tie the neck with the same gauze and hide the workpiece in a dark, dry place.

Kvass on celandine is prepared for two weeks. The contents of the jar must be mixed daily and the formed mold must be removed from the surface. On the 5th day, sediment will appear at the bottom of the jar. Then kvass needs to be poured into another jar and topped up with water to the previous level, and the sediment can be thrown away (the celandine remains in the jar). On the 10-12th day, kvass will begin to foam – this is the correct result of fermentation.

After 14 days, you can pour the first liter of finished kvass and put it in the refrigerator for consumption. This amount is enough for you for 3 days. The jar can be replenished with water to the previous level no more than 4 times. Then kvass is prepared from a fresh portion of the herb. The container and cargo must be thoroughly washed, and, of course, gauze should be used new.

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