The most effective methods of motivation to create and develop your business

Good day to all, dear readers of my blog! We have been studying the topic of motivation for a long time, everyone has their own goals, plans and desires, but, as I noticed, most often they are associated with career achievements, when a person tries to create and promote his idea. So in this article I want to talk about what motivation for a business is, because not everyone is ready to take a risk to open it, and even more so continue to develop it without quitting at the first difficulty or halfway through. Therefore, it is very important in the activities of every businessman and entrepreneur.


1. Awareness

The best motivation to start your own business is the realization of what exactly we need it for, what needs we will satisfy with its help. After all, we exist because sometimes we need something, we want something, and these desires move us forward. Thanks to them we are active and proactive. So it is with business, answer the question for yourself: “What will I get as a result of opening my own? Why do I need it?» If options come to mind, for example, money, then dig deeper, what exactly do you want to get from a lot of money? Maybe it’s independence, freedom? The desire to receive recognition from a loved one or in general? Maybe you want to enter the international market in order to achieve global success? This is a very important step, otherwise interest may disappear in the middle of the path or at the slightest setback. It is difficult to move forward with all your efforts and not understand where you are going.

2. Journal of success

The most effective methods of motivation to create and develop your business

Every day it is simply necessary to feel the taste of victory, even if it is a very small one in the form of an insignificant achievement. To do this, you should plan your every day so that the tasks to be completed, the deadlines and the necessary resources that will be spent are always scheduled. And each completion of the planned task will give a feeling of a little joy, because everything is going according to plan, and, accordingly, under control. This point is especially important for business development at the initial stages, thereby motivating to continue and claim more. You can even start a so-called «success journal» where you write down your smallest victories and completed tasks.


We have already spoken more than once about the role of responsibility in the life of every person, but I will repeat here. The more we want to get, the more we will have to do or risk. And then, accordingly, bear responsibility for the consequences and results. Therefore, it is important to understand that owning a business gives you more freedom, but it also imposes more obligations.

After all, you must admit that the life of a person who works, for example, in a bank, is very different from the life of a person who runs a network business. Yes, he has fewer opportunities in life, but even after work he can relax, forget about it, having completed his amount of work in a day. While the leader must always be in good shape. Therefore, listen to yourself, ambition is very good, but the guarantor of success is the ability to act and understand the level of your responsibility, are you ready to bear it?

4.Comfort zone

Take a look around, where are you? Are you comfortable living like this? A person is able to achieve tremendous success when he risks stepping out of his own comfort zone. That is, when we get used to something and do not change for a long time. It seems to be a comfortable life, but very ordinary and without development, without gaining new experience, growth …

For many years, the same salary, sometimes a person can feel completely immobilized, and at the same time be afraid to risk changing something, it will suddenly become even worse than it is now.

So if you’re thinking about starting your own business, write a list that includes all the changes that will happen to you. That’s what will change? What scares? What are the risks? Come up with options for each controversial moment, with the help of which it is possible to solve the situation.

This will give more self-confidence, and, therefore, create a basic foundation in the beginning of entrepreneurship.

By the way, on this blog you can find a lot of quotes about the comfort zone here.

5. Enjoy the process

The most effective methods of motivation to create and develop your business

In order for there to be a desire to move in a given direction, to go towards your dream, you must also enjoy the process, then there will be no questions about motivation. After all, if you have a goal, for example, to achieve financial independence in order to buy a big house, but the wrong tool for achieving this goal was chosen, you won’t last long, because energy arises when we do what we like. But when you have to do something unloved and not interesting, most of your energy is spent on overcoming your own resistance in order to force yourself to do something. Therefore, to create your own business, it is important to choose a niche that is interesting.

If you are interested in financial independence, then you can read the basics for achieving it in the article: “Can anyone become financially independent and what is required for this”.


If you are not ready to take big risks, and first you want to gain knowledge and experience in the field of doing business, a great option is multi-level marketing, if abbreviated as mlm, that is, a network where anyone can become an independent distributor, spreading information about the product. It is possible to do this even without initial capital. This option is great for those who decide to test their strengths and resources, their willingness to depend only on themselves and their decisions. There are a wide variety of types of mlm, but the most popular are cosmetic products and household chemicals.

As soon as I find the time, I will definitely write an article on the topic of network marketing.

Ben Franklin Principles

  1. Happiness is made up of small achievements that we get every day. Yes, it happens that you are lucky in a big way, but basically the global success was received by companies and people who gradually, step by step, moved towards their dream, improving and modifying tools and strategies.
  2. You have the power and ability to control and change your life. Someone hides it very deep inside themselves, but this does not mean at all that it cannot be found. Know that only you shape your life.
  3. A very interesting principle that says that success is a pleasure that we should live as often as possible, then its quantity and saturation will increase.

Pros of starting your own business

The most effective methods of motivation to create and develop your business

Naturally, each has its own advantages and goals, but these are the main ones that accompany successful activity, which may give you confidence to start:

  • Freedom. No matter how it seems that businessmen are very busy people, they still have the right to manage their time on their own, without asking others if it is necessary to resolve their personal issues and so on.
  • Finance. By developing your business, you will receive more profit, and this cannot but encourage you to new achievements.
  • Personal growth. New acquaintances, ideas and just information are a great way of self-development, your values ​​and level of knowledge will change, making you a multifaceted and interesting person, which others will eventually look up to, wanting to learn from experience.


That’s all, dear reader! And it doesn’t matter if you are already the owner or just on the way to opening your company, remember that if you believe in yourself, you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to act and not give in to difficulties, because they, on the contrary, temper us and promote us. I recommend reading my article, which will help in this matter: «The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself.

Good luck in your business!

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