The most effective herbs for common ailments. Take care of your health naturally
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Herbs have enormous power, which we know for a long time. Their use can help in alleviating a number of troublesome ailments, but if used improperly, they can cause side effects in the human body. For this reason, it is worth finding out how popular herbs work and how we can use them at home.

Herbs for weight loss

This is one of the most popular herbal categories. Plants with a slimming effect are most often believed to support digestion and fat burning. They help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as reduce appetite. What herbs to choose for weight loss?

  1. peppermint leaf – helps to regulate digestion and intestinal function, and also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and allows you to reduce the craving for sweets;
  2. prickly pear flower – allows you to bind fat from food in the digestive tract, thanks to which it is not absorbed;
  3. common flax seeds – affect the proper functioning of the intestines and their cleansing. They are a source of fiber, thanks to which they prolong the feeling of fullness;
  4. white mulberry leaf – believed to reduce appetite, help reduce cholesterol and sugar levels;
  5. bladder wrack – supports metabolism and the digestive system, and helps to cleanse the body of toxins and regulate cholesterol levels;
  6. violet tricolor – supports metabolism and fat burning, and reduces appetite.

Herbs for beauty

Herbs are able to help in the treatment of dermatological problems such as acne. They help to strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling out excessively. Among the properties of numerous plants, there is also a rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, hair and nails. What herbs to choose for a pretty complexion?

  1. violet tricolor herb – provides substances such as salicylic acid, vitamin C or bioflavonoids. It has a cleansing, disinfecting and antibacterial effect;
  2. cleansing herb – helps the body to cleanse of toxins, and has antifungal and antibacterial properties;
  3. yarrow herb – has anti-inflammatory properties and helps regulate the work of the sebaceous glands;
  4. marigold flower – this plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and cleansing properties, and additionally supports the natural protective barrier of the skin.

On the other hand, when it comes to effective herbs for strong hair, it is worth paying attention to:

  1. nettle leaf – is known to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. Supports their growth and helps fight dandruff;
  2. small flowered willowherb herb – has properties supporting the fight against excessive greasy hair and scalp. In addition, it supports the hormonal balance, thanks to which it can be used as a supplement to the therapy of androgenetic alopecia;
  3. fenugreek seeds – thanks to numerous vitamins and elements, they perfectly influence the condition of the hair, reducing hair loss;
  4. saw palmetto fruit – Has many benefits for women who experience excessive hair loss during or after the menopause and for men with androgenetic alopecia.

Herbs for energy

Nature provides us with many ways to increase our energy levels, overcome apathy and chronic fatigue, and improve the work of the nervous system. How to wake up naturally? It is worth using herbs for energy such as:

  1. rosemary leaf – has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to improve brain function;
  2. rosehip fruit – it is believed to influence energy metabolism, mental performance and the work of the nervous system;
  3. holly leaf – as a source of caffeine, it helps to increase energy levels, reducing physical and mental fatigue;
  4. guarana seeds – thanks to the caffeine content, they have a stimulating effect, facilitate remembering, reduce fatigue and improve the body’s efficiency;
  5. Rhodiola rosea root – helps to reduce the negative impact of stress on the body, fatigue and improve concentration. In addition, it affects the level of serotonin, affecting well-being, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Herbs for memory and concentration

They will prove useful in the period of increased intellectual effort, e.g. before exams, but also in the case of people experiencing problems with memory and concentration, stress or the elderly. Often selected herbs for memory and concentration are, for example:

  1. lemon balm leaf – supports circulation and the body’s efficiency, and also supports stressful situations;
  2. fenugreek seed – contributes to the improvement of circulation and the work of the nervous system, favoring the formation of new connections between nerve cells;
  3. the root of sluggish greetings, i.e. ashwagandha – has an anti-stress effect and supports memory and concentration;
  4. ginkgo biloba leaf – helps to protect the nervous and circulatory systems, ensuring the efficient functioning of the brain;
  5. Rhodiola rosea root – supports cognitive functions and influences the number of neurotransmitters. Not only does it make it easier to remember, but it also helps to reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body;
  6. spiny eleutherococcus root – improves the process of remembering and learning new things, and increases the body’s resistance to stress.

Herbs for a healthy sleep and calming down

Are you struggling with sleep disorders? Do you have a problem falling asleep in the evening? In such a situation, it is also worth using the properties of herbs, in particular those that have a calming and calming effect. They will also prove helpful for people experiencing stress and anxiety. Among the effective herbs for healthy sleep we can find:

  1. valerian root – it has sedative and anxiolytic properties, which makes it easier to fall asleep and helps to alleviate the symptoms of neurosis;
  2. lemon balm leaf – helps to reduce severe stress and nervous tension;
  3. hops flower – makes it easier to fall asleep and allows you to fall into a healthy, uninterrupted sleep, and also helps to improve well-being and restore mental balance;
  4. narrow-leaved lavender flower – has a relaxing effect, reducing the amount of time needed to fall asleep and improving the quality of sleep;
  5. sluggish welcome root – helps to reduce the level of cortisol in the body, making it easier to calm down;
  6. chamomile flower basket – helps to relieve nervous tension and supports the work of the nervous system. It can also be used in the case of neuralgia.

Herbs for hormones

Hormonal problems are common ailments among women. In this case, it is worth reaching for plants that help relieve painful menstruation, PMS symptoms or regulate the menstrual cycle. Hormone herbs include:

  1. chaste fruit – helps regulate the concentration of estrogens and progesterones, as well as prolactin. In this way, it can help to ease painful periods and make the menstrual cycle regular. In addition, it helps to relieve irritability, emotional tension or PMS-related breast pain;
  2. yarrow herb – brings many benefits to the female body due to its diastolic, anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties;
  3. ginger rhizome – also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties and reduces swelling associated with water retention in the body;
  4. the herb of the mothballs – helps to regulate menstrual disorders, because it has anti-haemorrhagic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

Herbs for menopause

The menopause is associated with numerous unpleasant symptoms such as nervousness, hot flashes, mood swings and sleep disturbances. Appropriately selected natural methods will help alleviate these symptoms and improve the well-being of women during menopause. Herbs for menopause are primarily:

  1. red clover flower – brings relief to menopausal women mainly due to its anti-swelling and calming effect;
  2. motherwort herb – has a variety of effects, thanks to its relaxing, anxiolytic and sleep-promoting properties. Additionally, it regulates blood pressure and alleviates stomach discomfort;
  3. passion flower herb – affects the quality of sleep and helps to improve the emotional state of a woman;
  4. hawthorn inflorescence – supports the work of the cardiovascular system, and reduces the feeling of shortness of breath, dizziness and digestive problems.

Herbs for the prostate

When it comes to the prevention of prostate diseases and alleviating their symptoms, including prostate pain, it is also worth using the action of properly selected herbs. They will also support the functions of the urinary system and sexual performance. Herbs for the prostate include:

  1. nettle leaf – cleansing and regulating hormone levels, and helps to reduce prostate hyperplasia;
  2. small flowering willowherb herb – has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties. Supports the treatment of urinary tract infections and reduces the effect of testosterone;
  3. chamomile flower – helps to reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement, and additionally supports the functions of the kidneys, making them easier to clean;
  4. saw palmetto fruit – its properties can be used in the case of micturition disorders and other symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Herbs for libido

Herbs and other plants that affect the libido affect the body in a variety of ways. They not only stimulate sexual desire, but also affect well-being, emotional balance and facilitate relaxation. Popular herbs for libido include:

  1. lovage root – has an analgesic effect and belongs to natural aphrodisiacs;
  2. mace fruit – benefits both women and men. It increases testosterone levels and improves vaginal hydration. It takes part in the functioning of the nervous, urinary and endocrine systems;
  3. spiny eleutherococcus root – it is believed to play the role of a natural aphrodisiac. It improves blood supply to the genitals, helps to reduce fatigue and increase energy levels;
  4. ginseng – improves sexual performance, has a stimulating and anti-stress effect;
  5. maca root – affects the hormonal balance, the body’s efficiency and sex drive, and also helps to increase sperm mobility;
  6. Japanese ginkgo – thanks to its flavonoids, it supports blood flow in the genitals.

Herbs for the kidneys

They mainly show diuretic and cleansing properties for the kidneys and urinary tract. Among the most effective herbs for the kidneys are:

  1. warty birch leaf – detoxifies, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant;
  2. bearberry leaf – helps to reduce the frequency of urination and soothe the burning sensation associated with it. Additionally, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  3. nettle leaf – helps to cleanse the body and reduce swelling;
  4. dandelion leaf – supports kidney function and helps remove excess water accumulated in the body.

It should be remembered that if you have any diseases or take medications, consult your doctor about using herbs.

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