The most effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs. Photo and video

Together with the trainer Irina Tseplova, we will begin our fitness marathon by training the part of the body that is located below the waist, or rather, the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

– And yet, men are amazing creatures! While the beautiful half of the Earth, in anticipation of summer and bright swimsuits, tortures her body during fitness training, “heroes of the occasion”, it turns out, in the TOP of the sexiest female body parts, the first place is given to … a sexy look! And only the 2nd and 3rd, buttocks and breasts, respectively. The only good news is that they are also prize money. But what about those beauties who are not endowed by Mother Nature with a gaze that strikes on the spot, but, for example, shine brighter than the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? It remains for them to go the beaten path, especially since it was laid by me for a long time in the gym. I am happy to go there, I will share all the secrets and nuances of creating a slender body! To begin with, let’s define the “scale” or the so-called area of ​​application of physical exercises.

The first thing that awaits us on the way to slender legs, kettlebell squats is a great way to transform them! We take a kettlebell weighing 16 kg – this weight is optimal for those who want to get results from training, and not just put a tick in the diary in front of the column “Today I visited the gym” by posting another selfie “from the battlefield” on social networks. We work on ourselves competently, persistently, sparing no effort and our beloved.

Why do we need a kettlebell in such an exercise? The resulting effect of its additional burdening and holding it in front of you relieves the load from the back and knees and allows you to maintain the correct body position when doing squats. The kettlebell is here as insurance. Not from an accident, of course, but to “every fireman” in the name of health and beauty. We place our feet slightly to the sides for our own comfort, keep our back straight during movement. Taking a kettlebell in both hands and keeping the shoulders down, as if “we sit on a chair”, returning to the starting position due to the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Breathing – “according to the classics”: we exhale with effort, that is, during the upward movement, when the weight is pushed out. Sit down – inhale, stand up – exhale. Did you get the sirloin feel from the back after a few repetitions? Excellent! We perform 3 sets of 15 times, or, if your workout is built with a superset, after 15 repetitions, go to the next one.

Let’s continue the fight for the ideal proportions of the main competitors of the female breast – the buttocks. And next in line … swing back with a bent leg (look at the video). The exercise is popular, but no less effective.

We accept the emphasis on the carpet “knees – elbows”, or “knees – palms” – as it will be convenient for you, not forgetting, of course, about a very shaky sense of balance in the second case. Determine the position of the hands by the width of the shoulders. We do not press the head to the body, we maintain its natural position. Raise one leg up, bending it at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. The thigh is parallel to the floor. The foot is reduced “towards itself”, the heel is located directly under the knee joint. With springy movements, using the gluteal muscles, “push” the heel up and in the next phase return the thigh in line with the body. Performing swings, we strain the abdominal muscles, thereby “killing” one more hare. We fix the lower back – it should not “dance” from side to side – yes, not an easy task for beginners or those who, like me, resume training in the gym after a long break. Remember to change your leg after 15-20 reps. At the end of the 3rd approach, the gluteus muscle will “burn with hot fire” – do not be alarmed and do not try to feel sorry for yourself, everything is fine. This exercise can also be included in a superset, moving after 15-20 repetitions to another.

Well, “for finishing off” we will perform the lifting of the pelvis lying on the floor. Big gluteal, back of the thigh – exercise “bridge”, like a magic spell, literally “speak”. Do not forget to just perform the “ritual” of transformation regularly, observing the correct technique. We put our feet in parallel, when lifting the body at the top point, the knees, pelvis and shoulders should form a straight line – in this position, by the way, be sure to linger for a second and shorten the buttocks as much as possible. So that the exercise does not seem like fun and bring with it the desired effect, add “sports differences” to the process: add a disc from a barbell, a bar or a dumbbell to your hips, while leaning your back on a bench – you can lower your pelvis lower and increase the load; experiment – move the stand under your feet; do not lower the buttocks to the floor at the bottom, keep them in good shape for all 12-15 repetitions.

We check the correctness of the exercises on the video.

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