The most dangerous variants of the coronavirus. What do we know about them?
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More than a year of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us. Few people remember the basic variant of the “Chinese” COVID-19, so far many strains have appeared, some of which are particularly dangerous. The British, Brazilian and South African countries are particularly concerned about experts and medics, but there is much more “worth observing”. We present the most famous and dangerous mutations of the coronavirus.

  1. Coronavirus keeps mutating because that’s in its nature. As a result, many variants arise. Most of them die, but some of them managed to dominate their environment
  2. In the classification of global health organizations, four variants of SARS-CoV-2 fall under the VoC category (Variant of Concern)
  3. We are talking about the following variants: British, Brazilian, South African and Californian
  4. In GISAID, the international database of coronavirus genomes, two more variants are under close scrutiny: Indian and Nigerian.
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the coronavirus on the Onet homepage

British variant

Variant B.1.1.7 (or VOC 202012/0) was first identified in London and Kent in September 2020. According to the researchers, this variant has more than 20 mutations, of which it is the key one N50Y.

It is the most widespread variant of COVID-19 in the world. It has appeared in over 130 countries, and in Europe it is responsible for the current third wave of the pandemic. In Poland, almost all coronavirus cases are caused by the British strain.

The British variant is more than 50-70 percent more contagious. than in the case of the basic one, it is also said to be 60 percent. higher mortality, although not all studies support this thesis. However, when it comes to its resistance to currently used vaccines, it is only slightly higher.

  1. UK Coronavirus Mutation Causes Severe COVID-19?

The main symptoms of infection with the British variant of COVID-19 are primarily cough, high fever, muscle and throat pain, and chronic fatigue. A much smaller number of people, compared to the classic variant, experience a loss of smell and taste.

South African variant

South African variant, marked with the symbol B.1.351 or 501.V2has already appeared in over 80 countries. Like the British one, it contains a mutation N50Yand also particularly dangerous E484K and K417N i P71L. It is present in most European countries, Central Asia and North America. In Poland, the first case was discovered in February.

Compared to the British variant, the South African strain has more physical changes in the structure of the S protein, so it is more resistant to known vaccines.

  1. South African strain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. What do we know about him? [WE EXPLAIN]

According to epidemiologists, the South African variant of the coronavirus is more common among young people or those without chronic diseases, and is more likely to cause severe COVID-19 compared to other variants. It is about 50% more contagious, but there is no evidence yet to suggest it is more lethal than primary.

Brazilian variant

The Brazilian variant, marked with the symbol P.1, has been found so far in more than 50 countries – in Europe, the Americas, Central Asia and Australia. A few days ago, there were reports of two cases detected in Poland, but so far this has not been officially verified.

  1. Hospitals in Brazil are bursting at the seams, doctors are crying with helplessness

The Brazilian strain contains a dozen or so mutations, including – like the British and South African – a mutation N50Y, and E484K present in South African. The combination of these mutations causes this variant to be considered more vaccine resistant than the British, but less than the South African.

It is estimated that the contagiousness of the British variant is 1,5-2 times greater than the baseline variant.

Californian variant

The California variant of the coronavirus occurs mainly in the United States, and outbreaks have also been detected in Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, and on the island of Aruba. In Europe, it has not yet managed to become a significant percentage. Several cases have occurred in Denmark and the United Kingdom, and isolated infections have occurred in several other Western European countries. In Poland, no case of infection with this variant has yet been officially recorded.

  1. Coronavirus. Californian variant more lethal than British?

The Californian variant is defined as two strains – B.1.427 i B.1.429 ccharacterized by three similar mutations (L452R, W152C i S131). The Californian variant is more contagious than the basic one, but less than the British one. In the classification of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an American health agency, it was recognized – as in the case of the British, Brazilian and South African – as an alarm variant.

Indian variant

India is currently facing the third wave of the coronavirus. The daily number of new cases there currently exceeds 300. It is not yet certain that the main culprit is the variant there B.1.617. But experts point out that it has three mutations E484Q, L452R i P681R, the former also occurs in Brazilian South African variants, the latter in Californian.

  1. Double mutant coronavirus discovered in India

Apart from India, variant B.1.617 has already been discovered in many countries, including Poland.

There is no research yet to say something about its greater infectivity and mortality, but the aforementioned mutations may have an impact on its increased resistance to vaccines currently in use.

  1. See more: What do we know about the Indian variant of the coronavirus?

Nigerian variant

A variant was detected in Nigeria and the UK at the end of 2020 B.1.525 (also known as VUI-21FEB-03). So far, it has made its presence felt in about 40 countries, the largest number of cases have been found in the USA, Great Britain. Britain and Germany.

  1. There are fears that B.1.525 will outsmart our defenses

There is no evidence that it affects the course of COVID-19, but due to the E484K mutation, it is suspected that it may be more contagious and more resistant to vaccines

New York variant

In November 2020, a variant named B.1.526 was discovered in New York. It contains the E484K mutation known from other dangerous strains, so it is similar to the South African B.1.351 and the Brazilian P.1.

It is not yet known whether the New York variant is more contagious or causes more serious complications, but there are grounds to believe that it may weaken the effect of the vaccine.

“Tanzanian” variant

In February, three people flying from Tanzania (a country long argued that there were no coronavirus pandemics) to Angola were detected with a COVID-19 variant considered by specialists as a ‘variant of interest’ (VOI). According to experts, it is the most mutated strain of COVID-19 in the world, it contains as many as 34 mutations, including the extremely “popular” E484K, which helps the virus to defeat antibodies

  1. Record mutant variant of the coronavirus from Africa

The variant was temporarily named A. VOI. V2

“Lithuanian” variant

Several dozen cases of coronavirus with the E484 mutation have been identified in Lithuania. According to the local biologist, the variant most likely comes from Africa, has no name yet, and may soon receive the symbol B.1.620.

  1. A new COVID-19 variant has been discovered in Lithuania. Is it dangerous?

There are no grounds yet to believe that the Lithuanian variant is more contagious, but the E484 mutation, also present in strains from Brazil and South Africa, may be more immune to the vaccine

Filipino variant

In the Philippines in February, a strain containing the mutations was detected E484K i N501Y. The variant was named P.3, is close to the Brazilian P.1. Cases of this strain have also been found in the UK. Britain and Japan.

Read also:

  1. Nine arguments to convince skeptics to vaccinate
  2. Mutation, variant, strain, variant of the coronavirus. Can these terms be used interchangeably? [WE EXPLAIN]

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