The most dangerous places on the planet

 The most dangerous places on the planet annually attract extreme tourists who are in search of thrills. And these places are really able to “give” a lot of adrenaline. Visiting such places is associated with a high risk to life. The list of “exclusion zones” includes cities, majestic mountainous reliefs, deserts, as well as expanses of water, which contain many mysteries and tragedies that have happened.

We present to the attention of readers the ten most dangerous places on earth.

10 Chernobyl | Ukraine

The most dangerous places on the planet

Chernobyl (Ukraine) opens the top ten most dangerous places in the world. The once prosperous city in an instant turned into a place forgotten by God. The terrible tragedy that occurred in 1986 caused people to hastily leave their native corner. The atomic explosion that occurred at the advanced power plant served as the release of tons of radiation dust, which spread over several hundred kilometers. Millions of people suffered from radiation pollution, many of them died. Currently, Chernobyl is a ghost town, which is extremely dangerous to health and life due to high levels of radiation.

9. Snake Island | Brazil

The most dangerous places on the planet

One of the most dangerous places on the planet is considered snake island (Brazil). It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Brazil. The island is closed to the public, as it is extremely dangerous for life. Judging by the name of the island, it is not difficult to guess that its only inhabitants are snakes. According to approximate estimates, there are up to 5-6 snakes per square meter of territory! The island is considered the largest natural serpentarium in the world.

8. Coast of California | USA

The most dangerous places on the planet

California coast (USA) is one of the most unsafe places on earth. Coastal California waters are a favorite haunt of great white sharks, which maim hundreds of people every year. Not uncommon are cases with a fatal outcome. But despite this fact, surfers and divers continue to cut through the expanses of water in search of new sensations and adrenaline.

7. Danakil Desert | Ethiopia

The most dangerous places on the planet

Danakil Desert (Ethiopia) is one of the most dangerous places for life on the planet. The colorful and unique landscape contains a number of dangers due to natural and climatic features. The temperature in this unusual and amazing desert sometimes exceeds +50 degrees, which already makes staying here acceptable for only a few minutes. Hot, burning air is not all that can scare away this place. The atmosphere contains a high concentration of poisonous gases that can be lethal. In addition, earthquakes often occur in the desert, as there is a break in the Arabian plate.

6. Death Valley | Russia

The most dangerous places on the planet

Death Valley (Russia) is one of the ten most dangerous places on the planet. The valley is located in Kamchatka in the Kronotsky Reserve, next to the active Kikhpinych volcano. This region is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes, but also for multiple deaths. Being there for a long time is deadly for both people and animals. Many scientists tend to believe that poison gas, which is located in the Valley of Death, becomes the cause of death.

5. Fire Mountain | Indonesia

The most dangerous places on the planet

fire mountain (Indonesia) is one of the most dangerous places on the planet. This is the name of the active volcano in Indonesia. For all the time of its existence, there are about a hundred eruptions. Every day, Fire Mountain gives vital signs in the form of a column of smoke that rises up to 3 thousand meters in height. The last major eruption was recorded in 2014. Then about two dozen local residents died. The 2006 eruption also caused many deaths. It is known that in 1930 about a thousand people died here. Then the fiery lava spilled 13 km from the foot. Despite this, the nearest settlement is located 6 km from the raging volcano.

4. Road of death Bolivia

The most dangerous places on the planet

Road of death (Bolivia) is the most dangerous place on earth. The many deaths that have occurred here speak for themselves. The road was built by Paraguayan prisoners during the war between Bolivia and Paraguay in 1932. The presence of many sharp turns, difficult terrain and poor road surfaces are the causes of many car accidents. In addition, there is evidence that cyclists who want to get a portion of adrenaline find their death here. About two hundred people die every year on this road terrain. It is not possible to prohibit the operation of this road, since it is the only transport artery of the country. In the 70s, an attempt was made to reconstruct the road, but the work was already suspended at the 20th kilometer. The remaining 50 kilometers are devoid of asphalt pavement and are clayey soil, which becomes slippery after rain and is extremely dangerous for transport.

3. Top of Mount Washington | USA

The most dangerous places on the planet

The most dangerous places on the planet include the summit of Mount Washington (USA). This is one of the highest and most beautiful points in the northeastern region of the United States, as well as the most unpredictable due to changeable weather conditions. It is extremely dangerous to be on this peak. It is here that the highest wind speeds are recorded, which exceed 100 meters per second. In 1934, a record was set on the mountain: the wind force reached 372 km / h. The summit was first climbed by Derby Field in 1642. An inexperienced tourist should not take risks and climb to the very top.

2. Bermuda Triangle | Atlantic Ocean

The most dangerous places on the planet

Bermuda Triangle (Atlantic Ocean) is one of the anomalous zones and a dangerous place among the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. There is an anomalous zone near the coast of North America – between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico. If you figuratively connect these points with lines, you get the figure of a triangle. For the first time, mention of this mystical area, where ships and aircraft disappear without a trace, and navigation instruments refuse to work, appeared in the publication of an article by Vincent Gadisse. His work was called: “The Bermuda Triangle – the lair of the devil.” This sea area is fraught with danger, primarily due to the large number of shoals, as well as cyclones and storms that often originate here. This explains the innumerable number of accidents and the failure of instruments to work in this place.

1. Dyatlov Pass | Russia

The most dangerous places on the planet

Dyatlov Pass or Mount Dead (Russia) tops the list of the most dangerous places on the planet. The anomalous place is located in the north of the Urals. The Dyatlov Pass gained its popularity due to the many deaths that occurred in that place for inexplicable reasons. Many researchers and tourists who visited this mystical place found their death there. The mysterious death of all members of the Dyatlov expedition still causes heated debate over the cause of the tragedy that occurred on February 1, 1959.

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