The most dangerous places in the house where bacteria and germs live and multiply

The most dangerous places in the house where bacteria and germs live and multiply

Of course, most people keep their home clean. But even they do not always know where are the breeding grounds for bacteria, which need to be paid special attention to. After all, even the most seemingly harmless objects can cause serious infection. We have selected 13 places and objects in the house where germs are most likely to accumulate. You should pay special attention to them.

Few people know, but it is in the nozzle that a lot of bacteria accumulate (after all, it is humid and warm there). Experts note that, in general, healthy people are not in danger of inhaling water with bacteria from the shower head, unlike people with weakened immunity. You can protect yourself by regularly cleaning the nozzle (disassemble and put in boiling water for 20 minutes once a month). Also, drain the water before showering – within one minute.

Have you seen long-term curtains with yellow streaks at the bottom? Favorite breeding ground for pathogens. Moisture and warmth are what they need first of all. So either change them more often, or buy washable ones. And by the way, about the bathroom. Pay special attention to the drain plug in the bathtub, it is also teeming with microorganisms.

Our mouth is one of the most “rich” in bacteria in the body (about 100 million). After brushing your teeth, a certain amount of microbes remains on the brush, which, under favorable conditions, begin to multiply. Therefore, it is important to rinse and dry the brush after the procedure (do not put it on the sink where water can get in, and do not put it wet immediately into the case).

Despite the fact that we regularly apply cleaning or detergent to the sponge, it remains one of the most contaminated and dangerous objects in the apartment (sometimes the number of germs on it exceeds 200 thousand times their number on the toilet seat). A critical number of bacteria have been accumulating on it within a week. So remember to change them regularly, ideally once a week. They are not recommended to be washed in the dishwasher: it is not the sponge that is washed here, but bacteria are transferred from the sponge to the dishes.

No matter how you wash the board, the risk of germs remaining on it is great. Especially if you use wooden cutting boards – bacteria can easily penetrate into the fibers and remain there just as easily. Plastic is considered safer. It is better to wash the board twice after use: the first time for cleaning, the second for disinfection.

It would seem, what kind of bacteria is in the refrigerator? Alas, there are a lot of them here. And first of all, we bring them on the packaging of products from the store. And in the refrigerator they continue to multiply. According to experts, in 40% of refrigerators, the level of contamination with Escherichia coli is exceeded. Pay special attention to meat. It must not come into contact with other products. You need to wash both the refrigerator and the freezer (even equipped with a no frost system) every 3-4 weeks – with soda or vinegar.

Leftover food on the plates is a haven for bacteria to thrive. They then fall on our hands and, accordingly, in food. Experts recommend not just washing, but disinfecting the sink once a day.

Do you often wash your hands before sitting at your computer? Of course, this is not a meal. Meanwhile, hands are a breeding ground for bacteria not only for food, but also for a mouse with a keyboard. Therefore, experts say, hands need to be washed both before working on the computer and after. And don’t forget to clean your keyboard regularly.

One of the most dangerous objects on which bacteria settle. First, they fall from your hands. And secondly, from all the items where you put it. Experts say there are more bacteria on the phone than on the soles of shoes.

Hordes of bacteria settle on them, because these objects pass from hand to hand. And to wash them is somehow not particularly accepted … A good way out is to clean them with damp antibacterial wipes and cotton swabs at least once a week.

A favorite place of residence for dust mites. We have already talked about the fact that you do not need to make the bed right away, since the greenhouse effect creates very favorable conditions for the reproduction of ticks. Washing (temperature at least 50 degrees and double rinsing) and ironing helps to protect bed linen.

Anything clings to the sole of the shoe. And even if you wipe it thoroughly on the rug in front of the door, you will not be able to get rid of all the nasty things. Therefore, shoes need to be washed every day and it is better to store them in a place specially designated only for shoes. We are not talking about the fact that walking around the apartment in street shoes is not worth it.

Switches and door handles

Not as many bacteria accumulate on them as it might seem. Therefore, it is enough to wash them once a week. If someone in the family got sick, then, of course, more often. In general, it is worth starting from this formula: the more often you use a thing, the more bacteria it has on it.

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