The most dangerous diseases of a pregnant woman for the fetus

Ailments, which an ordinary person will endure without any problems, can lead to dire consequences for a pregnant woman and a fetus.

These ailments are familiar to many, but few people know what they actually threaten the fetus with and what incredible complications they can cause in the woman herself. The top 5 most dangerous diseases for expectant mothers were compiled for Woman’s Day by neonatologist Natella Zemlyanskaya.

“Among the diseases that are absolutely undesirable during childbearing, the first place is occupied by viral infections: rubella, chickenpox, flu. Next is toxoplasmosis. Rounding out the list are infections of the genitourinary system. The first ones are especially dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy, when the organs of the unborn baby are laid; infections of the genitourinary system (syphilis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.), on the contrary, – in the last trimester. In addition to the above diseases, there are many others that can be avoided with high immunity – the same exacerbation of herpes infection or tuberculosis. Therefore, for a woman who consciously goes to motherhood, it is important to prepare for it: at least, give up bad habits and various diets in advance. It is also important to eat well throughout the pregnancy (pay special attention to protein foods), to observe the sleep and rest regime. “

Symptoms. Weakness, drowsiness, sore throat (swollen cervical lymph nodes), dry cough, aches, pink or red, non-itchy rash. Body temperature is usually low. Outbreaks occur most often in winter and spring.

Transfer method. Airborne.

Than threatens. Lesions of the organs of hearing, vision, cardiovascular system, congenital deformities, meningoencephalitis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, as well as self-abortion and stillbirth.

How not to get infected. Do not go to crowded places of children, maintain a normal level of immunity, get vaccinated six months before pregnancy.

Symptoms. Fever, weakness, decreased appetite, headache and sore throat, blistering rash, itching.

Transfer method. Airborne.

Than threatens. If the infection occurs before the 13th week of pregnancy, then a miscarriage may occur or the fetus will stop developing. After the 20th week – deformities, anomalies of internal organs and the brain, pneumonia, death.

How not to get infected. Reduce communication with kids attending kindergartens to a minimum; get vaccinated (vaccination against chickenpox is not included in the national calendar, so it is worth taking the initiative if you did not get this infection in childhood).

Symptoms. Weakness, aching joints and muscles, high fever, runny nose, cough, pain in the head and throat.

Transfer method. Airborne.

Than threatens. Defects of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, developmental delay, fetal death.

How not to get infected. Get vaccinated (you can also during pregnancy if the period is more than 14 weeks); less often go to shopping and entertainment centers with a large number of people, and if you go out – do not forget about an oxolinka or a protective mask; eat well; do not overcool.

Symptoms. A parasitic disease often proceeds without visible signs, rarely with visual impairment, headache, low-grade fever, indigestion.

Transfer method. The most common is alimentary. The pathogen enters the human body with food, water, animal secretions (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.).

Than threatens. Spontaneous abortion. If the child survives – damage to the organs of vision, brain and spinal cord.

How not to get infected. Do not drink raw milk, do not eat pork and beef that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment (Toxoplasma dies at temperatures below 20 and above 75 degrees after half an hour); do not touch the cat’s litter box or raw meat if there are even the smallest scratches on your hands.

Symptoms. Fever, muscle pain, weakness, swollen lymph nodes in the groin, rash, ulcers.

Transfer method. Sexual and household path. It is noteworthy that over the past 10 years, the incidence of syphilis in Russia has increased fivefold.

Than threatens. First trimester miscarriage, disability, congenital infection.

How not to get infected. Avoid casual relationships, or at least use condoms, do not use other people’s toothbrushes, lipsticks, razors, monitor high-quality sterilization in nail salons. Women who have had the disease several years ago need a consultation with a dermatovenerologist. Perhaps he will prescribe preventive treatment.

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