The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Ratings of dangerous countries to visit are created annually by many international organizations. The following list of the most dangerous countries was compiled using data from the Global Peace Index. Experts from the Institute for Peace and the University of Sydney took part in its development.

The index for determining the country’s security level takes into account 23 indicators. These include both internal and external factors: the political stability of the region, the level of violence and crime, participation in external international conflicts, military spending.

The most dangerous countries in the world – we will find out which regions of the planet should be refrained from traveling in order to save lives.

10 Libya

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Opens the list of the most dangerous countries in the world for tourists Libya. After the overthrow of the power of Muammar Gaddafi by the rebels, the state is in a state of civil war. A relatively prosperous region of the country is Tripoli. Visiting other parts of this state without a serious escort is now simply reckless.

Libya could well turn into an interesting country for tourists to visit. There are numerous monuments of the Roman and Byzantine eras. One of the most interesting places in Libya is the city of Leptis Magna founded by the Phoenicians. The ruins of the Roman amphitheater and ancient temples have been preserved in the country. Libya has many beautiful mosques of great interest. Coastal cities with a mild Mediterranean climate could have become a tourist Mecca, if not for the protracted civil war. The inhabitants of the country are distinguished by a completely peaceful disposition, but in conditions of internal unrest, tourists can become easy prey for bandits.

9. Sudan

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

On the 9th place in the ranking of the most dangerous countries to visit is Sudan. This state has repeatedly been among the regions of the planet that are unsafe for tourists. Sudan has a difficult internal situation due to the activities of radical groups. The country is a haven for many terrorists who fled here. From the beginning of the 2011st century, the state was in a state of civil war, until in XNUMX it broke up into two parts: Sudan and South Sudan. Relations between these states are now very tense due to territorial conflicts. An extremely difficult situation continues in the province of Darfur and the Abyei region. Only the capital of Sudan, Khartoum, is relatively safe for tourists. Traveling outside of it threatens with any danger. There are pirates in the coastal waters of the country.

Meanwhile, Sudan is very attractive for tourists with wonderful beaches on the Red Sea coast, ancient monuments such as the pyramids of Meroe and archaeological excavations along the Nile.

8. Ukraine

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Due to the difficult internal situation, the 8th place in the list of the most dangerous countries for tourists in 2017 was taken by Ukraine. Since the beginning of the armed internal conflict, the flow of tourists wishing to visit Ukraine has declined sharply. The territories of Donbass and Lugansk remain undesirable for visiting. At the same time, Kyiv, Lviv and other cities do not pose any danger to tourists.

7. The Central African Republic

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Central African Republic (CAR) ranks 7th in the list of the most dangerous countries for tourists to visit. Since gaining independence in the CAR, representatives of the military junta and authoritarian regimes have been in power alternately. In 2004, a civil war broke out in the country. Peace in the CAR is still very far away, so it is extremely dangerous for tourists to be in this country.

6. Yemen

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

On the 6th place in the ranking of the most unsafe countries to visit is Yemen. This is one of the poorest states in Southeast Asia, most of which is occupied by desert unsuitable for agriculture. Separatists and terrorists from many countries have found refuge in Yemen. Here, a significant amount of weapons is in the hands of the population. The laws of Yemen are extremely cruel – for a minor violation of the offender, the death penalty can await.

5. Somalia

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Somalia – a paradise for modern pirates. This circumstance alone makes it clear that visiting this country is not safe. The civil war that swept through Somalia in the 1990s left behind an army of thugs with excellent weapons skills. Poverty and devastation have led to the fact that many residents of the country see no other way to feed themselves and their families, except for piracy. Maritime trade routes passing near the territory of Somalia enable modern pirates to rob any vessel with virtually impunity – from tankers to yachts. No better is the situation with the safety of tourists and on land. The country is divided into several conflicting regions. However, the situation may soon change for the better. Now the region is under the supervision of several countries, which has already given a positive result – the number of ships seized by pirates has significantly decreased since 2014.

Somalia is primarily interesting for its beautiful beaches and the Laas Gaal cave complex, where rock paintings are well preserved.

4. Afghanistan

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

The fourth place in the ranking of the most dangerous countries for tourists is Afghanistan. This is one of the poorest countries in the world, a significant part of whose inhabitants are religiously intolerant people. Another danger comes from militants of the Islamist radial movement Taliban, who periodically carry out armed attacks on government troops and organize terrorist attacks. At the same time, Afghanistan is a country with a rich culture and history. Many historical sites and artifacts make the country attractive for tourism.

3. Iraq

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Iraq is in third place in the list of the most unsafe countries to visit. The main danger lies in the fact that the main unit of the ultra-radical terrorist organization Al-Qaeda is located in the country.

Iraq is located in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers – the ancient cradle of great civilizations. A huge number of historical monuments are of interest to scientists and tourists, but visiting the country unaccompanied is fraught with many dangers.

2. Southern Sudan

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

In second place in the ranking of the most dangerous countries for tourists is Southern Sudan. In 2011, after many years of civil war, South Sudan gained independence. It is dangerous to visit the country due to the unstable political situation and unresolved territorial issues. The health care system in South Sudan is in a deplorable state. The country leads in terms of the prevalence of HIV infection; epidemics of malaria, cholera, and black fever often occur here. Rare diseases not found in other countries have been reported in South Sudan.

1. Syria

The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

The first place in the list of the most dangerous countries for tourists is expectedly taken by Syria. The country is famous for its ancient historical monuments, which became inaccessible to tourists due to the outbreak of the civil war. The six-year war brought down the country’s economy and put its inhabitants on the brink of extinction. Until peace comes to Syria, it is closed to the public.

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