The most common skin problems in the elderly. How to recognize and treat them?

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The skin of seniors becomes dry, thinner and more sensitive with age. Inadequate care or ignoring skin problems can lead to unpleasant or even health-threatening ailments.

The material in cooperation with the Seni brand

Dry skin

With age, the skin loses its firmness and becomes easily dry. This is because the sebaceous glands gradually begin to deteriorate. In practice, this means that the skin loses its protective barrier and is exposed to excessive water loss and the harmful effects of external factors. Dryness can occur mainly on the face, backs of hands, lower legs and forearms. To avoid them, proper and regular body care is necessary. The skin should be washed with mild preparations intended for seniors, and then moistened with a suitable cream that will prevent water loss from the skin, e.g. with Seni Care regenerating lotion for dry skin.


Dry skin of seniors is exposed to damage and cracking. Such phenomena are conducive to infection with yeasts, i.e. mycosis. The feet and intimate parts are most often affected. It is better to prevent the problem than to cure its bothersome symptoms, i.e. redness and severe itching. In the prevention of mycosis, washing the skin with preparations with a pH closest to that of the skin (about 5) is of key importance. They should be mild, non-foaming. Preparations intended for washing the skin of the elderly do not affect its hydro-lipid coat, i.e. the natural protective barrier.


The problem primarily affects bedridden seniors. Burns occur as a result of friction or pressure, or when a person sweats or has problems with urinary incontinence. Skin lesions are formed in the folds of the skin, under the breasts, in intimate places. In order to avoid chafing, the skin should be thoroughly washed with a gentle preparation. Carefully dried skin should be covered with a protective cream with a light consistency, which will protect it against irritating factors.


This ailment, difficult to treat and dangerous to health, affects immobilized people – seniors who are bedridden or who use a wheelchair. Pressure ulcers occur when the body is subjected to prolonged pressure that restricts blood flow. They most often appear on the shoulder blades, along the spine, knees, heels and hip bones. Initially, it is painful redness. Later, bruises and swellings develop on the skin, followed by rupture of the epidermis and oozing of serous fluid. Subcutaneous tissues begin to die, which leads to serious health complications. The main protection against bedsores is the regular change of the patient’s position – in the case of lying people, this should be done every two hours. For seniors in a wheelchair, this time is shorter – turning should be done every 15 minutes. The patient’s underwear and bedding should be clean and made of natural materials. It is also important to take care of the hygiene of the person lying down. It should be washed regularly, the skin should then be thoroughly dried and protected with a protective cream.

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How to take care of the skin to prevent or heal skin problems?

When caring for the skin of the elderly, it is especially important to use products appropriately adapted to the needs of mature skin, such as Seni Care products. Their composition and concentration of active ingredients have been selected in such a way as to support the prevention and treatment of skin problems typical of the elderly and bedridden people.

For cleansing the skin, depending on the needs, it is worth choosing moist wipes or foams (which are perfect for cleansing the skin of people lying down). In order to protect the skin, it is worth reaching for barrier creams. For prophylactic purposes, the best solution is arginine cream, which deeply moisturizes the skin and leaves a transparent protective layer on it, allowing you to monitor the condition of the skin on an ongoing basis. On the other hand, if we need a product for chafes that have already occurred – it is worth reaching for a cream with zinc oxide.

More information on caring for chronically ill and dependent people can be found on the website of the We will advise project.

The material in cooperation with the Seni brand

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