The most common scarring situations
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A hot iron, a child’s prank, adolescent acne, caesarean section – there are many events that may lead to the formation of “unwanted souvenirs” on the skin. Fortunately, scars aren’t a sentence – there are ways we can forget about them …

An unsightly souvenir, a wound site, a trace of skin damage? What is a scar really? It is a skin lesion that is most often the result of damage to the dermis and replacement of the defect with fibrous connective tissue. Its visibility depends on many factors: the size and depth of the wound, the course of the healing process, individual predispositions (some are prone to pathological scars), our age (in the elderly the skin regenerates more slowly) and the nature of the injury itself, i.e. the cause of its occurrence. The last ones may be different … So let’s take a closer look at the events that may end up with an “unwanted souvenir” on the skin.


A hot iron, a hot pot, splashing oil from the pan and a moment of inattention – burns, i.e. tissue damage caused by high temperature, most often occur at home. In Poland, from 300 to 400 people are affected each year, of which as much as 50-70 percent. burn victims are children!

Depending on the depth of the burns, we can divide them into:

  1. XNUMXst degree burns – only the epidermis, usually heal quickly and leave no scars,
  2. 3nd degree burns – including XNUMXnd degree superficial burns and XNUMXnd degree deep burns. The last ones cover the epidermis and the entire thickness of the dermis, the wound takes about XNUMX weeks to heal, and the risk of scarring is high.
  3. XNUMXrd degree burns – cover the entire thickness of the dermis with vessels, skin nerves and subcutaneous fat tissue. They cause severe pain, while the surface of the burned skin is insensitive to touch. They take a long time to heal and usually require surgical treatment with skin grafts. 
  4. XNUMXth degree burns – apart from the skin, they include even lower tissues, i.e. muscles, tendons, bones. In the most severe cases, the burned part of the body is charred.

It is worth remembering that all burn wounds are associated with a high risk of developing complications, including the formation of hypertrophic scars and keloids. That is why it is so important to properly and regularly care for damaged skin.


It is one of the most common dermatoses (skin diseases) in people between 11 and 20 years of age. It is characterized by the presence of blackheads, papules, pustules and purulent cysts located in the seborrheic area. In most cases, it is mild or moderate, but in 15% it is the mileage is heavy. It is estimated that “acne memorabilia”, that is acne scars, affect up to 90 percent. sick. They are the result of improper acne treatment or skin care mistakes. They most often appear in people who have squeezed or scratched pimples and blackheads on their own. In such cases, bacterial infection and inflammation usually occur. As a result, damaged tissue does not heal properly. Acne scars also appear in people who have a genetic predisposition to create them.


A sharp knife, broken glass and a moment of inattention – so often injuries occur, i.e. the continuity of the skin or the skin and the tissues underneath it is broken. Depending on the mechanism of the uprising, we distinguish, inter alia, bruised, lacerated, cut or bitten wounds resulting from the bite.

The pain of the wound itself and its vicinity, as well as its severity, largely depend on the extent of the wound, its depth and its innervation. Bleeding occurs to varying degrees in any wound, and is caused by damage to small, and sometimes larger, blood vessels.

First aid in the event of an injury consists in disinfecting the wound, i.e. washing it with oxygenated water (not with alcohol or its solutions), and then applying a sterile dressing. The healing process takes about 3 weeks – however, it may be disrupted due to extensive necrosis of the wound or its edges or the development of inflammation. Once the wound has healed, it’s worth thinking about how to prevent a scar from forming.

Postoperative scars

They are formed in the process of wound healing after skin damage, such as surgery. The most common surgical procedures include: delivery by caesarean section (currently about 40% of births in Poland are performed by caesarean section), removal of the appendectomy, removal of the gall bladder (cholecystectomy) and procedures on the thyroid gland, commonly known as the thyroid gland. Postoperative scars after the removal of pigmented nevi, as well as scars after treatments in the field of aesthetic medicine: surgical correction of the ears, nose, eyelids and chin area are also very common. Postoperative scar in the field of aesthetic medicine is usually not very visible, but it also requires proper care, treatment and following the doctor’s recommendations.

Over 50 years of experience

There are many preparations for the treatment and care of scars with a different composition, consistency and smell on the market. When making a choice, it is worth relying on proven and effective preparations, the operation of which has been documented in research, such as Contractubex gel recommended by doctors around the world in over 60 countries. It is an over-the-counter medicine that has a wide range of uses – it can be used not only for burn scars, but also for the treatment of scars after injuries (abrasions, cuts), surgical procedures (caesarean section, thyroid procedures), and after tattoo laser therapy.

The active substances of Contractubex are sodium heparin, onion liquid extract and allantoin. The interaction of these ingredients, in particular, regulates the synthesis of collagen, which is the main protein of connective tissue.

Caring for scars requires two things from us: regularity and patience – we can achieve the desired effect only after using the preparation for a long time. The way to use Contractubex is simple. We start treatment after the wound has healed completely, applying a thin layer of gel to the scarring skin surface several times a day. The area of ​​the skin where the medicine is applied must be thoroughly washed and dried, and the preparation should be applied from the center of the scar to its edge. To increase the effect, it is very important to massage the scar by rubbing the gel.

For hardened and old scars, you can wear a dressing containing Contractubex overnight. To do this, apply a layer of gel to the gauze and then to the scar. A piece of foil should be applied to the resulting dressing, and the whole thing should be secured with a bandage or plaster. Importantly, low temperatures and UV radiation should be avoided when treating fresh wounds. Even slight but repeated exposure to sunlight can discolor the scar and make it more visible.

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