The most beautiful splits of Russian stars: photo 2019

Among them there are girls who had to do the splits on duty – for example, our excellent gymnasts, who worthily defended the honor of the country at the most significant competitions. But even after completing their sports career, these beauties did not lose their magnificent shape, which they show in their microblogs. And the years don’t seem to matter at all. So, there is still gunpowder and the young They are Kudryavtseva, and more experienced Lyaysan Utiasheva.

For another athlete, Tatiana Navki, twine is also a way to prepare for a responsible and difficult working day, namely, participating in your own show. After this warm-up, other elements are easier and more fun to perform.

If some celebrities like Nastasya Samburskaya, carefully think over the entourage for the twine – for example, on a yacht, then others, such as Matilda Shnurova, they do it in the most ordinary gymnasium, and they shoot it as a souvenir in a simple way – with the help of a selfie.

While sitting in such a stretch, there is time to think about the eternal, which demonstrates a little pensive look Polina Gagarinaas well as practice taking graceful positions on the frame – MakSim not only gracefully sat down on the twine, but also folded her hands intricately.

By the way, many people lose sight of the fact that the twine is not only longitudinal and transverse, but also vertical. It stretches up to him Anfisa Chekhova. But the Svetlana Loboda I went even further and, in general, both sat down on a twine, and lay down. Looks … motivating!

But the farthest in the Volochkova case has succeeded, in our opinion, Valeria – makes it where necessary. For example, right during a flight in an airplane. Just like a ballerina. Anastasia could be proud of her, and indeed of all our ladies: everyone’s stretch is no worse than hers.

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