The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

One of the most picturesque places in Siberia is the Altai Territory. The mountainous area with diverse vegetation and numerous reservoirs annually attracts a huge flow of tourists who want to enjoy the local beauties. Several state reserves and the Belukha National Park are located here, which is definitely worth a visit when you arrive in this delightful and bewitching region. In the top ten, we included the most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains, which will not leave indifferent any traveler when they see them.

10 Katun River

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Katun River, which means “hostess”, opens the top ten most beautiful places in the Altai Territory. It originates on one of the slopes of the Beluga mountain. One of the most delightful places in the Altai Mountains in terms of its picturesqueness, the Katun River has a fairly powerful current and rapids. A forest runs along its entire length, which can be divided into separate sections according to the variety of vegetation. In summer, Katun has a green color, which turns turquoise by autumn. The river is especially captivating with its view in the spring, when the ice begins to drift.

9. Tract Kalbak-Tash

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Tract Kalbak-Tash First of all, it is famous not only for its local beauties, but also for ancient petroglyphs, which are of great historical value. They are rock paintings depicting the life of ancient people. Petroglyphs reflect several epochs, which depict both scenes from mythology and the everyday life of our ancestors. Drawings of ancient people can be found along the ridges for ten kilometers. In addition to petroglyphs, this place is interesting for the traveler with a surprisingly beautiful view of the valley of the Chuya River, which opens from the tract.

8. Kucherlinskoye lake

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Kucherlinskoye lake included in the list of the most beautiful places in the Altai Republic. It is located at an altitude of more than 1700 meters above sea level and is sandwiched on both sides by the peaks of mountain ranges. The lake has a surprisingly beautiful and rich turquoise color, which is why it attracts many tourists. Also, this place is beautiful due to the local vegetation and mountainous terrain, which together create an amazingly picturesque panorama from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

7. Fly

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Fly or the Big Chulchinsky waterfall – a creation of nature that bewitches with its beauty. Its appearance, which happened just over a century ago, is associated with the collapse of local rocks due to an earthquake. The streams of the waters of the Chulcha River rush down from a height of 160 meters. Uchar is one of the most inaccessible sights, as it is not so easy to get to. The waters of the Chulcha River are considered calm, however, due to the obstacles formed during the earthquake, its streams begin to boil and foam strongly. The sound of the rushing waters is so loud that it can be heard far away from this amazing place created by nature itself.

6. teletskoye lake

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

teletskoye lake famous not only for its beauty, but also for the fact that it is considered the largest closed reservoir of the Altai Mountains. Its total area exceeds 230 square meters. Teletskoye Lake is included in the honorary list of UNESCO. A feature of this reservoir is the fact that its waters are covered with ice only once a decade. Evergreen trees grow on the banks of Teletskoye, including fir, cedar, spruce, etc. This is one of the most visited tourist places in Siberia. Not only hiking, but also water, bicycle, air and car excursions are held here. If you wish, you can go fishing on the lake; about 14 species of fish live in its reservoirs.

5. Shavlinsky lakes

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Shavlinsky lakes – one of the wonders created by nature. The chain of local reservoirs is of great interest to tourists due to its beauties. Here, both hiking and horseback riding are constantly organized for travelers. This place is called as the pearl of Altai or Altai Switzerland. The uppermost lake from the chain of reservoirs is located at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level and is located next to the Great Shavlinsky glacier, also referred to as the Shavlinskaya horseshoe.

4. Pass Karatyurek

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Pass Karatyurek, which in translation means “black heart”, is considered one of the most picturesque places belonging to the Altai Mountains. It offers a magnificent view of the famous mountain Belukha. Its height exceeds 3 kilometers. From here, in addition to Belukha, you can see amazing views of the Yarlu gorge, as well as the Akkem river valley. The Karatyurek Pass is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Technically, it is considered simple, but due to the existing scree, it requires endurance and psychological readiness from tourists.

3. Yarlu or Edelweiss Valley

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Yarlu or Edelweiss Valley opens the top three places in the Altai Republic in terms of beauty and unique picturesqueness. It is located at a 2000-meter height not far from the amazing beluga mountain. Here grow in large quantities one of the most beautiful and rare flowers in the world, which are listed in the Red Book – edelweiss. That is why the mountain got its second name. The special landscape and a large number of different colors thanks to the local plants have made Jarla one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The special charm of this valley is given not only by vegetation, but also by rocks of unusual colors.

2. Valley of the Seven Lakes

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Valley of the Seven Lakes located near one of the most beautiful mountains, referred to as Belukha. The alpine valley is rich in lakes and waterfalls, as its name speaks eloquently. It offers amazingly picturesque panoramic views that cannot be compared with anything. In addition to Belukha, one can also observe such a peak as Ak-Oyuk, famous for its hanging glacier. The height of some local lakes reaches 2600 meters. The entire area of ​​the valley is dotted with diverse vegetation, and it itself is surrounded by majestic snow-white peaks, attributed to the Katunsky ridge.

1. Belukha Mountain

The most beautiful places in the Altai Mountains

Belukha Mountain – one of the most amazing and picturesque places in the Altai Mountains. This is the highest point of the Altai Republic. The peak got its name due to the fact that it is abundantly covered with snow cover from the peak to the very foot of the mountain. There are about 169 glaciers on the slopes of the beluga whale, and numerous rivers originate from here, including Akkem, Kucherla, Belaya Berel and others. Mostly fast-flowing rivers are located here, which often form majestic waterfalls. One of the most beautiful local waterfalls is Rossypnaya, located in the right tributary of the Katun River.

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