The most beautiful girls: photos

Do I need to pump lips and insert silicone breasts to be in the tops of the most beautiful and popular women? This question was answered by the beauties of Voronezh who know a lot about this! Photos of the girls are proof of this. Look, vote for the most glamorous!

Angelina Romanova, medical student

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Dresses, shoes of different colors, underwear, hats.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? How much he wants!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Positively, the main thing is not to overdo it. If I needed it, I could do plastic surgery.

Who is your “style icon”? I don’t have any style icons, but I really like the style of Oksana Orlova.

Style example: Oksana Orlova – Voronezh businesswoman

Liya Chernykh, student of the Faculty of International Relations, Voronezh State University

Every girl’s wardrobe must have sophisticated and regular little black dress. This is an immortal classic! As well as everyday items such as black pants, a pencil skirt and a white shirt.

How much to spend per month on beauty – the question is individual. But I am of the opinion that beauty and grooming are practically synonymous terms. Therefore, my answer will be banal: the more, the better!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? No negativity. We live in the XNUMXst century, we need to keep up with the times. If a person does not like something in himself and there is an opportunity to correct, then why not? But in everything you need to know when to stop. I would turn to plastic surgery only if I was one hundred percent confident in the professionalism of the surgeon.

Who is your “style icon”? Taylor Swift. She always knows how to look feminine and stylish, and, regardless of fashion trends, remains flawless and graceful.

Style example: Taylor Swift remains flawless regardless of fashion trends

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Albina Mamedova, tanning studio administrator, certified stylist

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Lots of multi-sized jeans, pumps, high-quality and beautiful underwear.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? A very individual question. Offhand about 10 thousand rubles.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? If everything is in moderate doses, then it is positive.

Who is your “style icon”? Miroslava Duma. I love her style.

Example of style: Miroslava Duma

Evgeniya Mitrenko, HR manager

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Firstly, these are comfortable jeans that fit perfectly to the figure, hide flaws and emphasize advantages. Secondly, where are we without a little black dress? This item is simply amazingly versatile! By choosing the right accessories, you can create a unique look. Third, this is a white shirt for men – it looks very attractive.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? There is never a lot of money. Each girl has her own needs and capabilities. So it is impossible to name a specific amount.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Quite normal. If a person categorically does not like something in his appearance and there is a desire and an opportunity to fix it, why, in fact, not? But she herself would not dare to take such measures.

Who is your “style icon”? I have never put anyone in “ideals and style icons” for myself. But I really sympathize with Brigitte Bardot, an amazing woman, very beautiful.

Style example: Brigitte Bardot

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Emilia Makhalova, administrator

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Now in the fashion world there are no prohibitions, there are a lot of different styles for every taste. But I believe that whichever you choose, there must be dresses and heels.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? As much as the opportunity allows. It should be borne in mind that in addition to clothes, girls need a decent amount of money for procedures in the salon, cosmetics and so on.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Ambiguous. It is wonderful that this sphere does not stand still, but I absolutely do not like girls who look like “not like mom and dad, but like their girlfriend.”

Who is your “style icon”? Since I love more free and shocking images, then Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and Beyonce are definitely closer to me.

Yulia Danilova, student of VSU

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Classic clothing options are required. It is necessary to have an outfit for playing sports, walking in the fresh air or gathering with friends on a barbecue. There must be free style things, for example, jeans, several T-shirts.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? It all depends on the budget.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Positively. If a girl has complexes and she wants to get rid of them, then why not? My appearance completely suits me, I would not change anything.

Who is your “style icon”? I cannot name a specific person whose style I would imitate. I am inspired by different people, interesting places, events that take place around, books. We can say that the whole world around me inspires me. And I sympathize with Victoria Beckham’s style.

Style example: Victoria Beckham

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Ksenia Zhukova, travel store director

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Little black dress, black stiletto heels. This is a classic.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? As much … as your heart desires! If opportunities allow … There is no exact figure and cannot be.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Very positive. Why not fix what you don’t like in yourself? There are also negative consequences after operations, of course. But in general, I think it’s great, because nowadays you can “remake” yourself, become more beautiful. And this is all thanks to new technologies and advances in medicine.

Who is your “style icon”? Kim Kardashian. She adheres to the smart casual direction. An integral part of her wardrobe is leggings, skinny pants, short dresses and skirts. She always chooses high-heeled shoes. Loves over the knee boots, like me. She loves plain clothes, you can rarely see her in a floral dress or a plaid blouse. With makeup, everything is also simple and understandable for me. Eye accent, caramel-colored lipstick or gloss and golden brown blush.

Style example: Kim Kardashian

Irina Lezhenina, model, dancer

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Little black dress, jeans, pretty lingerie.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? It depends on many factors: on the girl’s age, external problems, on her needs.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? I have a positive attitude, if necessary, I could.

Who is your “style icon”? Candice Swanepoel, Marilyn Monroe.

Style example: Candice Swanepoel

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What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Dresses and high-heeled shoes and, of course, beautiful underwear.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? As the saying goes, you cannot save on perfumes, cosmetics and underwear. If you need to save on something, it’s on food. How much a girl should specifically spend on herself, I will not say, it all depends on the funds that she has! If I had my way, I would spend money on my appearance all my life. Since appearance is very important for a girl!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Positively, if it is done out of need, in case of defects. And in those cases when there is already nothing to cut off, and nowhere to pump in, but they continue to change something – this is not normal! By the way, I would fix something for myself.

Who is your “style icon”? Angelina Jolie and Monica Bellucci.

Style example: Angelina Jolie

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? I do not like sequins, rhinestones, everything is bright and lurid. A basic wardrobe should look like this: navy blue mid-rise jeans, black plain T-shirt, white top, beige pumps, pencil skirt, mens cut shirt, dress pants, pastel turtleneck, cashmere coat and, of course, a little black dress. Stylish slip-on sneakers should also find a place in the closet of a modern fashionista. As for accessories, I don’t like them and, accordingly, don’t wear them, the only exception is a wristwatch.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? Exactly as much as she needs for complete confidence in her beauty.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? I am for natural beauty, I really like babyface girls: young, fresh, not overloaded with cosmetics. I’m fed up with perfect Instagram beauties with silicone breasts, made with a nose and lips half-face. Of course, I myself am not completely satisfied with my natural data, but so far there is no strong desire to change something in myself. But to keep youthfulness in all possible ways, for starters cosmetology, I will for sure. In general, I think it will soon be in vogue natural beauty.

Who is your “style icon”? I don’t follow how popular girls dress, I don’t copy anyone’s “looks”. But in terms of presentation, how they position themselves in society and in general, I am impressed by Kate Moss and Paulina Andreeva. I really like restrained classics, but at the same time it can have a spectacular image.

Style example: Paulina Andreeva

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Nadezhda Komarova, looking for work and herself

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Cocktail dress, pumps, classic jeans, white and black T-shirts … a mink coat.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? The bigger, the better!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Neutral. If necessary, she could have recourse.

Who is your “style icon”? Sergey Zverev. But seriously – Victoria Beckham.

Authoritative stylist: Sergey Zverev

Yulia Shatskikh, student, model and dancer

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Little black dress, shoes, pencil skirt, shirt and tracksuit with trainers for the gym.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? It all depends on the income per month, the main thing is to have a taste.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? I have a good attitude towards plastic, if a girl feels more confident that way, then why not. In myself, I might have corrected my chest.

Who is your “style icon”? Marilyn Monroe.

Style example: Marilyn Monroe

Elena Strokach. Occupation – tourism

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Classic basic wardrobe.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? I think there is no definite amount. Each girl has different requirements for herself.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? I have a positive attitude to plastic surgery, most importantly, out of necessity and without fanaticism! I have not corrected anything in my appearance and at the moment I am not going to.

Who is your “style icon”? Audrey Hepburn, Evelina Khromchenko.

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Tatyana Tupichkina, sale of men’s and women’s clothing

Every girl should have in her wardrobeof course, blue jeans, a black dress and nice high-heeled shoes.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? At least 10 thousand rubles. We need cosmetics, clothing, and salon care. Although half of this amount is enough for many!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? I have a positive attitude! This is a good opportunity to get rid of imperfections and complexes about appearance forever. I could have made up my mind, but luckily, I like everything about my appearance!

Who is your “style icon”? The style icon for me is Megan Fox.

Anastasia Minina, student

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Dresses, of course!

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? The bigger, the better! Beauty lies in health, and it is certainly not worth saving on.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? I used to really want to change the shape of my nose and enlarge my lips, fortunately, my fear of the unknown stopped me. Girls should not resort to such tricks. Each of us is individual and beautiful in its own way! Well, if only oh-oh-oh-oh-very much you want …

Who is your “style icon”? Grace Kelly. I like her manner of bringing femininity to any of her looks.

Style example: Grace Kelly

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Olga Khoroshiltseva, head of the veterinary pharmacy

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Jeans, shirt, T-shirt, little black dress, pencil skirt, sneakers, pumps, leather jacket, cardigan, beautiful set of underwear, red lipstick, glasses.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Sometimes plastic is vital. The main thing is not to overdo it. So far I am satisfied with my appearance, so no corrections.

Who is your “style icon”? I do not have a style icon, but Aiza Dolmatova is impressed.

Style example: Aiza Dolmatova

Kristina Blinova, individual entrepreneur

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Jeans, black dress, black and beige shoes, white blouse, jacket, pencil skirt, cardigan, formal trousers, small handbag, classic dress. Pumps, ballet flats.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? Hairdresser – 2–3 thousand rubles, manicure – 1500 rubles, beautician – 3000, shopping – at least 5000. For a new dress, about 15 rubles. That’s all at least!

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Neutral. Maybe because I am satisfied with everything in my appearance. I will never go for it!

Who is your “style icon”? Monica Bellucci.

Style example: Monica Bellucci

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Elena Pozdnyakova, accountant, mathematician

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Here I will be banal. Black classic dress, light blouse, pencil skirt, pumps, jacket. Jeans, white T-shirt, top, ballet flats, sneakers. A beautiful set of underwear. Bags: large, medium, clutch. Accessories, scarf or shawl.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? It all depends on the material resources of the girl and her desires. There is no limit to perfection

How do you feel about plastic surgery?

I am for naturalness, but plastic surgery makes it possible for a person to get rid of their complexes and shortcomings.

Could you, if necessary, correct something in your appearance?

Oh … In fact, I did not even think about it, because I am happy with my external data.

Who is your “style icon”? Monica Bellucci, Victoria Beckham.

Style example: Victoria Beckham

Tamara Komarkovskaya, stylist – hair extension

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? Pumps, little black dress.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? This is a difficult question, since appearance does not always depend on the amount of money spent on it. Perhaps, the sense of style is much more important. I spend about 50000–70000 rubles a month on care products and clothes.

To plastic surgery I am positive. But I accept it only if a person has an unlimited amount of funds and produces it from good specialists, since health is more important. You have to be 100% sure that you need it, since this process is not always reversible. In my appearance, not only could I correct something, but I am also going to do otoplasty (for those who do not know are ears), this is what worries me since early childhood.

Who is your “style icon”? Vlad Lisovets.

Authoritative stylist: Vlad Lisovets

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Julia Origami, teacher at a modeling agency, professional photographer

What things should every girl have in her wardrobe? The wardrobe should contain 70% of simple basic items and 30% of bright designer items.

Jeans. Classic, black or navy blue, no frills. Today, jeans can be worn not only for meetings with friends, but also for official occasions.

Chanel’s little black dress. Bright accessories or a spectacular hairstyle will help to diversify the image.

Pencil skirt. The figure visually stretches and becomes more graceful.

Beige trench coat. It is from outerwear that people around you can appreciate your sense of style.

Perfect boats. Favorite shoe in my wardrobe. My choice is Jimmy Choo, but in stores there are a lot of other models for every taste and color. Never skimp on shoes!

Bags for all occasions: you need at least five! I choose Christian Dior, Furla, Coccinelle. The bag should be worth more than what is inside it. Small handbags on a chain are especially popular today. During the day, wear such models with jeans, slung over your shoulder, as recognized style icons do.

Linen. A high-quality bra forms the correct female silhouette, but we need a beautiful silhouette!

Wrist Watch. They are a demonstration of female taste, status. It is known that the more expensive the watch, the higher the status of the lucky owner. It is important that the watch sat like a glove on the handle and harmoniously combined with the style of the outfit and the event to which you are going to wear it.

Scarf or shawl. This wardrobe detail helps to create looks with a special charm. I choose bright silk or satin shawls.

Sunglasses can make your look original.

How much money should a girl spend on herself a month? You should never skimp on a healthy diet and on your emotional state. You need to pamper yourself and buy everything that will make your life more interesting, tastier, more beautiful and happier.

Who is your “style icon”? A lot of them! I am constantly on the lookout. The style icons are distinguished by insight, grace, boldness and an easy mind. Now my favorites are Coco Chanel, Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, Natalia Vodianova. They love their appearance for what it is, never ceasing to work on it. I’m not trying to imitate anyone, but there is someone to take an example from.

Style example: Natalia Vodianova

Vote for the most luxurious girl on the last page

Do you need to love yourself and invest in your appearance, like our heroines? Vote for girls by clicking on the photo! The first three winners with the most votes will receive special prizes from Woman’s Day.

Which girl do you think is the most gorgeous? Vote by clicking on the photo

  • Angelina Romanova, medical student

  • Liya Chernykh, student of the Faculty of International Relations, Voronezh State University

  • Albina Mamedova, tanning studio administrator, certified stylist

  • Evgeniya Mitrenko, HR manager

  • Emilia Makhalova, administrator

  • Yulia Danilova, student of VSU

  • Ksenia Zhukova, travel store director

  • Irina Lezhenina, model, dancer

  • Lena Lenina, student

  • Anastasia Bokova, lawyer

  • Nadezhda Komarova, looking for herself and a job

  • Yulia Shatskikh, student, model and dancer

  • Elena Strokach, tourism

  • Tatyana Tupichkina, sale of men’s and women’s clothing

  • Anastasia Minina, student

  • Olga Khoroshiltseva, head of the veterinary pharmacy

  • Kristina Blinova, individual entrepreneur

  • Elena Pozdnyakova, accountant, mathematician

  • Tamara Komarkovskaya, stylist – hair extension

  • Julia Origami, teacher at a modeling agency, professional photographer

Larisa Kudaeva, Irina Solomatina, Kristina Leshcheva

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