The most beautiful cobweb belongs to the spider web family mushrooms. It is a deadly poisonous mushroom with a slow-acting toxin. A feature of its poison is that it causes irreversible changes in the excretory system of the human body, so any possibility of contact with it should be avoided.

The most beautiful cobweb (reddish): a deadly poisonous mushroom, photo and description

What does the most beautiful cobweb look like

The most beautiful cobweb (another name is reddish) is a classic agaric of the usual type. In its structure, the division into a stem and a hat is clearly visible, although the latter has a slightly non-standard shape.

The color of the mushrooms is predominantly brown. Young fruiting bodies are usually brighter, with time they darken a little. The cap of young mushrooms is often glossy. The flesh on the cut is yellowish or orange.

Prefers mixed forests, where it lives in symbiosis with spruce. It shows practically no interest in other conifers. In rare cases, mycorrhiza with oak or ash is fixed.

Cap Description

The caps of adult fruiting bodies reach a diameter of up to 8 cm. Young mushrooms have a conical cap that looks a bit like a bell. As the mass increases, it changes shape. At first it becomes convex, and then its edges are flattened. In older forms of the fruiting body, the cap has a barely noticeable tubercle and uneven edges. The pulp in it is practically absent.

A photo of a beautiful cobweb hat is presented below.

The most beautiful cobweb (reddish): a deadly poisonous mushroom, photo and description

The surface of the cap is often dry, velvety to the touch. There may be scalyness near the edges, but this is rare. The hymenophore is firmly fixed both with the stem and with the edge of the cap. Unlike the same fly agarics, the distance between the hymenophore plates is quite large (up to several mm). The color of the spore powder is rusty brown.

The most beautiful cobweb (reddish): a deadly poisonous mushroom, photo and description

In young fruiting bodies, the edges of the cap can be connected to the stem with thin threads resembling a cobweb – hence the name of the mushrooms. This feature is also characteristic of other members of the family.

Description of the leg

The leg reaches a length of up to 12 cm, and a thickness of up to 1,5 cm. It has a cylindrical shape, which is slightly thickened from below. Its surface has a fibrous structure. On the leg there are belts of the bedspread.

The most beautiful cobweb (reddish): a deadly poisonous mushroom, photo and description

Where and how to grow

The most beautiful cobweb is distributed exclusively in Europe. In Our Country, it lives mainly in the central part or in the northern regions. East of the Volga, the cobweb is not found.

Prefers spruce forests, in which it grows everywhere, both in thickets and on the edges. Less common in mixed forests. Areas with high humidity are preferred. It is almost never found in open areas and dry areas. Mostly grows singly, occasionally there are groups of 5-10 pieces. Fruiting lasts from late May to mid-September.

Edible cobweb beautiful mushroom or poisonous

This mushroom is deadly poisonous, causing kidney failure. It is strictly forbidden to use the fruiting bodies of the most beautiful cobweb for food. No treatment can remove its toxins from the fungus.

Symptoms of poisoning, first aid

The main toxic substance in its composition is orellanin. This compound affects the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and kidneys. The danger of this poison lies in its delayed action. From the moment the fruiting body is eaten until the first symptoms appear, it takes from 12 to 14 days.

Symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

  • strong thirst;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • feeling of dryness and burning in the mouth;
  • vomiting.

Intoxication caused by orellanin can last from several days to six months. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not done in time, there is a high probability of death.

In a medical institution, various measures should be taken to remove the toxin from the body, up to artificial dialysis. But even they cannot guarantee successful treatment, since orellanins practically do not dissolve and are not excreted from the body. In some cases, death can occur even after several months of treatment.

Attention! In fact, this means that there is no treatment, as such. Therefore, the best way to avoid such poisoning is to prevent the collection and consumption of these mushrooms.

Twins and their differences

The most beautiful cobweb is easily confused with other mushrooms, both belonging to a similar family, and having a completely different origin. Below are photos and descriptions of his counterparts.

Tuberous honey agaric

Most often, the cobweb is confused with an edible mushroom – a tuberous honey agaric or amillaria. Mushrooms are very similar to each other. They are almost the same size and shape. In addition, both honey agaric and cobweb have a similar range and prefer spruce forests.

The most beautiful cobweb (reddish): a deadly poisonous mushroom, photo and description

The differences are, first of all, in the colors: mushrooms are lighter, they have ocher-colored belts on the leg. In addition, mushrooms have a rather fleshy hat with a tubular hymenophore (in the most beautiful cobweb it is lamellar). You should also not forget about the mucus that traditionally covers honey mushrooms, which the cobweb fruiting bodies do not possess. The gloss on their hat to the touch will not be slippery, but velvety.

Spider web edible

Another name for the mushroom is fat. Unlike its poisonous relative, it has a thick and fleshy hat. The remaining parameters of the mushrooms are approximately identical. The habitat is the same.

The most beautiful cobweb (reddish): a deadly poisonous mushroom, photo and description

The color of fat women also differs from the most beautiful cobweb – they are lighter. In the old fruiting bodies of an edible mushroom, the cap also thins out, but there is still enough pulp in it. In addition, its surface will always be watery.


The most beautiful cobweb is a deadly poisonous mushroom that is widespread in the spruce forests of Europe. The elegant appearance of this mushroom often leads to the fact that it can be mistakenly eaten by inexperienced mushroom pickers. The toxins contained in the fruiting body of the most beautiful cobweb, in most cases, lead to death. Diagnosis of poisoning with this fungus is difficult, since symptoms do not appear until 12-14 days after its consumption.

Deadly poisonous spiderweb mushrooms.

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