The most beautiful ballerinas of Yekaterinburg: photos, details

Once upon a time the heirs of the royal dynasty and billionaires fell in love with ballerinas. Woman’s Day looked behind the scenes of the Opera and Ballet Theater and found out what they are – today’s beauties-dancers. By the way, this year our Opera House has 15 nominations for the prestigious Golden Mask award!

Achievements: leading soloist of the Opera and Ballet Theater, laureate of the national theater award “Golden Mask”, the regional award “Bravo!”, the award of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region

After graduating from the Perm Choreographic School, I have been on stage for 11 years.

Each role is loved, interesting and beautiful in its own way.


Photo Shoot:
Polina Stadnik / Opera and Ballet Theater

Generally speaking, I am not fond of diets, but sometimes there are fasting days. And the work and daily physical activity – numerous rehearsals keep you in shape.

The signs in front of the stage ended in school, but there I was superstitious. For example, we believed: in order to pass the exam well, you cannot go to it in a new swimsuit. Also, if on the day of the exam you see some bad sign, you have to spit three times over your left shoulder. Now the inner mood that I achieve by listening to music on the way to the theater is important for me. She is not some kind of specific, according to the mood.

There are small mistakes that are invisible to the viewer and understandable only to us, artists. I think not all of us are perfect from the very first stage!

The most memorable and unusual was on the occasion of my 30th birthday, on that day I danced La Bayadère. On stage, a fan brought me a sea of ​​colorful balloons! It was completely unexpected, but wildly positive.

I try to let my whole body relax – be it stretching, aromatherapy or a good massage.

Achievements: leading soloist, laureate of international ballet competitions, laureate of the Triumph youth award, the regional theater award “Bravo!”, the award of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region

Since she entered the Ufa Ballet School – 17 years.

Giselle, Nikia, Odette, Odile, Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Kitri. I am also interested in contemporary choreography.


Photo Shoot:
Natalia Melnikova / Opera and Ballet Theater

I had to go on diets while still in school, now I just try to keep myself in shape – I eat right.

There are many mistakes, and this is not funny. This is work on yourself.

There were flowers, sweets, soft toys, but I remember very much the plush doll that the little girl gave me. She made it with her own hands.

I love the bathhouse, the pool, sometimes I go to the Thai spa – for complete relaxation.

Achievements: leading soloist of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater

I have been dancing since 5 years old, and ballet since 12 years old. I have been on stage as a ballerina for 14 years.

One of my favorite roles is the Sylphide from the performance of the same name. This is an airy and soulful girl, a little naive and lyrical. I’m kind of like her.


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

To keep myself in shape, I do not eat after 18.00 pm, although on holidays I can afford everything, like an ordinary person. I run in the morning almost every day.

During the performance of Swan Lake, my feathers began to fly off!

We do not have it in the theater, but when I studied at the Bashkir Choreographic College named after Rudolf Nureyev, then we had a legend that the ghost of Nureyev was walking around the school, they even said that they had heard him play the piano.

Recently, after the Swan Lake performance, I was presented with two huge bouquets of roses: one white and the other black. Each bouquet contained about 60 flowers. My theater colleague Mickey, a ballerina from Japan, also gave me a soft toy after I danced Giselle.

Achievements: leading soloist of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater, laureate and diploma winner of international competitions

I have been doing ballet since I was 10 years old.

I have always dreamed of playing 4 performances: Swan Lake, Giselle, Romeo and Juliet and La Bayadère. I’m lucky: Swan Lake and Giselle are already in my repertoire. I love Giselle very much, her life story is close to me. Giselle is very open, naive and kind, and for the modern world – these are more minuses than pluses … According to the plot, she fell in love with the prince who deceived her. I had the same experience, so it’s easy for me to play it. In addition, this is my first dramatic performance, which can have many interpretations, and this makes it even more interesting.


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

Sometimes I have to: I do not eat after 18.00, I completely exclude sweet and starchy foods. But these are one-time promotions and, as a rule, I go on a diet only after the vacation.

I am a very superstitious person! For example, 2 hours before the performance, I go on stage and … “talk” to her, ask for help. The stage energizes me, and I – her. This ritual allows me to get rid of fear and stiffness.

Four years ago we performed in Moscow, at the Bolshoi Theater, at the Golden Mask. And I accidentally fell on the stage, and so absurdly – I walked with my back and fell on the fifth point. But I got up and … laughed!

I also remember, in “Swan Lake” I danced the Black Swan, and suddenly feathers began to fall out of my head. Since then, I have carefully attached the feathers to the headdress.

One of my admirers gave a ballerina statuette after the performance. It is about 40 cm high and made of black metal. I was very impressed! Other fans gave me a ballerina soft toy.

I love taking baths with sea salt. The more often the better. For my feet I also make baths, most often clay ones. I love going to the sauna, where I make myself a coffee scrub.

Karina Rafalson, 24 years old

Achievements: participates in the performances “Swan Lake”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Sylphide”, “The Nutcracker”

I have been doing ballet for 18 years. At the age of 5, my parents sent me to a choreographic circle. At the age of 11, I entered the Bashkir Choreographic College named after I. Rudolf Nureyev.

I really like the modern productions of Slava Samodurov, especially the last ballet “Curtain”, as well as the production of Eventual Progress. In these performances, you have to reach out to the viewer through the expression of the body and eyes, which is very difficult. Even harder than playing certain characters on stage.

In “Curtain” together with a partner we start a duet. There is a struggle between a man and a woman. At first, the partner tries to control me – my legs and body, but I step over myself, and at the end of the duet I already rule over him.

Yes, you have to constantly monitor what and when you eat. The diet is simple – don’t overeat! I try to eat puree soups, since the breaks between rehearsals are small, and I need to digest everything faster. But I can also afford a slice of chocolate between rehearsals – with green tea!


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

I will not accept, and will not! I am a believer, and my faith does not allow me. Just a prayer before leaving!

There were also falls, and sometimes you run in the wrong direction … Then you remember it with a smile!

Thank God that I work in a team where everyone helps each other. It happens, of course, it is offensive when instead of you they let out on the stage a new girl who has just come from the school … But it passes, and you think: “If I’m not going to dance this, then something else!”.

So far, my most loyal fan is my husband Mikhail, who works with me! He always watches my performances and gives flowers after each performance.

In the evening, a full body massage and restorative foot balms are a must. Whenever possible, I go to the bathhouse, and if I have time, I will not give up spa salons. And in the summer – the obligatory restoration of the body with hot sand and the sea.

Achievements: Diploma-recipient of the first all-Russian competition for young performers “Russian Ballet”, the part of Death in the play “Love and Death”.

11 years. I studied at the Kazan Choreographic School for 8 years, and for the third year I have been working at the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater.

Most of all I like the role of Death from the ballet Love and Death. This is a difficult, emotional game – an insidious, terrible Death, who wants to destroy everyone. It is quite interesting to play the role of a negative hero. There is something intriguing about her. In negative parts you are constantly looking for something new to add. It is impossible for a negative hero to constantly dance the same way.

These diets have no names – you just eat less, work more. In the evening, after work, I don’t eat at all, I just drink coffee.

I try not to look at the performance of my colleagues, at what is happening on stage.

There were mistakes, of course, but I don’t remember being funny: when something doesn’t work out, it’s always a shame. You ask yourself: what happened? Of course you are.

So far, only flowers have been given to me …

I go for a massage to restore my body after work. I make salt baths for feet and hands, because, like any other girl, I love to do manicure. Of course, healthy food, sleep and a contrast shower are very important.

Ekaterina Sapogova, 21 years old

Achievements: part of Lisa from the play “A Vain Precaution”

I have been doing ballet for 12 years. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Choreographic College.

Part of Lisa from the play “A Vain Precaution”. This is a very cheerful and cheerful girl who is close to me in spirit. In general, my dream is to play the role of Kitri in the play “Don Quixote”.


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

I go on diets very rarely, thank God, I almost never need it.

I know a lot of ballerinas’ signs: they don’t shower before the performance, make the sign of the cross before going on stage, kiss the floor … But I don’t do any of this, I just try to set myself up well before the performance.

When I was still studying, we went to the competition. And on stage I fell into a hole. I was so upset that I could hardly speak to the end. And everyone in the audience saw it. This happened solely due to inexperience.

There was another case when at the premiere performance on stage I untied the ribbon at the pointe, and it turned out that I attracted all the attention of the audience with this ribbon: I performed like a gymnast with a ribbon! And it was very funny!

In the 3rd year at the school, when we had a graduation party, after the performance, our parents presented a huge bear. Now he lives at my house in Novosibirsk, he has not been transported to Yekaterinburg.

If we talk about one of the weak points of ballerinas – legs – then I often do foot baths, I smear them with creams at night. When the legs begin to hurt a lot, Vishnevsky’s ointment helps. I rub it on my fingers, wrap it in a bag and put on knitted socks.

Achievements: the role of Masha in the play “The Nutcracker”

I have been doing ballet since I was 5 years old, my mother brought me to the circle. We do not have educational institutions in Japan where one could study ballet further, so I entered St. AND I. Vaganova. After my studies, my artistic director suggested that I go to work in Yekaterinburg, at the Opera and Ballet Theater. I like it here – a good team and a great leader! I know for sure that I will work here for a few more years, and then it will be clear …


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

I really love the role of Masha from the play “The Nutcracker”. Because this is my first major role. And also because the heroine develops during the performance: at first she was small, and then she went through fire, water and copper pipes, matured.

In ordinary life

Photo Shoot:
Opera and Ballet theatre

Yes, I have a boyfriend – Fidan, he is from Bashkiria. We danced together in the play “Swan Lake”. For the first time he saw me at a performance, then he began to show attention at rehearsals, and we met. He helps me learn Russian. We have been together for the second year, and I have already introduced him to my mother, he was at our house in Japan. Mom liked him very much.

They give me only beautiful bouquets of flowers.

Veronika Selivanova, 18 years old

Achievements: internship at the Canadian National Ballet, American Ballet Theater

I’ve been doing ballet since 9 years old, that is, half my life! All my childhood I was sure that I would become either a ballerina or an astronaut! Mom’s phrase: “Better a ballerina – closer to the earth” convinced me, but physics and space still cause no less delight. From the age of 10, I spent all my free time from school in a ballet studio, which was located in a neighboring city. I have been working at the Opera and Ballet Theater for only two seasons.

La Bayadere has always been my favorite ballet. Lyrical and dramatic characters suit my character. I dance there in the kingdom of shadows. The difficulty of this part is that every ballerina on the stage must be a shadow of Nikiya, the heroine.


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

I have developed a subtle sensitivity to my health, body and weight. Long ago I stopped getting on the scales. I know exactly how I should feel in order to be confident both in leotards and in a tutu. We often try all kinds of diets and exercises to change our shape, but the approach to each ballerina and person is individual. First of all, I pay attention to the portions. If I want to “lose weight”, then I abstain from sweet, starchy foods, I eat only chicken and fish from meat. The last meal is no later than four hours before bedtime. In general, ballerinas eat everything: calories are burned with great physical exertion, which we constantly have.

In our theater, before going on stage, everyone wishes each other good luck, cross themselves, take a deep breath and exhale to relax. But each ballerina has her own ritual before the performance. It is believed that if the rehearsal is unsuccessful, the performance is bound to be good. Also, if a costume designer, trying on a tutu on a ballerina, accidentally pricks with a needle, then she will certainly perform well. There is a sign that you must not be photographed before the performance. And after the premiere, the dancers bring treats to the theater, congratulate teachers and partners so that successful performances continue in the future.

Recently I danced a peasant waltz scene in the ballet Vain Precaution. At some point, she was the closest to the orchestra pit and, accordingly, did not see the rest of the dancers behind her. I confidently, with my back to the audience, went to the next drawing, carefully stretched out my leg, stood clearly in the center of the stage and, looking up from under the straw hat, was surprised to see that everyone went to the sides, and I was alone on the stage!

Another curiosity happened when I was in the role of a courtier, in a long chic dress and elegant shoes, I had to sit on a chair during the dance and, sitting on it, pretend to be a coquette. After playing and not calculating the position of the chair relative to my wide skirt, I sat down, not on the chair, but on the floor. Since it was too difficult to stand in this suit, I, as elegantly as possible, crawled backstage …

However, my most memorable performance was at the end of last season, when I danced the first solo part, and out of excitement I forgot to go on stage!

One artist painted my portrait, which now hangs in the hall of my parents.

I keep my muscles working with massage, ointments and baths. In case of injuries, I try to change the load and do Pilates, yoga or swimming. In case of moral fatigue, drawing and reading help me a lot – this is an opportunity to retire, distract and concentrate.

Anastasia Bagaeva, 34 years old

Achievements: roles in the performances “Roma and Juliet”, “La Sylphide”, “Corsair”, “Don Quixote”, “Cinderella”, “A Thousand and One Nights” and others

If you count the time of study at the Perm Choreographic School, then I have been in ballet for 24 years! Since 1999 I have been working in our theater.

I love those roles in which they are allowed to do something of their own.


Photo Shoot:
Elena Lekhova / Opera and Ballet Theater

I don’t go on diets, I really like to eat! Just trying to eat healthy food!

There were different incidents: collisions, falls … And it always looks funny from the outside. Of course, if the fall does not happen injuries.

After the play “Romeo and Juliet”, in which I played Madame Capulet, a man-lawyer left me his business card and a note with words of gratitude at the service entrance to me – he was delighted with what he saw!

I make masks for hair with oil (burdock, aloe) and with B vitamins, for my face I use creams, I drink vitamins and, of course, I make foot baths. I love the bathhouse very much.

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