The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

Fountains are an indispensable component of city parks and squares. These elements of architecture have a very narrow specialization – they are created for decoration, and their construction is driven only by the aesthetic component. Fountains are designed to give coolness on a hot day, as well as joy and smiles. There are fountains with which various stories and traditions are associated. There are those that glorify their city and are famous far beyond its borders. Well, now we will discuss those water structures, which are simply breathtaking and by which it is impossible to pass without emotions. So, the most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world. Let’s turn on the pressure!

10 Whirlpool Fountain “Charybdis”, Sunderland, UK

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

Despite the fact that the fountain from Sunderland is named after the mythological monster, it does not carry any danger. On the contrary, “Charybdis” serves as a source of impressions and positive emotions for locals and tourists. The design of the fountain is made of transparent acrylic, and filtered water circulates inside. The main feature of “Charybdis” is that every 15 minutes an air-vortex flow is formed inside the cylinder, through which a funnel is formed. As a result, the viewer observes a real whirlpool, and the action is presented in the best possible way for the eyes due to the special configuration of the fountain.

9. Singing Fountain, Dubai, UAE

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

The unique fountain is located next to the equally unique Burj Khalifa skyscraper in the very center of Dubai. Let’s give just a few figures so that you understand what we are talking about. 275 meters – the length of the fountain; 150 meters – the height of the water jet; 83 tons – the amount of liquid regularly above the surface; 6600 spotlights – optical component. In addition to all this, the fountain has at its disposal several dozen high-quality musical compositions, as well as generators and gas nozzles for visualizing fire and smoke. In general, the spectacle is truly grandiose and magnificent – believe me that everyone will remember it for a lifetime!

8. King Fahd Fountain, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

In fact, this design is the most powerful hose in the world. Despite the fact that for some reason the King Fahd Fountain is not listed in the Guinness Book of Records, it is the absolute world leader in terms of the height of the ejected water jet. This can hardly be imagined, but the water rises above ground level by … 312 meters! What power should be the equipment inside the structure, if only almost 19 tons of liquid is constantly in the air. The Fahd Fountain has another feature: unlike most of its “colleagues”, which work on filtered water, it is able to function by circulating liquid directly from the sea.

7. Volcano Fountain, UAE

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

As we can see, the Arabs are great experts in unusual fountains and the effects that these water units are endowed with. Next in line is a construction from the United Arab Emirates, made in the form of a whole volcano. During the day, the fountain is not particularly remarkable, but when the sun goes down, all the fun begins. In particular, a unique illumination is activated inside the body, which gives the fountain such a bewitching appearance of a real volcano during the eruption. The water flowing out of the “vent” like lava is also highlighted. A stunning effect daily gathers thousands of eyes of both children and adults near the fountain.

6. Clock Fountain, Osaka, Japan

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

Indeed, in Osaka, Japan, for the answer to the topical question “What time is it?” you can safely turn to … the fountain. And rest assured, he will do an excellent job. The thing is that many technologies were involved in the construction of this unusual fountain. Specially directed thin water jets, LED lighting and a built-in digital printer are the secret of our smart fountain. Time is displayed every minute in the form of huge numbers, literally flowing down. So that the readings of the chronometer do not bore the viewer’s eye, various patterns and inscriptions are also used in the illumination.

5. Fountain “Dandelion”, Kyiv, Ukraine

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

The next fountain from our rating is located on the Independence Square of the Ukrainian capital. Indeed, the configuration of the water pipes is very reminiscent of a faded dandelion. It would seem that the design here is quite everyday, if not banal. However, the fountain is a huge success both among the Ukrainians themselves and among tourists. Especially the children liked the water attraction, instantly sticking around it from all sides. Did you take a closer look? Agree, the truth is there is some charm in this simplicity. Yes, and a continuous water shell, enveloping the “dandelion” like a sphere, still looks impressive and attractive.

4. Sculpture-fountain “Metamorphoses”, USA

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

America has its own amazing fountain. But this time the water flow fades into the background. The design is based on a semantic sculpture in the form of a 7-meter human head, consisting of many metal mirror plates. Rotating in a chaotic order, the elements give rise to various images – there are several of them. These are the very metamorphoses referred to in the title. Regardless of the shape of the head, the plates are folded into, a jet of water is always formed in the mouth area, circulating on an ongoing basis. It all looks impressive, and near the fountain is almost never empty.

3. Fountain “God the Father on the Rainbow”, Stockholm, Sweden

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

Stockholm was known not only as the birthplace of Carlson, but as the location of an extremely curious fountain. The composition is called “God the Father on the Rainbow”, which again sends us to ancient tales and legends. The fountain pipe, on the edge of which God is located, placing stars in the sky, is made in the form of half a rainbow. The role of the second part is assigned to a stream of water, the pressure of which is adjusted very precisely with the intent that the rainbow as a result looks harmonious and holistic. Such a spectacular idea, owned by Carl Milles, was implemented in 1995 by his student named Marshall Fredericks.

2. Blood Fountain, Swansea, Wales

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world


The fountain, functioning on the Castle Square in Swansea (Wales), is unremarkable for 356 days a year. No, of course, he is handsome, but without his features, he would definitely not fit into our hit parade. So, the fact is that every year from March 1 to March 9 (spring in Wales begins on the day of St. David of Wales), the water in this fountain turns into a rich bright red color, giving rise to a rare and unique spectacle. At first glance, it may seem that real blood circulates in front of us. However, do not worry, the effect is achieved through dyes. Nevertheless, the action is beautiful to eerily!

1. Magic Fountain “Crane hanging in the air”, Spain

The most beautiful and unusual fountains in the world

Our rating is crowned by an architectural creation from Spain. The fountain is made in the form of an open faucet with water suspended in the air without any supports. Manna from heaven, not otherwise! In fact, the design of the fountain is a unique design solution and engineering implementation. The “magic” of a hanging faucet is hidden just in the powerful and noisy pressure of water – we are talking about a transparent pipe, on which the faucet actually relies. Agree, brilliant idea. Needless to say, the fountain was simply doomed to success and wild popularity, which is confirmed every year. By the way, in many parts of the world there are analogues of the famous Spanish crane, built on the same principle.

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