The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

Bridges are a forced measure and are often boring and gray structures, completely devoid of architectural delights. However, there are also such bridges that attract the eye, which have their own aura and a special spirit, and which everyone has simply seen at least in the picture. It is to these structures that our today’s rating is dedicated. So, the ten most beautiful bridges. Many of them are real symbols of the areas where they are located. Shall we start?

10 Vasco da Gama (Portugal)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

And we will start immediately with the ex-record holder. The fact is that the Vasco da Gama bridge from Portugal just a month ago resigned as the longest European bridge, giving way to the construction in the Crimea. The total length of the Lisbon bridge is 17.2 kilometers (against 19 Crimean ones). The first cars passed through Vasco da Gama on March 29, 1998. It is symbolic that exactly 500 years have passed since the discovery of the waterway from Europe to India by the great navigator. The design is so grandiose that during construction, the engineers took into account the spherical shape of the Earth (if the Portuguese had not observed this condition, the bridge would have been somewhat skewed).

9. Pont du Gard (France)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

The legendary Pont du Gard aqueduct in France is a building from the times of the ancient Roman Empire. The most recent research has shown that the bridge was built in the middle of the 47st century AD. The three-tier construction makes the Pont du Gard quite high (the bridge rises 275 meters relative to the horizon), while the length of the structure is 50 meters. Interestingly, for its original purpose, the aqueduct was not used for too long. Gradually, the Pont du Gard was retrained as a bridge for carts, and in the mid-5s of the XNUMXth century it ceased to function at all, turning into a monument. By the way, the bridge on the XNUMX euro banknote is nothing but the Pont du Gard.

8. Akashi-Kaikyo (Japan)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

It so happened that sad circumstances caused by the elements of nature intervened twice in the fate of Akashi-Kaikyo. One of them, by the way, became the final argument for the need to build this bridge. The fact is that once during a storm two ferries sank here (before the construction of the bridge there was a ferry), taking 168 lives with them to the bottom. The second time, Mother Nature made the task of engineers more difficult by moving one of the pylons by 1 meter by means of an earthquake. Thus, all initial calculations were violated. And yet in 1998, Akashi-Kaikyo was opened to the first cars. By the way, the building is a champion – after all, it is the longest suspension bridge in the world.

7. Rialto (Italy)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

Unlike our previous heroes, the Rialto is not a grand structure, but a small footbridge. The structure of outstanding appearance connects the two banks of the Venetian Grand Canal and has a length of only 48 meters. Surprisingly, even such a miniature bridge is not fully reserved for the crossing of people. Right inside there are shops selling souvenirs and other tourist stuff. The history of Rialto dates back to 1588, when it was decided to build a stone bridge at the narrowest point of the Grand Canal. Well, what can I say, for 4 centuries the construction has perfectly preserved not only strength, but also its original appearance.

6. Brooklyn Bridge (USA)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

The legendary bridge connects two so-called boroughs of New York – Brooklyn and Manhattan. According to its structure, the structure is a suspension bridge, and at the time of opening (and this, for a moment, 1883) it had the longest suspension span in the world. It provides for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In addition, it is possible to travel by bicycle. It is interesting that the cars drive on the sides, while the pedestrian zone is organized exactly in the middle of the canvas (and with a noticeable overestimation). In 2006, repairmen discovered a curious greeting from the 50s in the construction of the bridge – in one of the pylons, a whole bomb shelter with food and medical supplies was classified.

5. Henderson Wave Bridge (Singapore)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

Despite the sophisticated design and extremely unusual configuration, the Henderson Waves Bridge is a rather impressive structure. Its length is as much as 274 meters, and the structure rises 36 meters above the ground. However, enough statistics. It seems impossible not to fall in love with this architectural masterpiece. The inside of the bridge is finished with special Balau wood inserts, which, combined with warm LED lighting, makes Henderson Waves a very atmospheric place. In the mornings, there are many joggers here, during the day families with children walk here, in the evening the bridge is filled with a romantic aura – couples in love come here.

4. Tower Bridge (UK)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

Of course, we could not but include in this list one of the symbols not only of London, but of the whole of Great Britain. Not so long ago, the Tower Drawbridge celebrated its 120th anniversary, and during this time a lot of interesting facts about this structure have accumulated. For example, initially each pylon had a spiral staircase inside and a pair of elevators for lifting and descending to the upper tier during a divorce, but people preferred to wait until the bridge was brought down. In 1912, an aviator named McClean sent his biplane between the tiers of the Tower Bridge. The forced stunt was successful. And 40 years later, another stuntman involuntarily, being a bus driver, no less successfully jumped on his transport from one wing to another.

3. Viaduct Millau (France)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

Our next hero also did not pass the record. Officially, the Millau Viaduct in France is considered the highest transport bridge in the world. Moreover, it is important to note that we do not mean the height at which the tier is located (here Milhaud loses to some other representatives), but the structure as a whole. The decisive role in our case is played by the Millau pylons, the length of the highest of which is 343 meters. Just think about it – it’s taller than the whole Eiffel Tower! Of course, in this scenario, the bridge looks extremely impressive. The 2.5-kilometer canvas for the movement of cars at the highest point reaches a level of 270 meters (you can imagine the view from the passenger window).

2. Old Bridge (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

The smallest bridge in our today’s rating. Its length is only 30 meters, and its width is 4. However, this is just the case when size does not matter. The amazing beauty of the bridge is achieved through configuration and location. At the top, the canvas has an angular shape, while at the bottom of the tier a perfect semicircle is formed. An additional effect is given by the fact that the bridge hangs over the Neretva River at a height of 24 meters. This was also the reason for the emergence of a peculiar tradition: for more than 300 years, jumps from the Old Bridge have been in the order of things here. Not so long ago (in 1968), the fun acquired an official status, and now every year at the end of July competitions are held here.

1. Anshun (China)

The most beautiful and unusual bridges in the world

China is often associated with antiquity. So our stone hero is no exception, because the bridge called Anshun was known at least in the XIII century. Marco Polo will not let you lie – in fact, this man described the bridge in all colors more than 700 years ago. However, structures as strong as Anshun need help. In 1980, the bridge reached such a deplorable state that it barely survived another flood. Restoration work began in 2003, and the main goal of the restoration was the original appearance of Anshun. The task was completed, and now the bridge is a cult place, gathering around it dozens of cafes and shops for tourists.

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