The most amazing places on the planet

The most amazing places on the planet amaze with their beauty and once again make it clear what a fantastic artist nature is. Many corners of our vast planet look so amazing that doubt involuntarily creeps in – are they not the fruit of a masterful photoshop?

10 haiku stairs

The most amazing places on the planet

haiku stairs is one of the most amazing places on the planet. It is located on the island of Oahu, which is part of the Hawaiian archipelago. The Haiku Staircase, otherwise known as the Stairway to Heaven, is a beautiful hiking trail that originates in the Haiku Valley and goes straight up to the very top of Mount Pu’ukeahiakaho. The unique scenic trail consists of 3992 steps and is over 850 meters high. The Haiku Staircase runs right over the tops of the small mountains and offers a breathtaking view of the valley from its steps.

The wooden staircase was built in the last century to lay cables for the US Navy base in Hawaii and then forgotten for many years. In 2003, it was put in order and now lovers of extreme tourism come to Oahu to test their strength, climbing to the very top of the stairs to heaven.

9. Les Hallerboss

The most amazing places on the planet

One of the most amazing places on Earth hallerboss forest. A small beech forest with an area of ​​​​5,5 km² is located in Belgium, not far from Brussels. It is known for the fact that in the spring it transforms into one of the most wonderful and magical places on the planet. At this time, the Hallerboss covers a carpet of blooming forest bluebells. An ultramarine sea of ​​flowers rubs deep into the forest, decorating the valleys. Wild hyacinths (bells) have been growing here for many centuries.

8. porcelain desert

The most amazing places on the planet

One of the most amazing and unusual places on the planet – porcelain desert (White Sands Desert). It is located in New Mexico, between the Rio Grande and the Sacramento mountains.

The Porcelain Desert was formed millions of years ago, during the Cretaceous period. The ancient sea on the site of the modern desert eventually turned into many salty reservoirs. They also gradually evaporated, leaving behind deposits of table salt and selenite. The snow-white dunes of the Porcelain Desert are an unforgettable sight.

7. australian barrier reef

The most amazing places on the planet

australian barrier reef – one of the most amazing and beautiful places on Earth. Coral reefs are incredibly picturesque creations of nature, striking with a variety of bright colors and a riot of life. The Great Barrier Reef is a unique, constantly evolving organism that occupies a vast territory. Its length is more than 2500 kilometers. The reef consists of about 900 coral islands and 3000 individual reefs. The amazing underwater world of coral islands attracts thousands of tourists. The big reef is very fragile, so special rules have been developed for those wishing to visit this amazing place.

6. stone forest

The most amazing places on the planet

stone forest is one of the most amazing places on the planet. Limestone rock ledges that form a stone forest are located in Madagascar, in the Tsingy de Bemaraha Nature Reserve. Rocks formed over millions of years. The rains eroded the limestone and chalk deposits until they turned into rocks and gorges. Some of the limestone spiers reach a height of 70 meters.

5. Takinoue Park

The most amazing places on the planet

Takinoue Park is a real paradise for flower lovers and one of the most amazing places on Earth. Takinoue Park is located on the island of Hokkaido and is famous for the fact that almost its entire territory of 100 square meters is occupied by a carpet of pale pink tiny flowers. Many paths lead through the park, walking along which and breathing clean mountain air, you can admire the stunning beauty of the view. The flowering time is in May and lasts until June.

4. Lake Uyuni

The most amazing places on the planet

One of the most amazing places on the planet is located in Bolivia. At an altitude of 3650 meters above sea level is the largest salt marsh in the world – Uyuni. This is a dried-up salt lake, which during the rainy season is covered with a thin layer of water and turns into a perfectly flat mirror surface.

Uyuni, due to its flat surface and its huge size, is used to calibrate satellites. Salt reserves in the salt marsh are more than 10 billion tons. Here is one of the largest deposits of lithium.

3. Lake Hillier

The most amazing places on the planet

The lake is one of the most amazing places on the planet. Hillierwhose waters are pink. There is an unusual body of water in Australia, on the island of Middle Island. The lake, surrounded by a coastal strip of sand and eucalyptus forest, is unusually beautiful. Unlike other salt lakes, the pink color of the water in the reservoir never changes. The lake is less than half a kilometer from the Indian Ocean.

The unusual pink color of the water, according to scientists, is given by microorganisms and algae living in the lake. But the exact explanation for the amazing color of the water of Lake Hillier has not yet been received.

2. Mount Roraima

The most amazing places on the planet

At the junction of three states (Guyana, Brazil and Venezuela) there is a fabulous plateau – a dining room Mount Roraima. This is one of the most amazing places on the planet. The plateau reaches a height of 2723 meters, and on its surface many unique plant species grow and relict animals live, such as Quelcha’s oreophrinella, which curls into a ball when threatened. But first of all, Roraima is famous for the fact that breathtaking fantastic landscapes open up from its height. Clouds are constantly swirling over the top of the mountain, giving the plateau a mysterious look. Mount Roraima inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write his famous adventure novel The Lost World.

1. Waitomo Caves

The most amazing places on the planet

In New Zealand are waitomo caves, which are rightfully considered one of the most amazing places on Earth. The complex of limestone caves is interesting in itself, but it gained fame thanks to the tiny creatures that live here Arachnocampa Luminosa – mushroom mosquitoes, which in New Zealand are called fireflies. The phosphorescent light emitted by thousands of insects creates amazing light installations on the walls of the caves. The glow of fireflies turns the ceiling of the caves into a starry night sky.

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