The most accurate early pregnancy test

Now on the free market there are tests that allow you to determine pregnancy in the early stages. A reliable result can be obtained already a week after the conception has occurred, since the devices are highly sensitive to the hCG hormone. Tests for the diagnosis of early pregnancy can determine it even when the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is 10 mIU / ml. As a rule, such a concentration of hCG is observed already seven days after conception.

To understand on what day you can first perform the test, you need to remember the date when unprotected intercourse occurred. Seven more days are added to this day and testing is carried out. Thus, you can not wait for the first day of delayed menstruation, but find out about your situation in advance.

When the egg was fertilized in the middle of the cycle, then the first time the test can be performed after 7 days, and not wait until two weeks have passed (if the cycle consists of 28 days). If conception happened 1-3 days before the onset of menstruation, then the first time the test can be performed no earlier than 4 days after the delay in menstruation. These calculations are based on the fact that early pregnancy test systems can detect it 7 days after conception. In this case, the phase of the menstrual cycle or the duration of the delay in the next menstruation does not matter.

All tests that are highly sensitive are modern instruments that are very easy to operate. They are included in the group of inkjet tests, which makes them easier to use. Manufacturers guarantee a reliable result in 99% of cases.

Early pregnancy tests are available under brands such as ClearBlue, Evitest, Frautest, Sezam, Duet, Femitest jet ultra, Clear view and Ultra. They give a guaranteed reliable result, therefore, depending on their preferences, a woman can choose the device she likes the most. The difference between them lies in their design, for example, you can find tablet or electronic tests, as well as in the display of the result and minor nuances of use.

All of these tests respond to human chorionic gonadotropin in urine starting at 10 mIU/ml. If the device has a reduced sensitivity, then the manufacturer must indicate this on the packaging with the product, for example, 20 mIU / ml or 25 mIU / ml. It should be understood that only tests that are highly sensitive to hCG, that is, tests marked 10 mIU / ml, can diagnose pregnancy until the first day of delayed menstruation has come.

Test types:

  • Tablet Tests represented by a flat cassette with two windows. A few drops of urine are introduced into one of them using a pipette, and the result appears in the other window. If the test produces 1 strip, then there is no pregnancy, and if 2 stripes, then the pregnancy has occurred.

  • Inkjet tests represented by a plastic cassette having an elongated shape. On one side of the device is a plastic tip that must be placed in the urine. The test result appears in the window, which is located directly on the device itself. The test can be placed under a stream of urine, or a sensitive tip can be immersed in it. The result will be in the form of stripes.

  • Electronic tests to determine pregnancy – these devices are always equipped with a digital display. At one end of the test is a tip that is placed in the urine, and at the other end of the device is a USB port. The tip is exposed to a stream of urine, after which the result is displayed on a digital display. To obtain additional information (for example, the date of conception of the child), the test must be connected to a personal computer.

Which pregnancy tests are the most accurate?

The most accurate are pregnancy tests, the sensitivity of which is 10 mIU / ml. As a rule, these are inkjet digital tests that are able to show the result 4 days before the start of the next menstruation. Manufacturers note that you can get a guaranteed reliable result (99% accuracy) if you test 2 days before the expected period. When the test is performed earlier, the percentage of accuracy of the result is reduced.

The undoubted advantage of all such devices is that they can be used to determine pregnancy in the early stages. However, you will have to pay more for them than for regular tests.

The ClearBlue digital test can be called the most affordable device and giving the most reliable result.

The most modern and advanced test is the Pteq diagnostic system. This is a digital device equipped with a USB connector. The test result can be seen after connecting the device to the computer. At the same time, you will have to pay about 18 dollars for such a novelty.

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