The mosquitoes that are now stinging us – of the pasture grass species – hatched from eggs laid even a few years ago. Due to recent heavy rains – the eggs found their way to water reservoirs and they could develop larvae – says entomologist Dr. Aleksandra Gliniewicz.
- There are 49 species of mosquitoes in Poland, but not all of them are a threat to humans
- The most popular in our country is Aedes vexans, i.e. the pasture excitement that is making itself felt right now
- Male mosquitoes feed on the nectar of flowers. Human blood is needed by females – it contains proteins needed for egg development
- Komarzyce is suffering from pastureland and they lay their eggs in humid places – e.g. on the banks of river backwaters, where they can survive there for up to several years
A specialist from the NIPH-PZH says in an interview with PAP that we have 49 species of mosquitoes in Poland. However, different species like different species of animals – mammals and birds. “So not all species of mosquitoes are interested in humans” – he points out.
Pasture Snore: the most popular mosquito in Poland
Among the mosquito species that bother us so much in July, there are, among others Aedes vexans. The researcher says that mosquitoes of this species lay their eggs in humid places – e.g. on the banks of river backwaters. These eggs are not afraid of drought or winter. They can survive there for several years. However, as soon as water – e.g. heavy summer rains in June or July – washes the eggs and they enter the water reservoir, they develop larvae, from them – pupae, and then – adult mosquitoes.
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«The Aedes vexans that are bothering us now do not have to be from this year’s eggs. They are the descendants of females who drank their blood a few years ago and then laid their eggs »- explains the entomologist.
Mosquitoes don’t drink blood. Komarzyce do it
This does not mean, however, that the offspring of mosquitoes, which drink our blood this summer, will only appear in the following seasons. A new generation of mosquitoes may well appear this summer – provided there is enough rainfall in the following weeks to wash the eggs into water reservoirs. However, if the following weeks of summer are dry, the larvae may not appear until the next season.
The researcher points out that the mosquito neither bites nor bites nor stings. Due to the structure of the mouthparts of these insects, it should rather be said that the mosquito stings.
And even more precisely – we are stung by mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes feed on the nectar of flowers and do not need blood. It is different with females. When the female goes hunting, she is already copulating. On its own, however, it is not able to produce all the elements needed for the development of eggs. And for this, mosquitoes need proteins that are in our blood.
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A female mosquito injects saliva into the puncture site, incl. so that the blood it sucks through a thin tube (suction cup) does not clot. The bubble that forms at the site of the sting is the body’s reaction to damage and the compounds contained in the insect’s saliva. “It is our body that produces substances that create inflammation there, which itches us” – says the researcher.
Will the tiger mosquito finally reach Poland?
“My method of dealing with this itching is to put something cold to the blister – for example something from the refrigerator, a piece of ice or pour a stab with cold tap water” – says Dr. Gliniewicz. He mentions that insect stings soothing preparations available in pharmacies, drugstores, menthol paste or aloe leaf compress may prove effective.
- A smell that mosquitoes hate. They will stay away
PAP asked the entomologist whether new species of mosquitoes may appear in Poland due to climate change. «I see a risk both in climate change and in globalization processes. It may happen, after all, that we unknowingly bring with us an unknown species of mosquito from a trip abroad »- he says. However, he explains that one swallow does not make spring – it is still a long way from one mosquito to settle here. For mosquitoes to multiply, they need conditions that are favorable enough for successive generations of mosquitoes to develop within one summer. And it’s not that simple.
When asked about the tiger mosquito, which spreads many dangerous diseases around the world, the NIPH-NIH expert replies: “In Poland, the appearance of the tiger mosquito has not been confirmed yet. However, this species is already present in some countries of Western Europe – in Spain, France, Italy, and recently even in Belgium, Germany, Slovakia »- he says. (PAP)
Author: Ludwika Tomala
Read also:
- Mosquitoes and ticks hate this smell. It is also effective against fleas and animals
- The most effective remedy for mosquitoes and ticks. Scientifically proven performance
- What attracts mosquitoes? And how to scare them off with home remedies?
- Mosquito, tick, spider – what to do when it bites? Quick reaction is what counts!