Do you know the situation when you relax with friends, have fun all evening, and in the morning only you have a headache? And it seems to me that the point here is not superpowers or the quality of alcohol.
I have long noticed a pattern between alcohol tolerance and date of birth. Somewhat puzzled that the sign of the zodiac can affect the hangover, but accidentally stumbled upon the horoscope of alcoholic beverages.
And here I was even more surprised – almost everything coincided!
What alcohol is suitable for zodiac signs
I myself noticed that the more temperamental the person, the higher the degree of the chosen drink. For example, for Aries, the best option is vodka and cocktails based on it.
Social Taurus often choose traditional beer, which relaxes, but allows you to control the situation. The female version is a cider with a pleasant fruity sourness. In my male opinion, this is the perfect option for a bachelorette party.
Many have already tried the quince and pear based cider, but my wife prefers the traditional apple cider.
At a tequila party, Geminis are more likely to light up. Drinking alone is not for them, and endurance allows them to celebrate until the morning with dancing on the table. Strong alcohol pushes them to completely insane acts.
Crayfish light cocktails are tuned to a minor row. Immortal mixed gin and tonic allows you to relax, feel confident. So, one of my friends turned into an imposing macho in an hour, but you shouldn’t pour more than the norm – he becomes a terrible bore.
Former business partner, Leo according to the horoscope, preferred elite drinks – cognac, champagne, whiskey. Expensive-rich – it’s about him. And no cocktails – only in its purest form. At the same time, he does not know the measure, easily loses control.
Reasonable Virgo chooses white wine. Indifferent to Martini (Martini) and light cocktails based on vermouth. The perfect vacation for my friend Virgo is the sun setting below the horizon, and she is with a glass of Bianco sunrice (Bianco Sunrise).
Libra from my environment are very reasonable people, some work as a manager, some as a lawyer. They prefer alcohol according to their mood, often it is whiskey or several glasses of Manhattan (Manhattan).
I love meeting bartenders, and the best of them are Scorpios. The ideal alcohol for them is expensive cognac.
Sagittarius in any company chooses champagne. Light sparkling drink corresponds to the temperament of the fiery sign, allows you to enjoy an exquisite taste and not get drunk.
I noticed that among Capricorns there is a tendency to refuse hard liquor. But even my octogenarian grandma can skip a couple of shots of scotch a few times a year.
Particularly pleased Aquarius, who have no attachment to a particular drink. They are always in search of new flavors, they prefer mixes based on rum – Daiquiri (Daiquiri), Pina colada (Pina colada), May tai (Mai tai).
During their student years, they often gathered at the apartment of one writer. He, Pisces according to the horoscope, through alcohol was looking for inspiration and freedom from gray everyday life. Absinthe helped him get away from measured everyday life.
Absinthe (Absinthe) favorite drink of Ernest Hemingway
Water element
I have not met adventurers among the water signs. If they come to the bar, the order sounds standard from year to year. Experiments are not for them, they don’t want to take risks, try new things at all.
Everything is very boring and conservative. In their home bar you can find a standard set – cognac, champagne and whiskey.
Cancer, in general, is a slave to his habits, if he tried low-alcohol cocktails in his youth, then he will continue to choose them. Pisces and Scorpios love high-grade drinks, so that they immediately drink and relax.
And they tolerate alcohol quite well, however, you need to be careful. If the next day they start to hangover, they can go into a binge. They do not recognize their own demons, and therefore do not try to fight them.
air element
If among your friends there are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, you definitely won’t be bored. Adventurers in life, they easily find adventure, especially after a series of shots. Mood people – today they order exclusive champagne, and tomorrow they are ready to taste homemade cognac or moonshine.
They often suffer from a hangover, because in a fit of fun they may not calculate their own strength. The main medicine for them after any party is to get enough sleep. Hang out wisely. In drinking bouts are not seen.
By the way, air signs can easily prepare any cocktail, but it’s not worth the risk, as a rule, they mix by eye. They prefer to switch from strong to weak drinks, and not vice versa.
fire element
I love feasts with representatives of fiery signs. These are the true stars of the holiday, who are always on “you” with alcohol.
Aries need to control themselves, one, two, three glasses of vodka, and a thirst for adventure wakes up. Lions simply adore a beautiful picture, the entourage itself is more important to them. To drink whiskey with ice, he needs company, so that everyone admires His Majesty.
Sagittarius alcohol gives a sense of celebration. A few glasses of champagne are enough for them to call a gypsy with a bear or go “to the rooms”!
Fire signs need to control their impulses. If they don’t want to drink today, then it’s best to stay away from drunken friends.
Earth element
It is difficult to call them connoisseurs of elite drinks. A refreshing beer or cider is usually preferred. In a harsh male company, it can be whiskey or vodka. Big fans of sparkling wines – Prosecco (Prosecco), Franciacorta (Franciakorta).
Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus drink without much enthusiasm. Get drunk rarely, but aptly. It’s better not to start.
Watching friends and relatives, to be honest, there are hits. Unless, of course, we do not take into account the ardent opponents of alcohol, who prefer to sit in a pleasant company sober.
Do your drinking preferences match the predictions of the stars?