The Ministry of Health introduces rationing of two drugs. Who can buy Arechin and Plaquenil?
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Arechin and Plaquenil drugs will not be available to anyone who wants to buy them at a pharmacy from today until further notice – this decision was made by the Ministry of Health. These preparations may be useful in combating COVID-19 disease, which is why the Ministry of Health wants them to go primarily to hospitals.

Changing the availability of Arechin and Plaquenil

«The Minister of Health, taking into account the epidemiological situation in Poland, informs that from April 2, 2020 until further notice, using the powers granted by the Act of March 2, 2020 on special solutions related to the prevention, counteraction and combating of COVID-19 , other infectious diseases and the crisis situations caused by them (Journal of Laws, item 374, as amended), introduces rationing of Arechin (Chloroquinum) and Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquinum) drugs »- we read on the website of the Ministry of Health.

The announcement of the Ministry of Health says that it is forbidden to prescribe and dispense Arechin and Plaquenil in a generally accessible pharmacy or pharmacy in the indications: COVID-19 or supportive treatment in beta coronavirus infections such as SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARSCoV-2. Patients with COVID-19 will only be able to use these drugs in or under the supervision of hospitals.

Arechin (with a 30% fee) will be available only in reimbursement indications, and Plaquenil – in accordance with the indications set out in the summary of the medicinal product and in the event that the recipient is entitled to a lump sum payment (in the form of the so-called individual reimbursement).

Those patients who use Arechin or Plaquenil in indications other than COVID-19 will be able to buy limited number of packages for 30 daysie 2 for Arechin and 1 or 2 for Plaquenil (depending on pack size).

A patient who receives a prescription should contact the nearest pharmacy by phone and reserve a medicine (provide the PESEL number and PIN number for the e-prescription, and a unique number identifying the prescription for the paper prescription).

MZ states:

In the case of the Arechin medicinal product, the pharmacist will order the drug directly from the manufacturer’s warehouse (Adamed Pharma SA pharmaceutical wholesaler), who will deliver the drug to the pharmacy in order to fulfill the prescription for a specific patient. However, in the case of the Plaquenil medicinal product, which is not registered in Poland, but is imported under the procedure of “intervention import”, the pharmacist will order the drug from a wholesaler that has been / will get permission to bring this drug to Poland. In this case, pharmaceutical wholesalers will supply Plaquenil to a generally accessible pharmacy, depending on the availability of the drug to Poland.

Read also:

  1. Antimalarial drug to treat COVID-19? French scientists are looking for answers
  2. Arechin returns to pharmacies. It will be available from April 2, 2020

Detailed indications for the purchase of Arechin and Plaquenil

According to the announcement of the Minister of Health of April 1, Arechin can be prescribed and dispensed to patients only in the following indications:

  1. malaria – prevention and treatment of acute attacks and maintenance treatment of malaria (malaria) caused by Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale and chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum strains, 
  2. amoebiasis and liver abscess induced by Entamoeba histolytica, usually in combination with intestinal anti-amoebiasis (chloroquine is used as a second-line treatment if metronidazole has not worked or is not available), 
  3. various forms of lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), chronic and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), 
  4. rheumatoid arthritis, 
  5. autoimmune diseases other than those specified in the summary of product characteristics, 
  6. late cutaneous porphyria. 

Plaquenil can be purchased in the following indications:

  1. rheumatoid arthritis, 
  2. various forms of lupus erythematosus, systemic, chronic and discoid lupus erythematosus, 
  3. prophylaxis of multiforme light rash, 
  4. mixed or undifferentiated connective tissue disease, 
  5. erythema nodosum, 
  6. annular granuloma, 
  7. various forms of lichen planus, 
  8. Sjögren’s syndrome, 
  9. systemic vasculitis, 
  10. dermatomyositis, 
  11. systemic or limited scleroderma, 
  12. autoimmune diseases other than those specified in the summary of product characteristics.

The editorial board recommends:

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