The Ministry of Health gives out prizes. There is one condition

As part of the Prevention 40+ program, 600 thousand people have been tested so far. Poles. According to the Ministry of Health, this is definitely not enough. Therefore, the program has been extended for another six months, and there are prizes for those who test it.

  1. The Prevention 40+ program launched a year ago was to help restore the health of Poles after the coronavirus epidemic
  2. 600 thousand people actively participated in it. people, although the health ministry was counting on a result at least three times higher
  3. To encourage a larger group of Poles, a lottery will be launched for those who sign up and do the research
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Prevention 40+ – rewards for self-examination

On July 1 last year, the Prevention 40+ program was launched by the Ministry of Health. Thanks to it, every Pole who has reached 40 years of age is to have access to a free diagnostic test package.

So far, almost 600 have benefited from the program. people. This number was considered unsatisfactory by the Ministry of Health, therefore the action, originally intended to run until the end of last year and extended until the end of June, was once again extended until December 31, 2022. Additionally, a lottery with prizes to be won was launched. All this to encourage Poles to care more for their own health.

– I am happy with these 600 thousand. people who, thanks to our program, could learn about their health, but it is still not enough. The minimum that we expect from Prophylaxis 40+ is 2 million tests – said Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski recently.

– At the turn of September and October, a lottery will be conducted for those who took part in the full survey, i.e. not only completed the questionnaire, but also performed the research – added Niedzielski.

The lottery prizes are to be sports cards providing access to sports facilities across the country.

Do you want to check your health? At Medonet Market, you will find both the Male Laboratory Test Package and the Female Laboratory Test Package.

Prevention 40+ has been in operation for a year

Prevention 40+ involves the implementation of free diagnostic tests in the form of packages dedicated separately for women and men and a joint package.

In order to participate in the program and perform health diagnosis tests, you need to complete an online questionnaire, which includes questions about how we live and what our self-image is. After completing the questionnaire, the IT system issues an e-referral for research automatically.

So far, the questionnaires were filled by 1,1 million people, but only 600 thousand. of them did the research.

What tests are included in the individual packages?

The research package for women includes: peripheral blood count with percentage formula and platelets, total cholesterol or lipid profile control, glucose concentration, liver function assessment (ALT, AST, GGTP – liver enzymes), creatinine, urinalysis, uric acid, fecal occult blood.

Package for men: peripheral blood count with percentage formula and platelets, total cholesterol or lipid profile control, glucose concentration, liver function assessment (ALT, AST, GGTP – liver enzymes), creatinine, urinalysis, uric acid, fecal occult blood and PSA (test for prostate cancer).

The joint package for women and men includes: blood pressure measurement, assessment of the regularity of the heart rhythm, measurement of body weight, height, waist circumference and calculation of the body mass index (BMI).

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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